CrossGen Chronicles
CrossGen Chronicles #7: Kaine fights in a war to avenge his friend Gral. Kaine does horrible things in the war, but is commended. Kaine visits Gral's wife, and is told the truth. Gral was really an intelligence operative who set up an network of best friends that would all try to avenge him. When they crossed the line in the war, like Kaine did, their deeds would be covered up or spun into lies. Kaine sends the files on this operation to the press. Kaine goes to visit the General behind this and Gral is there. Gral utters a word that makes Kaine go limp. It is revealed all Frontline Guard Troops are conditioned to respond to certain words. He wants Kaine to admit to the press he fabricated the documents or he will kill his family. Gral utters the courage to say another word that frees Kaine. The General kills Gral. Kaine kills the General and goes to prison with a death sentence for the murder, though many consider him a hero. He is abducted by the Negation the day before his death sentence is to be carried out.

Rating: 9/10
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