Chapter 3-The Nightmare Relived

As the train pulled into Hogsmeade Station, fat raindrops splattered against the windows.  The students pulled on their cloaks and grabbed their trunks.  Lexi, Harry, Ron and Hermione hurried to a carriage and climbed in.  "I still get creeped out by the thestrals," said Harry, wiping his glasses on his robes.  "Yeah, me too," Lexi replied.  The ride up to the castle was quiet.  All that could be heard were the raindrops 'plunking' off the carriages as the thestrals pulled them along.

Once inside, the four Gryffindors sat down at their table, waiting for the sorting hat ceremony to begin.  This year went quickly, however, not quickly enough.  Since Lexi had had the fight with her mother about Professor Snape, the day her father died replayed in her mind.  When Lexi looked up at the staff table, Professor Snape was looking at her, as if he were contemplating something.  The look sent a shiver up her spine and Lexi rushed out of the Great Hall, heading towards the staircase to Gryffindor Tower.  Harry was right behind her.  "Lexi, are you alright?" Harry asked as he ran up a flight of stairs trying to catch up with her.  Lexi turned to face him, tears streaming down her face.  "Oh Lexi, don't cry.  Please, tell me what's wrong," Harry said trying to calm Lexi.  Just as Harry pulled her into a tight embrace, Professor McGonagall appeared at the foot of the staircase.  "Mr. Potter, I advise you take Miss. Walker up to Gryffindor Tower." Professor McGonagall said.  "The password is gilliweed," she added quietly as to make sure no one else heard.

"Alright Professor.  Thanks." Harry said as he guided Lexi up the stairs and in no time the two stood in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady.  "Gilliweed," Harry said.  The portrait swung open and Harry and Lexi hurried inside.  A fire was glowing kindly in the fireplace.  Harry sat Lexi down next to it, and pulled a chair up across from her for himself.

"Lexi, please tell me what's wrong," Harry begged.  'He's a good boyfriend' Lexi thought.
"When I looked at Snape, I freaked," Lexi said wiping at her eyes.  "Why? I don't understand," Harry responded with a genuine look of pained interest.
"I suppose I better tell you everything from the beginning," Lexi said as she took a deep breath.

Lexi had been 2 when her father died.  His death was so unexpected that the mere thought of it produced tears of fear in Lexi's eyes, even 14 years later.  It had been a sunny afternoon in June.  June 18th to be exact.  Lexi's father, Christopher, had just finished giving Lexi her lunch.  The pair went into the den to read their daily afternoon storybook.  Lexi loved this time of day because she had her father all to herself.  That day, Christopher was animatedly reading "Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss.  Even though a Muggle wrote it, Lexi loved it.  The rhythm and the rhymes made her giggle uncontrollably whenever her father read it to her.  Suddenly, a noise outside made Christopher put down the book in the middle of a sentence.  At first he thought it was a bird.  'No, not a bird,' he told himself.  Then it happened.  A loud crash as the front door was sent off its hinges, the glass in the windowpanes shattering.  In seconds a tall figure, wearing a pitch-black cloak appeared in the doorway.  Behind him several others stood, all wearing pitch-black cloaks.  The man in the doorway did not wear a mask as the others did.  "Snape, what are you doing?" Christopher asked in shock.  Lexi knew that name. Whenever she heard her parents talking, they almost always mentioned the name Snape.  The man called Snape merely smirked and emitted an evil laugh.  "Don't move Walker.  This won't take but a minute," he said to Lexi's father.  Christopher didn't have time to react.  Before he could reach for his wand, Snape bellowed, "Avada Kadavra!"  Christopher let out a brief cry and then fell motionless to the floor.  By this time Lexi was bawling uncontrollably.  Shaking, she crawled over to her father's limp body and tried to bring him back to consciousness.  "Daddy, wake up.  Daddy!" she screamed.  Snape moved away from the dead man and the child trying unsuccessfully to 'wake up' her father.  "What are you doing Snape?" one of the other cloaked men asked.  "I do not kill children.  They are not important to this fight, you know that Lucious.  Think of your child," Snape answered.  At that, the group of hooded men left, leaving Lexi to mourn her father.  After what seemed like days (but had been only 30 minutes) Karen Apparated into the den.  "Alexandra let Daddy be," Karen said quietly so she wouldn't wake up her husband.  "Daddy not sleeping, "Lexi said in a quivering voice, "Daddy no wake up!"  The tears started again and Karen realized that her husband was dead and she was left to care for a 2-year-old daughter.  'Chris, how could you do this to me?' Karen thought to herself angrily.

"That's how it happened," Lexi finished.  Harry just sat across from her with a look of horror and pain.  "I haven't told that to anyone," Lexi confided.  "Oh Lexi," was all Harry could say.  He'd known Professor Snape was a death eater but he never knew he had actually killed for Voldemort.  Lexi got up and hugged Harry.  "Thank you.  I think I needed that," Lexi said in his ear.  "Lexi, I've got just one question.  Why did Snape kill your dad," Harry said, grabbing her wrist.  "My dad didn't support You-Know-Who," Lexi said simply.  "G'night Harry," Lexi said as she climbed the stairs to the girl's dormitory.  "Night Lexi, I love you," Harry responded.
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