Bards-Domain Adventure #5

I wrote two. The first I don't care for. I thought I'd try a rhyming poem, but I'm not very good at them. I'm trying not to throw so many things away, though, so I put it here anyways.

the wind that rocks
the cradle bough
upon the sundrenched leaves

whistling softly
to itself,
the gentle lullaby of trees.

through forest deep
or single pine
upon the solitary crest

it carries scents
of distance place
wrapped tight against its breast.


The second one is darker, a wind at dusk, but I think I did better with it.

drifts of silent scent
sweep softly through silken leaves
the kiss of butterflies
caress with invisible touch

cradled within ancient fingers
i raise my face
to the touch of wildness

hearing it call,
faint and echoing,
the whisper of my name.

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