Ron Raymond

Name: Ron Raymond
Day I was Born: Nov. 16th 1984

Position: guitar/vocals

Equipment: Epiphone Les Paul Custom, Randall RG75, Jim Dunlop 535Q crybaby, Jim Dunlop crybaby, Shure SM58 mic

Favorite Bands: Black Label Society, RATM, Godsmack, Evanescence, Metallica, REM, U2, Ronnie Baker Brooks, Cracker, Ozzy, and much more

Guitar influences: Zakk Wylde, Kirk Hammet,and Tom Morello

Previous Bands: Don't ask, to many to list them all.

Brief Bio: Originally from Crown Point. Loves music. He also plays drums, and bass.

Favorite Quote: "Who controls the past, controls the future; Who controls the present, controls the past."

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