Chapter 7: The Haven

swifthrough-masses, sea-of-people sailing-silent-smooth, five-fingered discounts, light-hands, Zen-ing, breathing-flowing-meditative running-thinking-multi-task and things-unravel, string-ballmind finds loose-end-pull, see-one-two-three-more-countless-agents, smile-nodtwitch, stutterstep, turn, back alley GONE!

Pills booked down the dark narrow streets and in a fluid motion rapped a patterned "rat-a-tat-tat-tat" on the steel door and turned to slump to hide from any-onlookers.


"Aqualung" and in a flash in through a crack, he found his way into The Haven.  All was pitch-black as Pills weaved through in an instinctual waltz, avoiding holes, bear-traps, buzzers, and every other improvised security item.  Down the steps lightly and "30, 24, 62" so the door popped open, he slipped through, and the door shut behind.

In the flickering candlelight Pills looked round at his fellows; Stan was on the couch nursing his cognac, Phillip meditating in the middle of the cement floor in the lotus position, a large rosewood desk in the corner, and an otherwise empty room.

Pills emptied his pockets on the desk; wallet, gun, gum, handkerchief...

"Turned to thievery Pills?" Stan cocked an eyebrow inquisitively.

"Market crash and I need some cash Stanley" Pills didn't feel like explaining everything quite yet.

"C'mon, there're buyers everywhere, crack is selling like hotcakes."

"Heh, fine, personal reasons, I'll explain it later, ok?" Pills hoped that Stan knew that that meant "never you mind", he didn't need to know.  Pills just needed to plan.

The door behind him opened.  "Note for you'"

Pills read: "You can only hide so long.  Come out into the light mole, it's time to play."

Pills sat and thought, thought and sat; it wasn't a mystery, he just needed an angle of attack, he'd track one of the subordinates and find his way. He'd get Paul, he'd get out of the business, he'd enter the real world; work, wife, children, hate, love, respect, responsibility... out of the fantasy of dealing and instead dealing with feeling, not with destroying feeling, right?  You can only run so far before you feel the need to chase something yourself, right?

Pills screamed "You know what's in my fucking head!!"

Stan turned "Never"

"Me neither, but I'd like to find out.  I'm good at hiding, but it's time to see the light."

Philip stirred "I'm finding all sorts of things, melt the world a while." "Ohmmm..." Philip drifted back out.

Pills sat down like Buddha on the cold ground "I sit in the basement with my eyes shut to see the light" he smiled a little smile.
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