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Hey all! This is a page where you can speak your mind about anything you see on this site! Stories, poems... Whatever. Freedom of Speech and say what you want!
Comments leave to either Claudia or Me.
Comment from Mai Lynn

Dear Claudia and Wreibv,
Dude! The hell is up with that retarded, asinine, pathetic excuse of a story for September 11?!? I mean, this site is great an' all for accepting ANYTHING, but you have to reject some pieces of shit, SUCH AS THAT STUPID ASS SEPTEMBER 11 FIC!! I mean, who in their right mind would write such a corny, sorry excuse of a fic? Oh, of couse it's the Harry Potter wannabe. *gags* C'mon Claudia and Wreibv, I thought yins had better sense than that! So do EVERYONE on the 'net a favor and delete that piece of trash, eh?! EH?!?
Forever more and insane,
Mai Lynn
Something this we should address: Comments by authors or visitors not reflect our views.
Our motto is "We'll accept anything; Even crap!"! That includes what other people send into this section, which is created for people to speak their minds! Freedom of Speech!
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