Final Rant: Stop, thief! [Ed. note: Please note that is not a Sapphire-related rant, but a site-related one. I'm just putting it up here for a peace of mind, though I may take it down eventually... Feel free to skip it if you wish; if not, read on...] You may have noticed the new entrance page to the Black Crystal section of Sapphire's Shrine, which contains the terms of image usage for that site. I've been forced to put that up because I've noticed several webpages using my images without giving me credit. I've been fairly lenient about this in the past... (For example, I've found someone using a lot of my Ranma images from the Black Crystal section without linking back to me; but since the webpage appeared to have gone stagnant, I didn't bother to e-mail her about it.) However, the ironic thing about all this is that after I put up the new terms of image usage, I found someone who violated them completely... -_-; Recently I discovered someone (I'm not going to name any names here) who had taken practically all my Black Moon and Negaverse images from the Black Crystal section, and put them up on her webpage. I e-mailed her about it, requesting that she please credit me for them and take some of them down (since she had basically used *all* of them). She refused to, citing that they were free domain, *plus* that they were not mine anyways. I'm sorry, but when you spend hours animating gifs and pasting together custom images, I think you'd recognize your own work... -_-; And as for the free domain thing... That may be true, but like I've mentioned before, I did spend a lot of time making them; I purposely made villain gifs that would be unique, to set my webpage apart from other Sailor Moon graphics sites like Lycentia's and KatC's. So, I'd appreciate a little credit for them... Is that too much to ask? There's little that I can do about this situation, but I've done what I can... So please, I ask you, if you're making your own webpage, give credit to where it's due. I've tried very hard to do so in my own site (heck, even I've been guilty of using images without permission, and rightfully got chewed out for it). If your website is worthwhile, then you won't need to steal content for it. ^_^ ---Avi, webmistress of Sapphire's Shrinnne [Ed. note: As of 03/26/02, the website of the thief in question appears to have disappeared. I can't say that I'm disappointed... *evil chuckle* ^_~ Though I reported her to a couple of places, I never reported her to her server, and I suspect they may have been the ones who pulled her page... Hopefully, she just hasn't moved to a new webserver... -_-;]