Sapphire's Shrine: Games

Sapphire's Shrine: Games

Sapphire's SMCCG card

[Sapphire's Sailor Moon CCG card] The Sailor Moon collectable card game by Dart borrows heavily from the role-playing game, which in turn, is based on the anime. I find Sapphire's card particularly interesting, though... When I first heard about the card game, I was expecting Sapphire to end up with a special power like "Droid Summon" (he actually has that ability in one of the Sailor Moon video games; however, in the card game, Emerald has that power). But I was very surprised once I saw his card... Sapphire has no offensive powers whatsoever, and is the only character in the game (so far) without any. However, his defensive abilities are awesome: he has a staggering 250 health (even Wiseman has only 170!), and Sapphire's defensive power is to add 30 to his health; at the cost of one Mind card, though. This makes him one of the more useful Villain cards in the game; although Sapphire can be killed, it's pretty difficult to do so.

So, what does this have to do with the anime? Well, I suspect Sapphire recieved this power on his card because it took Wiseman no less than three attempts to kill him on the show; Sapphire even managed to get away the first time, and still had to be hit twice before he was killed, despite the fact he had been weakened already!

To see the Sailor Moon RPG stats Sapphire's card was based on, click here.

Other Sapphire-related cards:

Dark Crystal Wedge - Just features a quote from Sapphire; no image of him, I'm afraid. (There's also a quote from him on the Mind Control Pod card.)
Dark Crystal - Shows a tiny figure of Sapphire with the Dark Crystal. This promises to be a useful card, as it adds 30 to your Monsters' attacks, and 60 to your Villains'. (I made a fake card eerily similar to this, down to the picture... ^_^;)
Young Princes - Features a young Prince Diamond with his little brother Sapphire. How cute! ^_^ (Note the misspelling of "righteous"; there's a misprint on the Prince Diamond card as well.)


[#3 Sapphire] Sapphire in Video Games

Here's a listing of Sapphire's appearances in various video games (in the case of level bosses, I've also added hints on how to defeat him).

Sailor Moon: Another Story (SFC/SNES)
"Sailor Moon: Another Story" is an RPG, the basic plot of which is that all the villains from the first three seasons have been resurrected and have returned to their evil ways. Sapphire's role in this game is merely as a cameo; I can't tell you much without spoiling the game, but as always, he is there to protect his brother, Prince Diamond (and also, to give advice to the Sailor Soldiers).

Sailor Moon R (SFC/SNES)
Sapphire's part in this game is a little more substantial; he is the second level boss (the others being Emerald, Rubius and Prince Diamond). I've also found his role in this a little odd; one, he is in the only irrelevant level, the jungle themed one (what does that have to do with Sailor Moon? Maybe it something to do with Sapphire's love of flowers...? ^_~) Two, the fact that he is the second boss (Emerald is the first, for some reason), but perhaps that is because Sapphire doesn't have that many attacks (if any!) in the anime.

Hints: Sapphire is fairly easy to defeat; he has two main attacks, a lightning fast punch and a throw. Both attacks only work if you're very close, so keep your distance. The best time to attack him is when he just finishes a lightning punch; then go in and give him a taste of his own medicine.

Sailor Moon R (Gameboy)
I find this to be the most intriguing of all these video games, despite it being in black and white; it appears to have a fascinating plot (unfortunately, this game can only be found in Japanese ^_^;) Anyways, like its SNES counterpart, this is your typical side-scroller... And also like its counterpart, Sapphire's role is as a level boss: he appears in the fourth level, which is Sailor Jupiter's adventure. An odd match-up, but most of them are, in this game... (The final battle is Sailor Venus vs. Prince Diamond. 0_o)

Hints: Sapphire is not as easy to defeat as in the last game... In fact, he is the most interesting of the bosses (IMHO ^_^), because have to figure out how to fight him. Anyways, here's how to defeat him: Sapphire has two attacks; one, to a summon a Droid (specifically, Droid Jellax). He'll summon two of these; once you defeat them, he'll fire beams at you. After that, he'll fly across the room (this is the only time he can be hit). Use a couple of Sparkling Wide Pressure attacks on him, and he'll be done for.


Sapphire's Button Man

The Sailor Moon Button Men is another game, this time featuring collectible buttons. They were created by Guardians of Order (who also designed the Sailor Moon RPG). These button men come in packages of two, featuring both the button of a Sailor Soldier or ally, and one of a villain. Sapphire's button is part of the second series of these sets, and comes packaged with Princess Serena.

[Sapphire's button man] I find the rules to this game a bit confusing, but I'll try to at least explain the numbers on Sapphire's button as best as I can... ^_^; The numbers to the right of the button (in red) are the values of Sapphire's starting dice, while the numbers on the left (in grey) represent the values of his reserve dice (which are only used if you lose a round). The number between the "crystal shards" stands for the number of uses of his special ability (see below).

So, here is the basic info for Sapphire's button man:

Starting Dice: 6, 10, 12, 12
Reserve Dice: 8, 8, 10, 12

Dark Crystal: 2

If Sapphire loses a round, he can use the power of the Dark Crystal to remove one of his opponent's current Starting Dice from the game. Using this ability means that Sapphire cannot transform his own Reserve Die into a Starting Die at this time. This ability can be used twice (as indicated by the "2" between the crystal shards) in a match.

Sapphire is Prince Diamond's handsome young brother but he was destroyed by Wiseman. Sapphire likes spying on his enemies, standing up for what he believes is right, and trying to destroy the universe.

I find the accompanying description laughable, for some reason... ^_^ BTW, almost all the Dark Moon family's button men appear to have the same ability, "Dark Crystal", but only Sapphire, Prince Diamond and Wicked Lady have the ability to use it twice; Emerald's and Rubius's button men can only draw on it once.

For more information on Sapphire's button man, click here. (Images and info courtesy of the Warp Zone)


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Sailor Moon and related characters created by Naoko Takeuchi, and used without permission.

Webpage graphics courtesy of 7 Rings

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