Alright, I'm only saying this again because I'll eventually start using Spoilers from other sites. This one, however is mine. PLEASE, If you want to use the spoilers, link back to me.
Next is one of the best Trainers for Evolution heavy decks.

Pokemon Breeder Fields
Flip a coin for 1 or 2 of your non-Baby Pokemon that can evolve. For each heads, search your deck for a later-Stage card that matches that Pokemon. The put that card into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.
Neo Revelation

Pros for Pokemon Breeder Fields:
Searching for Evolution cards is ALWAYS good.
Due to a ruling, you could, in theory, get an entire Evolution line in one card. (Choose 2 Mudkips. Flip a coin for each. Get two heads. Find Marshtomp and Swampert. [It works because it say later-Stage not next-Stage.])

Coin flips.
Can't flip twice for the same card. (Although you can flip for the same TYPE of card. Like, say, 2 Cyndaquils.)

Deck Strategies:
Simply a great card. It can get you an entire Stage 2 Evolution line by itself (as explained above) or just find a couple Evos you need. The only downside to this card is the coin flip and the fact that you must select the Pokemon for each flip first.

Final Thoughts:
Just a bit random for my tastes and it would have been better if you could simply search for either of the 2 on a heads rather than having to pick them out first. Very good card though and if I had more I'd be running more. 8.5/10
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