You don't know it
You don't know it's there.
You can't see it
You aren't blind but you can't see it.
You don't know it but I go to this place.
It's a hill.
I sit atop it and look down.
I see the lights that flicker across the sky and seem to disappear over the horizon.
I sit, green grass billows around me
I gaze
Millions of stars that know millions of secrets
From millions of people
I sit on this hill
I gaze
I see
I feel all that surround me while hands are neatly folded in my lap.
I sit here
The cool breeze and the sweet smell of the wind envelopes me.
I embrace the wind
The lights fade.
The houses glow like some ball of fire.
A ball of hell
Fire, straight from hell.
I sit mesmorized by all that surround me.
Gentle lapping of the creek behind me.
The breathtaking beauty of the form the jagged rocks below.
They all fasinate me.
I stand on this hill.
All that surrounds me.
I leave this hill
I float
I fly to the bottom
Breaking my trance
As the rocks break
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