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Here are some of the things I'm working on

Click on the links to download/view current progress.
Visions of Mega Man:  A fanfic about X.
StarShip:  A space action/strategy game.  Due to my graphics class, this has actually been started now. (I'm lazy therefore, progress has been *SLOW*!)
Space Chess:  A completely unique aproach to chess.  On hold until I can get the art.  (And actually *feel* like doing it.)
This Page:  This page will always be requiring updates.
Spirit of the Ancients:  Has been restarted due to my databases class (Has been halted due to them deleting my SQL account).
Battle for the Planet:  An FF7 song medley.
Dark Frontier: A Starfury Mod a mod for Starfury based off of some SCI-FI stories I've written. (File does not yet exist)
A Middle-Earth based mod for Civ3 READ THE README BEFORE PLAYING!
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