To Win A Lover's Heart*
--> Write the object of you desire on the base of an onion bulb. Plant it in a new pot, and place in a windowsill. For added power, put it in a windowsill facing the direction of your love's home. Over the bulb, repeat the name of your love three times in the morning upon waking and at night before you retire. Once daily, repeat the following incantation.
"May its roots grow,
May its leaves grow
May its flowers grow
And as it does so
{name of desired person}'s love grow."

Recite the incantations until the onion blooms.

*From:Kemp, Gillian. The Good Spell Book. 1st. London: Cassel Group, 1997.

Rose Quartz Spells: Crystals have long been used in magick. Rose quartz is said to enhance caring, romantic, platonic, self, and motherly love. It's most powerful healing property is helping one to be able to love oneself. Rose Quartz also helps assist in matters of the heart by bringing positive love into life, teaching forgiveness, unconditional love, and tolerance. Rose Quartz is used to balance emotions and open the heart and is often called the "love stone." It is rumored that Wiccans use Rose Quartz for forgiveness. Rose Quartz's physical healing properties include healing spleen and kidney problems, treatment of circulatory disorders and cancer. Rose Quartz aids in easing sexual and emotional imbalances and helps improve fertility. (from Marlco Creations)

Rose Quartz Spell 1
A good way to attract a lover's attention is to wear a rose quartz somewhere on the body. I have tried this spell, and found it to be very effective in bringing about the attentions of that special someone, and just people in general. Some effort must be made by the wearer, but you will find that it is justly reciprocated.
**Important!** Crystals are like living creatures; they will grow tired and overworked. Recharge your crystal easily. Leave it in a bowl of pure water in the sunlight or full moon light to recharge it's power.

Rose Quartz Sachet Spell
Use this if your heart is feeling sore: figuratively, of course.
Place a rose quartz in a thin muslin bag. Add various healing herbs, and wear the sachet close to your heart.

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