Disclaimer: I do not own Kenshin, thus am making no profit from this piece of writing. I am also very, very poor. So you can try to sue me, but all you'll get is biscuits. Probably only biscuit crumbs.

WARNING: Rated R, for just about everything! See the first warning. You all probably know the drill by now. Actually, maybe I should go re-read the first warning, I don't even remember what I warned people about in this fic anymore. It'll start really needing warning in the next couple of chapters though (not really this one) so it'd be good to know.

Author's note: Sorry for the short delay - this chapter was going to be posted something like two days ago but FF.net and/or my internet connection was being temperamental so it was delayed somewhat. I would like to make an actual observation in this Author's note for a change. I have observed I get a lot more reviews when I express lack of confidence in this fic - when I said I was expecting flams, I got a lot of reviews, and when I said I thought a chapter might have been boring I got a lot of reviews. Thank you so much for your support! I guess this means people actually DO read my long-winded intros. Maybe I should display such nervousness more often. BTW, don't forget to review (smiles - I know, I'm so greedy).

Blah blah blah Response to Reviewers! (Blah):

Ms Jadey: I'll take the advice of a fellow writer to heart. Yes, we're all getting towards the larger story now - I haven't decided how many chapters this fic will be yet but we're beyond the halfway mark by now. We're looking at suspense chapters at the moment, so I do commend you on your observational abilities (It took me three hours yesterday to notice that my friend had dyed her hair bright red. I must be stupid or something. I mean, how COULD I miss that? Not that it has anything to do with anything here, so I'll stop now.) I'm not sure exactly whether the tension is really going to EXPLODE, but it's getting closer, I'll tell you that much. People will probably start guessing the ending soon. You're all getting closer and closer and it's freaking me out. Interesting that you comment on the the difference between Kenshin's view of Hiko, and Hiko's view of himself - in my last fic, Servitude (I got a review for that the other day, thank you LinaNverse - how long ago was that fic?) people kept saying the same thing, so I must enjoying writing about that or something. Anyhow, thanks for making the effort the review, your input means a lot to me. I'll always forgive you for being lazy because I'm a very lazy person too.

Vesca: I don't know, I know some of my alcoholic friends have lost almost entire days of their life and don't seem to even have a headache to show for it. Yes, poor Kenshin. It is classified as angst, after all. Heh heh.... I'm sure there are worse deshis. Though I really don't want to know the story behind the icky substances - the gluing to the chair thing never actually works in real life. My Japanese class was once known for up and relocating across campus when our teacher was late though. And for taking over teaching of the class while the teacher was there (we could speak better Japanese than our hopeless sensei anyway). Who knows, maybe Kenshin will get some revenge of his own sometime. Thanks for your review, it's always nice to see you pop back up around here.

Crazy Girl Person: Is it too thick to even chew yet? Heh heh heh, your reviews always give me a laugh. Comparing yourself to Hiko Seijuuro, though, maybe you really are a Crazy Girl Person. Thanks for your review, once again. It would be nice if everyone could churn out chapters at my speed and quality, yeah (stretches lazily - I'm so up myself). Nah, just kidding. I think being a speed typist is a great help. Not being able to write at work IS a bummer, but you are providing a great service working at a fast-food drive-through for all those people like me who can't cook. Though I still maintain that having to dress up in a stupid costume for promotions over Christmas is worse. Hope you get your stuff out soon, though, everyone's on the tenterhooks! (Does anyone actually KNOW what exactly a tenterhook is?) Yes, it is getting deep, thick, whatever you want to call it (too early in the morning for deep... ugh....) I maintain that my reviewers are becoming psychic is predicting the story - I might have to start changing things to throw you all off track. I will say nothing on evil drunk violent Hiko. You'll just have to wait and see. See you laters.

Kai: Thanks very much! Despite the major OOCness present in the story, I'm glad if I can manage to keep some of the characterisations accurate. Immensely glad to see you're still reading.

Sakura Alex: (Grabs a flag and joins in cheering). Even if you annoy the other reviewers you're always welcome here! You were on vacation? What lousy excuse is that?! Heh heh, I'm just so jealous. Though I can't complain, I've already been on my big adventure vacation for the year - but that was LAST year! Come on, bring on the stuff for this year already! Sorry, getting off track. (Laughs) Another great reviewer telling the read and runners where to go. Saves me having to do it. Thank you for your support (that sounds so stiff and formal), and hope you have a year full of happiness and joy and blah blah blah sake! (Takes a bow). I'll keep posting, no worries about that.

Emz: Gee, I hope you guys don't try and sue me if I really do give you heart attacks (though I doubt I would) - maybe I should put something in the disclaimer. Hmm, that gives me ideas.... how about that, you've become a muse! Great to see you're still with me on this one. Thanks for your review, though that maniacal grin is kinda scary.... (Off I go to perfect my megalomanical laugh to outdo you.)

Thanks again for everyone's support! Don't forget to review. I adore you all.


Chapter 7 - Righteous Hiko on Life

By Sinnatious


Kenshin blearily fought to stay awake, begging every Kami that might have been within earshot to let him get a decent amount of sleep that night. He'd struggled through the chores all day, too weary to even see straight - he even fell asleep into the laundry bucket for a whole two or three seconds. It had been another one of his incredibly rare moments of luck that Hiko had been lenient in training that day. It was possibly out of guilt for making him stay out all night, but more likely the man was preoccupied with why he completely forget to fetch his training student. Kenshin didn't care; he'd take every break he could get these days.

Dinner was foggy in his memory; he wondered if that was how his Shishou felt every day about the night before. Fortunately, the two of them rarely participated in any form of dinner conversation so the young swordsman's half-leave of senses apparently went unnoticed. Then after being berated for cracking one of the plates when he was washing up, he went and slumped against the wall, movements now simply sub-conscious and machine-like. Hiko only grunted when his student took up his regular position against the wall, taking a swig of sake and forcing himself to be patient.

Fighting to stave off sleep, Kenshin felt his head nodding.... nodding.....

No! He had to stay awake! If Hiko was in one of his angrier moods, he had to be awake to at least somewhat defend himself!

Kenshin's head and eyes snapped up and open. It took him a moment to compose himself, after which he was very surprised to find that Hiko Seijuuro the 13th was gone. As in completely. As in the aspiring swordsman couldn't sense his ki anywhere in the cabin.

"K'so!" he cursed reflexively. After all that, he'd fallen asleep! Who knew where the man was now?!

Exhaustion completely forgotten - or maybe it was simply the rejuvenation of an hour or so long catnap - Himura Kenshin sprang to his feet, ensuring he still had his katana, and checked all through the hut, even venturing into his Shishou's forbidden private quarters, to make certain his senses were not in error. But it was true. Hiko had vanished.

Running outside, he immediately spotted the erratic footprints of the larger man. So, he'd become drunk and wandered out, as he expected. What type of drunkard was he now, though? A sexually-inclined Hiko was not known for wandering off alone, more for dragging Kenshin off anywhere he thought was romantic or usually just straight to the futon. A violent Hiko could possibly decide to go beat something up to vent his frustrations, but usually that something was again Kenshin. Singing Hiko always stayed put, and didn't even leave his chair until he went to bed. A jovial Hiko, perhaps? Maybe he'd seen Kenshin was asleep, and decided to go elsewhere in search of an interesting drinking partner. It was possible, but no matter which it was, he had to bring his master back! He'd NEVER be able to explain why a whole of bunch of drinking buddies were sleeping outside their hut that morning, or corpses for that matter, depending on which Hiko had set off wandering.

Grinding his teeth together in frustration, the boy clenched his katana in his fist and began trudging off, following the freshest trail of footprints in the soft ground. Baka Shishou..... he was too tired to be chasing after a drunk swordmaster gallavanting around the countryside. Why by the kami had Hiko been the one to pick him up? Why couldn't some other NORMAL swordmaster have found him?

....Yet, he couldn't imagine his life without Hiko.

"Baka Kenshin," he muttered to himself. It was this same train of thought that was still keeping him from leaving when he'd been on the verge of it for some time. But a part of him couldn't simply run away from these problems; if Kenshin was going to leave, it was going to be for a reason, not to escape his master's drinking. Besides, if the man got drunk enough for long enough, he'd probably come track him down and do who knew what? The man famed for his self-control certainly didn't have any when it came to alcohol.

Focus! He had to focus! If Hiko truly was in one of his 'angry' moods, Kenshin might need all the strength and skill he had to stave off any attacks on any other poor drunken idiots that provoked the currently unstable man. He'd never actually used a sword against his Shishou when he was drunk.... such a match would have been an interesting one, with Hiko's speed, precision and reaction-time brought down to something closer to human. Could he bring a sword against Shishou in that manner, though?

Abandoning the thought, Kenshin picked up his pace when he heard the sound of something large crashing somewhat haphazardly through the bushes along the path, muttering curses as it went. Sighing, the young swordsman followed his sharp hearing, then the movement of his master's ki, to get closer quicker. At least Hiko hadn't made it too far.

"Shishou?" he called once he caught sight of the white mantle, which Hiko was angrily trying to disengage from a thorn bush. How he managed to do so without ripping it given his current lack of co-ordination mystified the youth, but then, that mantle had seen quite a bit of action and always came out unscathed.

The older man turned at the sound of Kenshin's voice. "Baka deshi! What are you doing out here? Are you coming too?"

Momentarily confused by his master's apparent sanity, said baka deshi simply replied, "Where?"

"To join the Isssshi, I mean the Issshin Isssh....," Hiko struggled with the words slurring slightly in his mouth, before giving up and deciding to continue regardless. "I will use Hiten Mitshu-- our teachings to right all the wrongs in this world. It will be a better place, and we'll use the rebels to do it."

Trying to stifle his surprise, Kenshin again was caught between the urge to groan or laugh with relief. A righteous Hiko. This was rare; his Shishou had acted like this a couple of times before, wanting to set out and take on bandits or whatever else, but Kenshin hadn't seen anything of THIS side of his master for weeks.

Still, he couldn't really let the man go off and join the rebels, or the army, or whatever else in his state. Hiko'd never forgive him, for one. It would be entertaining to see his Shishou, normally such a solitary man, join up with a bunch of incompetant and ideological swordsmen though. It'd be a whole camp full of baka deshis. Hiko'd either have a field day or go insane.

"It's nice idea, Shishou," he said, moving to walk next to his master. "But I don't think it's a very good idea to go today. Maybe tomorrow?"

"Why put it off?" Hiko protested. "Let's go tonight. Come on, Kenshin, it'll be an adventure! There's no point having sword skills if you never use them! Hiko Seijuuro the second would never have just sat around on a mountain his entire life!"

To hear those words coming from his Shishou's mouth, who repeatedly insisted on simply staying on the mountain for what was beginning to look like the youth's entire life was completely jarring. Kenshin had only been to town on very rare occasions, perhaps only once or twice a year. He wasn't entirely sure why his Shishou insisted upon it, he took him around many paths of the wilderness often enough but usually he left him on the mountain when he went to get their supplies. What was it that his master wanted to hide from him? He'd never really considered it much until now. But he mustn't give in. He'd contemplate these things some other time.

"But Shishou! You hate joining any sort of group!"

"Maybe so," Hiko conceded, stubbornly pressing on, "But I cannot ignore the world's sufferings any longer. Hiten Mitsuryugi's first principle, Kenshin: a sword swung in my name, will be swung to protect the weak. The Shon-unnnnn.... Shyo-errrr..... Shogunate will harm the weak. I see the weak suffer every day. They need to be protected. I must help."

That was a first - Hiko had never actually quoted any of their teachings when he was drunk before. However, everything he was saying now completely contrasted with the story Kenshin usually heard. Did that mean his master had his doubts?

'Secondary, secondary', Kenshin repeated to himself over and over again, forcing himself to focus on the task at hand - getting his master home. "Shishou, are you sure this is a wise course of action?"

"Of course I'm sure! And if we come across any bandits on the way, more the better!"

This was going nowhere fast. As tempting as it was to go along with this little charade, it would only end badly.

"Ano....," Kenshin muttered, scrabbling for anything to get his master to turn back. "Shishou, you'd be better off going tomorrow. None of the leaders would be willing to see you at this hour of night!"

Hiko barked out a laugh. "Of course they'll want to see me! Japan's greatest swordsman appears on their doorstep and they turn him away? I think not!"

The young swordsman felt the urge to wring his hands. "But.... ano.... Shishou, do you hear that? I think thieves are up at the hut!"

"Pfff. There's nothing there worth stealing other than a couple of jugs of sake."

"They trespassed on your mountain!" Kenshin was becoming somewhat passionate about these imaginary thieves he'd just invented.

"If I go join the rebels, then I won't be here anyway. What does it matter?" Hiko pressed on, still apparently ignoring his pupil's pleas.

Clutching at the straws, Kenshin stopped walking, and said quietly, "Shishou, what about me? Isn't it your duty to finish my training? Does that - do I - mean nothing to you?"

To his surprise, the large man stopped in his tracks, and turned to face him; his dark eyes unusually piercing for his lack of sobriety. Kenshin remained still, fearful to break that gaze, to move, to even breathe.

"You are right. I'll wait. For you, Kenshin," Hiko slurred, and began to make his way somewhat clumsily back up the mountain. Kenshin was so shocked he almost forgot to follow. That had worked, when even the threat of his own home violated did not outrage him enough to turn back?

"Baka Deshi, are you coming?" his master called out behind him. Startled from his state of shock, the young red-head scrambled to catch up, keeping just a couple of paces behind his master.

Hiko truly cared that much about him?

They walked some distance, but just prior to the hut being back in sight, the sake seemed to have done its work for the evening and Hiko passed out - usually by this point the man would have gone to bed and be sleeping it off by now. Kenshin was fast enough to get under his master before he could fall completely, but then he staggered under the limp man's sheer weight. Grunting with the effort, suddenly remembering how tired he had been all day, Kenshin lurched forward, draping Hiko's arm around his neck and trying to pull the man along, his feet dragging along the ground from their difference in height. This was just fabulous. Just when he thought the kami were becoming sympathetic, an unexpected bad turn of luck would hit him in the face. It was a conspiracy, it had to be.

Kenshin struggled to carry his master the rest of the short distance back to their cabin, more dragging him than carrying him; the man was, after all, nearly twice his own weight. It took nearly an hour, even though they'd almost been back when he'd collapsed. His muscles strained with the effort, but somehow he managed to manoeuvre his master back into the cabin, take off his white mantle and katana and get him into his futon. He bumped his master's head so many times it was nothing short of a miracle he didn't wake up. Usually his Shishou just went to bed rather than pass out; this was unusual.

Heaving a sigh of relief and resisting the urge to collapse right then and there, Kenshin spared one more moment to pull a blanket over Hiko so he wouldn't get cold and staggered to bed - carrying him the rest of way back to the cabin had really taken it out of him. His Shishou must eat rocks when he wasn't looking.

It had been a big day, with far too little sleep. Finally able to allow himself to give in to his exhaustion, Kenshin collapsed face-first onto his futon, asleep before his head even hit the pillow.

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