now I don't know if you've seen the comic yet if you haven't click here (its mean it's shite and Offensive) but it just continues a long predudice against people that have sex with goats.
We must Liberate him from the predudices of these two evil, fachist people...
Look at him there innocent, happy, boring and hairy
Maybe you'll have seen them near your local primary school looking like this
Think of all the wonderful things Andaz has done for this planet
Did you know that as a child he was BATMAN.
That is until Gary glitter was sold down the river and then there was alot of heat on men that wore black spandex costumes so he decided to give it up.
Though he does miss the young red breasted birds
He later joined the power rangers
Hence, the title of the 'Power Rangers movie'  "the evil ooze". In which kids were 'chased by an evil ooze'.
So until you've saved the world many times ...
Leave it out!
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