Road Trip

Album Gallery Projects History Digital The Camert

Album photogrtphs are the combination of photos I have taken and photogrtphs taken by frienrt. When Possible, credit is noted.

GTA What happens when your car get's stolen!

10,000 Miles A milestone for this Ford F-150! BTW, who are these two clowns driving around in this red truck with the WSU logo?

Watch Out For Me Little kids run through puddles, big kids drive though them!

Only The Brave PT I - "Louis, you just drove up a mule trail!" / PT II - "Louis, do you realize that we are really driving in circles?"

BAD Loser PT I - "It's raining, and we are stopping to take a picture in front of the Colfax, CA sign. And you're wondering why Sandy is looking at us strange?" / PT II - "Hey Doug, it's Winter break, and we're 1500 miles from Pullman. Can you tell me why we are both wearing Orton Hall T-Shirts?"

(LAST UPDATED: 09.28.00)

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