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I just got one of those EXDeck Tins this afternoon so I'll be writing on the best card of the two boosters: Nidoking.

Vital Stats:
Type: Fighting
Stage 2: Evolves from Nidorino
HP: 120
Weakness: Water
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)(C)

Attacks/Pokemon Powers/Bodies:
Poke-BODY: Power Gene
As long as Nidoking is in play, your attacks by Nidoran (F), Nidorina, Nidoqueen, Nidoran (M) and Nidorino do 10 more damage to the defending Pokemon.
(F)(C) Earth Poison         40
If the Defending Pokemon already has any damage counters on it, the Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned.
(F)(F)(C)(C) Bound Crush
Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 60 damage to that Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness or Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) Nidoking can't use Bound Crush during your next turn.

Background Info:
Set: EX FireRed/LeafGreen
Rarity: Rare (Holo)

Type: Fighting: Fighting is a pretty good deck type around my house at the moment. My younger brother has a Armaldo based deck that can generally have Armaldo out and going by turn 3-4.

Stage 2: Evolves from Nidorino: Once again, Stage 2 meaning you won't have him out to early unless you're lucky. One major downside is that all Nidoran (M) and Nidrino are Grass meaning you'll either have to Dual-Type your deck with Grass or get Nidoking out ASAP.

HP: 120 I believe the highest a standard Pokemon can get. Very good and Nidoking should be able to last long enough to get Bound Crush up and running.

Weakness/Resistance: Weakness to water is not good around my house. We have a TON of water cards for some reason (however this isn't an issue since we usually play with a special House Rule.) No resistance isn't a big deal. Doesn't help, doesn't hurt.

Retreat Cost: (C)(C)(C): NOT GOOD! Third highest possible retreat. Use Switch or Balloon Berry. Period.

Poke-BODY: Power Genes: Not to shabby. A bit situational for my tastes but if you're playing a Nido-Family deck it'll help A LOT. I could see myself running 3 Jungle Nidoqueens, 1 Basic Nidoking, and about 3 of these guys. Again, situational but in the right deck will do pretty well.

(F)(C) Earth Poison:
VERY nice. 40 for a single fighting and a single colorless is very good by itself. Throw in the extra Poison effect and you've got a GREAT attack. I'd ALMOST run a deck for this alone.

(F)(F)(C)(C) Bound Crush
The first thing I thought when I saw this attack was, "HOLY CRAP!" Then I read the text all the way through and it's not QUITE as good as I had first thought. 60 damage to ANY Pokemon is great. I believe it's the highest Bench damage there is so far, besides Blaziken EX's attack. However, the "Can't use Bound Crush next turn." Is a bit of a let down. Still a very good attack, 3 turns and you've knocked out any non-EX Pokemon in the game.

Strategies: Like I said before, A Nido-Family deck just got a good boost around here (if I had the cards.) Earth Poison is great, letting you deal 40 on the off-turn between Bound Crush and also situational poison and you've got a good 2 energy attack. Bound Crush is simply amazing. If you're opponent retreats, say, an EX with 60 HP left just switch in and blast it for the two prizes. Also, I like the idea of running 4 Switches and 4 Balloon Berries (maybe one of those FR/LG NidoQueens I read about) with several of these and just constantly cycling through Bound Crushs.

Final Score: An AMAZING card if you ask me. 9/10.
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