1.  First and foremost, the NEGWA has instituted a "Three Roleplay A Week" rule.  You don't have to meet his limit each week, but it will help you to stay active.

2.  You must post at least one RP a week.  If there are weeks when you will not be home, or simply unable to roleplay, please e-mail one or all of the executives in advance, to let them know.

3.  We ask that you use good judgement in the planning of angles, writing of roleplays, and the such.  We will never ask you to censor yourself, however, if you are running a program that you think may offend people, we ask that you get feedback about the idea, and then decide if it will be bad in taste.

4.  ALL angles must meet the approval of not only all handlers involved, but also the management.

5.  Match segments, interviews, angles, etc., must be mailed to the writer of the card by midnight EST the evening before the card.

6.  Roleplay deadline is midnight EST the night before the card.

7.  You may never use another character in RP's without that persons consent.  This includes members of the management.

I know you guys probably don't like rules.  I know I don't.  They detract from the fun and the creativity of the handler.  The ones listed above are the only ones that stand currently.  Should you abuse or misuse them, more will be added.

Now that's out of the way,  click here to fill out your application!

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