Sapphire's Shrine: The Dressing Room (page 2)
The Dressing Room [#2 Prince Diamond 2]

Prince Diamond & Sapphire Java dolls by Avi

As a bonus, here's a couple more of my Java sets to try! ^_^

Prince Diamond

A Prince Diamond one, using the Sapphire doll as a base. (Not much clothes for him, but oh well...)

Set 1 - Usual costume (slow loading)
Set 2 - Youth outfit
Set 3 - Assorted

Prince Diamond & Sapphire

It's two! Two! Two dolls for the price of one! ^_~

Set 1 - Usual costumes (slow loading)
Set 2 - Youth outfits

Black Moon Family KiSS dolls

Here are some KiSS sets of the other members of the Black Moon family, done by various artists; most of these were linked from the The Big KiSS page at the OtakuWorld website. (BTW, don't forget to download a viewer here before trying one of these sets; the ones below don't use Java! ^_~)

[Ed. note: You can no longer download these dolls from OtakuWorld, unless you have a subscription... However, you can still check out the preview images (or download it off the artist's webpage ^_^).]

Bertie by Invisible Phan
An excellent KiSS doll of the second youngest of the sisters, featuring all of her outfits.

SD Bertie by Aragonite
Here's a cute super-deformed doll of Bertie, with as much clothing as her regular-sized counterpart! ^_~

Avery by Immora
A lovely doll, made from a manga artbook image.

Rubius by Margalis
Here's another doll made from a super-deformed image...

Emerald by Master
A okay hand-drawn doll, it only contains Emerald's usual outfit.

Sapphire & Prince Diamond by Avi
Yes, I know this is my KiSS set... Just a shameless plug. ^_^;

Sapphire & Prince Diamond by Avi
And here's the expansion set for my dolls... You need the above set to use it, though.

Wicked Lady by Ken Yuen
A very nice Wicked Lady doll, with lots of clothes.

Sailor Moon R by the World KiSS Project
A group of fairly simple (but well done) KISS dolls, done by various artists... This KiSS set features dolls of Wicked Lady, three of the Four Sisters, as well as one of Sapphire, Prince Diamond and Rubius! (File name is MOON_R.LZH)


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