Nirankar Srivastav, Department of Economics NEHU, Shillong -14


Research Publications:


October 1985 "Measurement of Sectoral Income and Employment Multipliers for the Economy of Uttar- Pradesh: an Application of Semi-closed Input-Output Model", Indian Journal of Economics, Vol. LXVI, PartII, No.261, 183-201


Oct.-Dec.1985 "Rural Poverty Eradication Program: Some Relevant Issues", NEHU Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. III, No.4, 89-92.


December1985"Quantitative Models of Educational and Manpower Planning with Special Reference to India", Frontiers of Input-Output Techniques, Part III: A, Input-Output Research Association, India, 133-147


December1985 "Effects of Income Redistribution Policy on the Economy of Uttar-Pradesh", Applications of Input-Output Techniques to Structural and Price Analysis, Input-Output Research Association, India, 135-148


1986         "Sectoral Inter-dependency and Identification of Key Sectors in U.P.'s Economy", Indian Journal of Regional Science, Vol. XVIII, No.1, 1-9


January 1986 "Changes in Socio-Economic Status of the Scheduled Caste Population in Rural Rajasthan 1961-81", Rajasthan Economic Journal, Vol.10, No.1, 65-73


January 1990 "The Problem and Causes of Environmental Disruption and Its Political Economy", Rajasthan Economic Journal, Vol.14, No1, 13-17.


1990         "Integrated Rural Development Program in Rural Meghalaya: a Critical Evaluation” in  Hill Area Development:  Issues and Perspective, (eds ), Rai, R.K.  et al, The Geographical Society of North Eastern Region, India,194-202,


1990        "Economics of Population Growth and Economic Development” in Population Awareness Series  (ed) Pandey, M.C. ,  Centre for Adult and Continuing Education, NEHU, Shillong, 19-24


April 1991   "An Evaluation and Inventory of Educational and Manpower Planning Models: An Up-dated Review" Journal of Educational Planning and Administration, Vol.V, No.2, National Institute of Planning and Administration in India, New-Delhi, 143-157


Oct-Dec 1991 "Measuring Incidence of Goods and Services Tax on the Households of New Zealand" The NEHU Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. IX, No.4, 1-16



1992 "Inequalities in New Zealand’s Personal Income Distribution 1983-84:  Measurement and Patterns" Income Distribution Series No.1, Social Policy Research Centre, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 1-28


1992              "The Problems, Causes of Environmental Disruption and its Political Economy” in Environmental Management, Vol. .I: Physio-Ecology Facets (eds) Rai, R.K.  et al, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 11-16


1995            “Public Administration of Rural Development in Meghalaya” in Theories

                         of Public Administration, (ed), Javaid, S., Sage Publications, India.


1996                      "Renewable Energy Options in North-Eastern India: Some Possibilities,

Hill Geographer, Vol. XIII, no.  1  & 2, GSNER (India),38-47


1997                    “Uchcha Shiksha Ki Ikai Lagat Ka Aaklan: Purovottar Parvatiya

Vishwavidyalya Ka    Adhyayan, Pariprekshya, Year 4, Issue1-

          4, April-August, 29-55


1998        "Some Trends of Research in Economics in North-Eastern India”, in Trends in Social Sciences and Humanities in India (1947-97), eds, Singh, J.P., et al, Regency Publications, New Delhi, 47-67


1999         "Need and Prospects of Alternative Energy Sources in North-East India, in Renewable Energy Resources and Its Management in North-Eastern India, (eds),  Athparia, R.P., et al, Reliance Publishing House, New Delhi, 1-11


2000          Survey of Research in Economics on North East India (1970-1990), Regency

Publications, New Delhi, India  (Book)


2002 “Elementary Education, Poverty and Gender Differentials in North-East India: Some Issues”, Journal of Educational Planning and Administration, XVI (3), 375-398.


2002 “Rural Non-farm Employment in India: Spatial Variations and Temporal Change”, The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 45(1), 745-758.


2002 Agricultural Transition in the Hill Areas of the North-Eastern Region, (ed.) Shillong: North-Eastern Economic Association.


2003 “Regional Disparities in Poverty Incidence and Levels of Living in India”, in Economic Liberalisation and Regional Disparities in India: Special Focus on North Eastern region, (eds) Mohapatra, A.C. and C.R. Pathak, Star Publishing House, Shillong, 42-76.


2003 “Unemployment in Northeast India: Some Issues”, in Economic Liberalisation and Regional Disparities in India: Special Focus on North Eastern region, (eds) Mohapatra, A.C. and C.R. Pathak, Star Publishing House, Shillong,  208-221.

2003          “Inter-sectoral Linkages in the Economy of Uttar Pradesh: A Graph Theoretic Approach” in S Singh et al. (eds) Environment, Location Decisions & Regional Planning, Shillong, The Geographical Society of North Eastern Region, 123-130.







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