Erica Walker
Being cousins born three months apart to a brother and sister who loved to spend time together, threw us together alot growing up...  AND I AM VERY GRATEFUL FOR THAT NOW!!! Thanks for alway being there when I need you... I love that you are online so much!!! HA HA HA
Marisa Kaylor-Hefflefinger
She is my father's cousin's daughter, but to me she is just my oldest and dearest friend! One of the few friends who have stood by me through all the craziness, highschool, adulthood, parenthood, and now... marriage! THANK YOU!!!
Crissy Reesman
Life with out you would not be nearly as much FUN. I wouldn't want to think back to a party where the stereo wasn't thumpin' and my "Homie" wasn't trying desperately to make me dance less like a white girl!!!
Erica Lake
Thank you. After all it is your fault I'm getting stuck with, er, I mean, happily married to your brother! I love ya girl & and I think I get a bonus when I marry Shawn, I get you for a sister!!!
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