Chapter 1

The morning sun peeked over the horizon, summoning the rooster�s wake-up call. The crowing awakened the occupants of the barn as they rose to begin their day. Another day on the Fa family farm had begun. Chickens bustled about, squaking for food and rounding up their young. From his paddock, Kahn whinnied, looking for his mistress. his boisterous whinny awakened Little Brother, who gave a mild yawn and rolled over to return to his glorious slumberland. Unfortunately for him, the horse�s persistent whinny was not to be ignored. Reluctantly, the dog stood, stretched and softly padded over to Mulan�s bedside. He nudged her softly to try to wake her, but with no success. Next he tried softly licking her hand. Her response was a soft moan and rolling over so her back was to him.

       Becoming frustrated, the little dog had no choice but to stand on his hind legs, place his front paws on her side and give the loudest yap he could muster. this time the results were plentiful. Startled by the yap, Mulan sat straight up in bed and rubbed her tired eyes. For a short moment she thought she was still in her small tent at camp Wu Zhong. However her memory came to her and she realized she was sitting in her own bed in her home. How good it felt to be in her own bed, in her own room. Home with her family, Kahn, Little Brother, who was now looking at her with a curious gaze in his large eyes, cocking his head to the side.

       Mulan smiled, patted the dog and stood. She walked to the window and stretched, smothering a yawn all the way. Yes, it was good to be home. The yawn persisted as she turned from the window and the bright sunlight. She should be used to waking early by now. Compared to the time Shang had ordered them up for training, this was heaven. Captain Li Shang. His very na me caused her to stop dead in her tracks. he had become her good friend over the course of events they had spent together. he had even eaten dinner with her family the night before after stopping to return her-or her father�s- helmet. Dinner had been very interesting to say the least. Most of the conversation revolved around the training and the war, but some personal information had found it�s way in. For the first time, Shang had openly grieved his father�s death. He and Mulan had walked around the garden after dinner and somehow the sorrow had just spilled out. They cried together for some time, just sitting together under the magnolia tree. That experience had brought them closer as friends.

       There had been other times when Mulan wanted to crawl under the table and never come out, such as the not-so-subtle hints her grandmother dropped about marriage and when Granny Fa had taken the complete liberty to regale Shang about Mulan�s not-so-perfect appointment with the matchmaker.

       Mulan crossed the room to pick up her hair comb. As she ran the instrument through her ebony hair, she pondered her relationship with the captain. Even though she knew they would probably never be any more than friends, she couldn�t deny the quirky attraction that she felt to him. Last night, her father had offered Shang the guest house so he could sleep the night and leave the next morning, as it was late and his village was a long way off. Shang had thanked him for his kind offer, but had politely declined, saying his sister was engaged and he must be home to help with wedding arrangements. Since his father wasn�t there, it was his duty now. The Fa family had nodded understandingly and wished him a safe return, along with another dinner invitation when he was in the area. He had nodded again, thanked them for a lovely evening, and said good-bye with a backward glance at M ulan as he left. Mulan had felt both relived and disappointed to see him go. She enjoyed seeing a different side of him, being able to talk about other things besides the war. Was it possible that he was attracted to her as well?

       �Mulan,� her father�s voice interrupted her thoughts, �come, breakfast is ready.� �Coming!� she called back as she put the finishing touches on her hair. As she walked towards the stairs, she caught a glimpse of herself in a nearby mirror and almost laughed. Even if by some strange coincidence Shang was attracted to her, it could never be. He could have any women he wanted. Why would he want her? �I don�t deserve him� she muttered. �he deserves so much more than me.� The thought almost brought tears. Quickly wiping her eyes, Mulan pushed all thoughts of him from her mind and made her way to the kitchen to have breakfast with the family she loved and knew would accept her unconditionally.
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