Sapphire's Shrine: Old Updates 2002 Updates: 11/13/02 - Added some more Black Moon dolls I made of Prisma, Avery, and Chiral & Achiral (otherwise known Doom & Gloom) to the Black Crystal. 11/12/02 - Four new Black Moon family dolls in the Black Crystal section... Prince Diamond, Sapphire, Catzi and Bertie! (I'll add the rest of the Four Sisters soon... ^_~) 11/10/02 - New adoptable dolls of Emerald, Wicked Lady and Veneti & Aquatiki (What can I say? I like their musical outfits! ^_~) can be found in the Black Crystal section. 09/07/02 - Oops, forgot to put this up yesterday... There's a new KiSS set linked up in the Dressing Room, featuring various (though simple) dolls of the Black Moon family. 07/31/02 - A couple of new anime images can be found in the Gallery. 07/29/02 - Messing around with the layout again... The Shrine, Chambers and the Main pages all have a (slightly) new look. ^_^ 07/25/02 - I was bored, so I made some avatars for message boards and such out of musical images; those can be found in the Control Room. 07/10/02 - A couple more Cosplay Images can be found in the Gallery; also, added Sapphire's Sailor Moon RPG stats to the Games section. 07/09/02 - New section in Gallery, featuring Black Moon family cosplay images! ^_^ 07/02/02 - Added info on Sapphire's button man to the Games section. 06/27/02 - Moved Sapphire's Shrine to its new home at (Hopefully, there'll be less problems with downtime now...) 05/31/02 - Not really a Sapphire-related update, but oh well... Anyways, added a bunch of new video game images to the Black Crystal, in the Other Villains and Sailor Moon sections (there's also a ton of new Ranma images, if anyone cares to look...) 05/20/02 - Toyed around with the layout for Sapphire's Shrine again; the main page doesn't look as neat as my last layout, but hopefully the site is a bit more organized now... 05/16/02 - New layout image on the main page... Also, finally decided to put up the names of some of those who won the Treasure Hunt contest; congrats to TakariFreak and Ashley! ^_^ 05/08/02 - Added some more musical information on the Black Moon family in the Control Room. 04/29/02 - Added even more new images in the Musicals and Control Room sections; there's even a brand-new Musical Gallery featuring Black Moon family images! ^_^ 04/24/02 - Just added a couple of new images in both the Musicals section, and the Control Room. 03/28/02 - In case you haven't noticed, Sapphire's Shrine is holding a contest... ^_~ Click above for details! 03/26/02 - The Throne has been removed from the Chambers section of Sapphire's Shrine, but that's only because a modified version of the page is now being used as the entrance to the Black Crystal. (I would rather not have moved that page there, but considering someone stole nearly all of my images from the Black Crystal, I suppose it can be seen as protecting my own interests... -_-;) 03/22/02 - After much consideration, the layouts in both the Chambers and Office sections have been changed, to match the overall layout. (I've been reluctant to do this; I'm rather attached to the ecceletic designs on each page of the Chambers... ^_^;) The only exception is the Black Crystal; but I'm considering making a new entrance page for it, to match... 03/20/02 - I've made two brand-new desktop wallpapers; one is a musical-related one and can be found in the Control Room; the other is of Prince Diamond and Emerald, and can be found in Sapphire's Workroom. Enjoy! ^_^ 03/18/02 - Still on my Sailor Moon musical kick... ^_^ Added a few more images in the Musicals section, and a new one of Diamond in the Control Room. 03/16/02 - I wasn't planning to change the main layout image so soon, but when I realized that today was the birthday of the actress who played Sapphire in the Sailor Moon musicals, I couldn't resist. ^_~ Happy birthday, Ms. Kuroda! You can find info on the new layout image on About the Page. 03/14/02 - More info added to the Control Room on the latest Sailor Moon musical, "The Secret of Planet Nemesis". Just when I thought I'd run out of stuff to add at the moment, they keep pulling me back in... ^_~ 03/13/02 - And even more reorganization of the site; changed the layouts of the Links pages to match those of the rest of the Office section. I've also (finally!) found a review and plot description for the recent Sailor Moon musical; you can find the link in the Musicals section of the Shrine. 02/28/02 - Finally decided to move the Updates to its own page (it is getting rather large...) 02/27/02 - More general maintainance of the site... In the Gallery, I've redone the thumbnails for the Anime images, and made them clearer. Oh, and you may have noticed the slightly revamped Main page; I've been dithering about whether or not I should change the main image, but I've had that Sapphire & Diamond pic up for almost a year now... (Besides, I think that UFO catcher image is cute. ^_^) 02/26/02 - Just some more minor updates... I've fixed the pages of my Java dolls so they'd look nicer. (Just the pages they're on, not any of the doll images themselves. Although I might do that one of these days; I'm not as proud of them as I used to be... ^_^;) You can check out the (slightly) new look in the Dressing Room. Also been tweaking up some of the other pages; all of the reviews I submitted for finally came in... ^_~ 02/09/02 - New little toy in the Black Crystal... A PC window sitter I made of Emerald! ^_^ What's a window sitter, you ask? Go to Sapphire's Workroom and find out! ^_~ 02/06/02 - Added some more information to the Manga section; also did a few cosmetic changes to various sections of my site... (I just got my webpage reviewed. ^_^;) Oh, and there's yet another rant in the Opinions section, which I put up a few days ago and forgot to mention here... I've also added a few more pics to the Scanned Images section of the Gallery. 01/31/02 - One last update before February... I've added another new rant to the Opinions section (don't worry, it's Sapphire-related this time ^_~). You may have also noticed my new linking banners and the new tables layout in the Black Crystal... (Must resist... Updating pages... *finger twitches*) 01/27/02 - I've moved the Control Room to one of my other Geocities pages, hopefully temporarily... (I'm sick of not being able to access it on -_-;) I've also added a few more Captioned Images to the Gallery, which I hope you will find amusing... ^_^ 01/25/02 - Boy, I've been in an updating mood lately... ^_^; Another new image in the Musicals section, a fanart I did of Sapphire, along with Veneti and Aquatiki. 01/24/02 - I've added a couple of more Black Moon family images in the musical info section of the Control Room; they would've been up yesterday, but unfortunately, I couldn't get into -_-; I've also added a new rant in the Opinions section (but be warned; it's not a Sapphire-related rant, but a site-related one). 01/22/02 - There are brand-new colour images of Sapphire in the Musicals section, thanks to Cruel Angel. ^_^ I've also added musical info on the rest of the Black Moon family in the Control Room (I thought it would be more appropriate to put it in there, since this *is* Sapphire's Shrine... ^_~). 01/20/02 - New Musicals section in the Shrine (I've finally gathered enough information for a full section! ^_^) I'm planning to add musical info on the rest of the Black Moon family as well, though that'll probably be on a separate page... 01/17/02 - Nothing really new, except for the fact that I decided to remove the Splash page (no one really seemed to be viewing the Javascript versions anyways ^_^;). They can still be accessed through the Faceted and Multi-Faceted links, though... You may have also noticed I've updated the About the Page section as well, to match the recent reorganization. 01/09/02 - New page in the Chambers section called the Throne, which is basically a terms of usage page for images on this site. 01/07/02 - Happy New Year, all! As you might've noticed, I've reorganized the Main page... The Shrine has been rearranged, plus there are now individual links to each section of it; there's even new video game info in the Games section! ^_^ I've also added a brand-new link page; check it out here. 2001 Updates: 12/29/01 - Boy, I've been updating a lot lately... Nothing really important, except... I won two new awards! Thank you, Lady Jupiter and Dark Pearl! *^_^* Normally, I wouldn't advertise it here, but the people who gave them to me were so kind, I felt I should promote their sites. ^_^ You can check out their links here. In other news, I've also been fixing up the Black Crystal section a bit. 12/28/01 - Yet another update... (At least it's quick and Sapphire related! ^_^) Two new sound bites in the Control Room (Japanese I'm afraid... Plus they're in .rm format. Oh, well...), as well as that Emerald midi I mentioned yesterday; I've also updated a lot of the villain backgrounds in the Black Crystal. 12/27/01 - Not a Sapphire-related update, but Sailor Moon related, nonetheless... The finished version of my Sailor Moon KiSS doll is finally up in the Dressing Room, along with a small expansion; go try it out and tell me what you think! I may also add a new midi of Emerald's theme I found to the Control Room, as an additional belated X-mas present... 12/20/01 - Four more midis in the Control Room, including two new renditions of Sapphire's and Emerald's themes, and Prince Diamond's and Rubius's themes. Consider them an early Christmas gift. ^_^ 12/13/01 - New music section in the Control Room, featuring midis I created from the Sailor Moon R SNES video game. Not the best, but oh well... (I know I haven't been updating much lately; not much else I can keep adding, quite frankly... But I'll try! ^_^) 10/26/01 - Ugh, this update took even longer than last time... But at least there's a brand new section in Sapphire's Shrine, the Control Room! Go check it out! 08/22/01 - Some more new pics in the Scanned Images section of the Gallery. More coming soon! (Got to finish my scanning...) 08/17/01 - Eeeek! I haven't updated in over a month! 0_o Well, I have a good reason... But I won't go into it here. ^_^; Anyways, there's a new section called Scanned Images; you can find it in Page 2 of the Gallery. I'll be adding more to that section soon... Also, I have an idea for a new story, so hopefully I'll finish that soon as well. ^_^ 06/22/01 - Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me... *ahem* Sorry. ^_^; Anyways... New 'fic by yours truly in the Library, entitled "Rebirth and Renewal", plus the Anime images in the Gallery have been replaced with real thumbnails now. ^_~ And for those interested, I have a beta version of my Sailor Moon KiSS doll available for download; that can be found in the Dressing Room. 06/04/01 - Not much of an update; I've been very, very busy lately... Added another difference between the original SMR anime and the N.A. version; I didn't know Sapphire saw Emerald in the bath twice! 0_o (At least I don't have to change the ending to "Payback"... ^_~) There's also a new rant in the Shrine section (under Why Sapphire?), on the possible reasons why Irwin never made a Sapphire doll. 04/28/01 - New images in the Gallery, of both manga and trading cards! (I updated the page two days ago, but I didn't have time to mention it...) Also, the Moonlight and Roses gallery has been similarly updated. 04/10/01 - Added new information and images on Sapphire-related SMCCG cards in the Shrine section. 04/04/01 - Nothing much... Just something new on the Awards page; an 8-Star review from the Witches 4! ^_^ Hey, considering I was expecting no better than a 6 or a 7, I'm pretty pleased! *glomps Sapphire in celebration, who sweatdrops* There's also a couple of new adoptions up there (cute angelic Sapphire and Diamond ^_^). And now, if you will excuse me, I need to fix up my webpage... ^_~ 03/27/01 - Boy, I'm on a roll lately... ^_~ Forgot to mention yesterday that I edited out the Cartoon Network logo out of some of the latest Sapphire screenshots in the Gallery; also, the Anime images section has thumbnails now (sort of...). 03/26/01 - Fixed up that Sapphire and Emerald desktop wallpaper a bit, so that it would look much nicer; you can download it here. And as you may have already noticed, I replaced the image on the splash page as well. 03/21/01 - Two updates in a row! Whoa... ^_~ A brand new desktop wallpaper of Sapphire and Emerald can be found in Sapphire's Workroom (note the disclaimer... ^_^;), as well as a transparent .gif that I forgot to put up. I'm also debating if it was a good idea to switch the pages in Shrine section to tables; I've noticed that for some reason, my tables take forever to load in Netscape... 03/20/01 - Hey, it's an update that's actually related to Sapphire! Who'd've thunk it? ^_~ Several gorgeous new screenshots of Sapphire can be found in the Gallery. There's also one new background in the Sailor Moon section of the Black Crystal, plus I finally got around to replacing that slow-loading .gif on the Main page(s) with a .jpg instead... ^_^; I've also fixed up the Shrine section a bit. 03/09/01 - Some more new images in the Of Moonlight and Roses gallery; mostly of Sailor Moon, but a couple of Tuxedo Mask and Darien, as well. 03/09/01 - As promised, a big update! Not Sapphire-related, I'm afraid, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it anyways... I've reopened Of Moonlight and Roses, my gallery of regular Sailor Moon images. Lots of images of Jadite, Andrew, Darien, Tuxedo Mask (what can I say? I like bishonen ^_~), and a couple of Sailor Moon and Queen Beryl as well. You can find the new images here. 02/28/01 - Again, not much of an update... Finally took down the Valentine edition and put up a new Sapphire and Prince Diamond version of the Main page. However, there should be a nice, big, fat update tomorrow... ^_~ 02/23/01 - Yikes, it's almost been a month, hasn't it...? Not much of an update, I'm afraid... There are several new images in the Black Crystal, the most notable of which is a large transparent gif of Sapphire and Prince Diamond in Sapphire's Workroom, and a Deathbuster background in the Other Villains section (but check out the other Black Crystal sections, too; they've also been updated). Enjoy! ^_^ 01/29/01 - Depending on which version you use, you may have noticed I put up a Valentine edition of my Main page up, featuring Sapphire and his sweetie, Prisma. ^_^ As for updates, ticked off something else on my to do list; added info on Sapphire's SMCCG card to the Shrine, as well as a bit on the name origins of Nemesis. There's also a piece of artwork for my fanfic, "The Taking of Crystal Tokyo", up in the Library. Last but not least, I finally uploaded a little piece I wrote for the Shrine's 3rd anniversary; scroll up to see it. Take note of the disclaimer, though... ^_^; 01/16/01 - Finally figured out how to use stylesheets (specifically, how to make links light up when you mouse over them). Got those working on the splash page and Multi-Faceted version... Also divided up my story, "The Taking of Crystal Tokyo" into three parts for easier loading (it's almost 100Kb in length! ^_^;), and added a corrected background of Diamond to Sapphire's Workroom, that I forgot to upload yesterday. D'oh! 01/15/01 - Crossed off a couple of things on my to do list; the main one being that I finally finished my fanfic, "The Taking of Crystal Tokyo"! ^_^ It can be found in the Library section. Please read it and tell me what you think! (Be kind... ^_^;) I've also added a couple of new trading card images to the Gallery, and fixed up two of the backgrounds I uploaded to Sapphire's Workroom last time (I wasn't satisfied with the way they looked -_-;). 01/04/01 - Happy New Year, all! I really should've put up this update yesterday, but oh well... As you might've noticed, I uploaded a new splash page, so you can choose whatever version of the Shrine to look at. There's tons of new images in the Black Crystal; two new backgrounds, one in the Sailor Moon section and one in Sapphire's Workroom (the latter features images from the SMR opening). I also added all the Black Moon family images from the Sailor Moon: Another Story video game in the BM section (I know you can find them in a couple of places, but never mind), plus a new image at the top of the page that I pasted together; I even pasted those teeny Prince Diamonds on his throne. Whew! 2000 Updates: 12/29/00 - Boy, I've been busy... Fixed up the Main page, and added some new images to Sapphire's Workroom, a couple of Prince Diamond backgrounds and two new desktop wallpapers (check out Brotherly Love!) Oh, and you may have noticed last time that it's raining Diamonds in the Polished version (I guess it's pretty obvious who's my favourite after Sapphire... ^_~) 12/27/00 - Brand new look for the Main page! (Yes, I know it's too dark... I'll try and fix that.) Hopefully, it doesn't crash browsers... Anyways, tell me what you think! 12/21/00 - If you're wondering why it's raining Emeralds in the Java version, it's because I thought it would look more festive (red & green, you know). Sapphire's not too happy about it, but oh, well... Now, if you will excuse me, I'm going to try to get a certain someone under the mistletoe... (Avi smiles sweetly at Sapphire, who sweatdrops and quickly teleports out of the room.) 12/15/00 - Bored, bored... Added a link to the original version of Sapphire's Shrine on the main page, under Rough. BTW, the Java version is now known as Faceted. 12/11/00 - I've always wanted to make a Java version of this website, so I've finally done so (click on Brilliant on the main page). Granted, it's the same page with the old "falling snow" javascript, but I was bored... It's raining men, alleluia! ^_~ 12/07/00 - New image of Sapphire and Prince Diamond in the Gallery. I could say something about it, but I won't. ^_~ (A blue-gloved hand reaches out and smacks Avi upside the head.) Ouch! Sapphire: (mutters) Pervert... 12/05/00 - Finally put up my 3rd year anniversary gift, which should probably be considered an early Christmas present, by now... Desktop Wallpapers of Sapphire! ^_^ These can be found in Sapphire's Workroom. Also, there's a new button and banner in the Links section. 11/22/00 - Added new section to the Black Crystal, Sapphire's Workroom. 11/21/00 - Redesigned Links pages. Whoop-de-doo... 11/20/00 - Fixed layout of the main page; added this page. ---Avi, webmistress of Sapphire's Shrinee