

Community Importance:


“Child abuse and neglect” was the #3 ranked issue in the 1999 Critical Issue Survey.


Dimension of Problem:


Ø       In 1998, there were 1,332 cases of child abuse and neglect in Vanderburgh County.

Ø       It is estimated that 10.7% of all children have been severely abused.

Ø       Approximately 30% of abused children grow up to abuse their own children.


Strategic Plan Response:






Children develop their full potential in a safe, loving, supportive and caring environment




Ø        Prevent child abuse and neglect

Ø        Reduce repeat abuse/neglect by perpetrators

Ø        Break cycle of abuse by addressing needs of adults who were abused as children



(Rank Ordered)


1.        Reduce emotional impacts of child abuse

2.        Parents learn positive parenting

3.        Families free of alcohol/drugs

4.        Parents better equipped to handle stress

5.        Reduce teenage pregnancy

6.        Fathers more involved in nurturing children

7.        Reduce family isolation



Complete Subcommittee Report: Page 165.



Community Importance:


“Teenage sex, pregnancy and parenthood” was the #2 ranked issue in the 1999 Critical Issue Survey.


Dimension of Problem:


Ø       There were 151 Vanderburgh County births in 1997 to youth ages 10-17

Ø       There is considerable peer pressure to have sex among teens, with over two-thirds of all teens having sex by the time they are age 18


Strategic Plan Response:




Teens mature as adults prepared to become healthy and productive members of society


Children are born into families where parents are equipped to provide for their emotional and financial needs





Ø        Reduce teenage pregnancy

Ø        Reduce inappropriate sexual behavior

Ø        Teen parents become successful parents



(Rank Ordered)


1.        Teens engaged in after-school activities

2.        Teen parents stay in school and get education

3.        Teens mature is stable family environment

4.        Teens realize consequences of sex

5.        Teen fathers involved in support of children

6.        Teens perceive hope for positive future

7.        Community values and support youth

8.        Teens experience success


Complete Subcommittee Report: Page 206.



Elderly & Disabled


Community Importance:


There were several “top tier” elderly/disability issues identified in the Critical Issue survey:


“In home services for elderly who want to remain independent” #1 critical issue

“Support for people caring for disabled in home” #6 critical issue

“Support for caregivers and patients with long-term and terminal illness” #9 issue

“Support for people with disabilities” #12 issue

“Support for people with mental illness” # 14 issue


Dimension of Problem:


Ø       Approximately 11% of all senior ages 65-79 need some form of daily living assistance, over 34% of senior over age 80 require assistance.

Ø       Approximately 5% of the total population (over age 15) have some form of disability which requires assistance in daily living


Strategic Plan Response:





People of all ages and capabilities accepted by the community and recognized for their talents and special needs





Ø        Elderly and disabled live in home environment of their own choosing

Ø        Elderly and disabled remain/become actively engaged and connected to community



(Rank Ordered)


1.        Increased support system to assist elderly/disabled

2.        Elderly/disabled get to where they need to go

3.        Increased employment among elderly/disabled

4.        Family members find information and services

5.        Elderly/disabled maintain good health

6.        Increased level of social relationships

7.        Increased involvement of families in caring

8.        Government programs not requiring dependency

9.        Reduced mental health problems

10.      Increased spirituality and religion



Complete Subcommittee Report: Page 249.



Community Importance:


There were several “family” issues identified through the critical issue survey process:


“Children needing parents to be more involved in their lives” # 7 critical issue

“Spouse abuse and safety of victims” # 15 issue

“Need to improve parenting and family skills” #21 issue

“Families in need of supportive friends, relatives, groups, neighbors” #23 issue


The subcommittee grouped all the issues together and defined the larger issue as: “Improving the quality of family life”


Dimension of Problem:


Ø       In 1997, there were 1,285 divorces filed in Vanderburgh County

Ø       Where in 1960 approximately 70% of all Vanderburgh County adults were in a marriage relationship, in 1990 only 55% were married.

Ø       Over 68% of black babies born in Vanderburgh County are to single parents

Ø       Poverty is becoming increasing a factor of single-parenthood: over 60% of all poor households are headed by single female

Strategic Plan Response:





Family members loving and caring for each other, parents preparing children for life and self-sufficiency, all supported in a network of caring relationships and community supports





Ø        Increased number of children raised in households with both parents present

Ø        Increased positive outcomes for children raised in households with only one parent present



(Rank Ordered)


1.        Parents able to find gainful employment

2.        Parents communicate healthy values to children

3.        Families with rich network of supports

4.        Increased knowledge and access to information

5.        Absent parents become involved with children

6.        Increased opportunities for stay-at-home moms

7.        Improved relationships between mother and father

8.        Increased parenting skills

9.        Increased amount of positive family interaction


Complete Subcommittee Report: Page 119.


Self Sufficiency


Community Importance:


There were several “top tier” elderly/disability issues identified in the Critical Issue survey:


“Jobs which pay a living wage” critical issue #8

“Teach life skills to meet needs of families and children”, issue #10

“Affordable housing for low-income people”, issue #16

“Financial security for families and their children”, #20


Dimension of Problem:


Ø       In Vanderburgh County, there were 20,016 persons below the poverty level in 1990, another 14,000 persons at 150% of poverty level, and another 15,000 between 150% and 200% of poverty

Ø       In 1990, 48.5% of all low-income households used some form of public or private assistance


Strategic Plan Response:





Individuals and families able to draw on their personal and family resources to meet their financial needs





Ø        Reduced financial dependency on community support systems



(Rank Ordered)


1.        Individuals have skills upgraded to better compete

2.        Affordable basic needs

3.        Individuals able to find services

4.        Acceptance of work ethic

5.        Good paying jobs

6.        Both parents involved in meeting financial obligations

7.        Families able to follow budgets

8.        Stable families

9.        Individuals with ability to set goals and have hope


Complete Subcommittee Report: Page 64.




Community Importance:


The Steering Committee selected “alcohol and drug abuse”, the #4 ranked critical issue, for further study and strategic planning.


Dimension of Problem:


Ø       Estimates of 6% of the population used illicit drug on regular basis, however, among youth ages 12-17 the level rises to 10%, and 16% among 18-25 year olds; 10% of persons over age 65 have a drinking problem and is part of nursing home resident history in 50% of the cases.

Ø       Individuals with an alcoholic parent are 6 times more likely to become alcoholic themselves


Strategic Plan Response:





Youth and elderly become/remain active, productive, contributing members of our community





Ø        Reduced early experimentation and use of  alcohol/drugs by youth

Ø        Reduced abuse of alcohol/drugs among the elderly



(Rank Ordered)


1.        Reduced availability of alcohol/drugs for youth

2.        Reduced community acceptance of alcohol/drug

3.        Recognition of alcohol/drugs consequence

4.        Youth have opportunities for fun and excitement

5.        Change youth perception of drugs as “cool”

6.        Parents with skills to keep children drug free

7.        Increased self-esteem of youth and parents

8.        Youth have sense of purpose, hope in future

9.        Elderly with sense of purpose and value

10.      Community appreciation of older persons

11.      Community understanding of high risk factors

12.      Improved identification/intervention of abuse


Complete Subcommittee Report: Page 299.



Livable Neighborhoods


Community Importance:


The selection of a Livable Neighborhoods category was not driven by the constellation of particular needs or problems found in the critical issue survey, but by a recognition that many of the critical issues play out in our neighborhoods and people are touched by these issues in their homes and with their neighbors. Thus, the over sixty (60) Evansville neighborhood associations were asked to plan their “ideal livable neighborhood”.


Common Themes:


Ø       Safe Neighborhoods (free of drugs and crime)

Ø       Government and property owner responsibility for upkeep of property

Ø       Friendly and involved neighbors

Ø       Forces outside of neighborhood changing (degrading) the character of neighborhood

Ø       Parks and activities for youth



Strategic Plan Response:




Neighborhood Residents value the beauty and character of the neighborhoods they choose to invest and/or live in. It is important to preserve that source of pride and comfort, and protect it from internal and external forces degrading its character.



Preserve the character of neighborhoods




Ø        Spot Zoning, conflicting with neighborhood values

Ø        Rental properties and absentee landlords

Ø        Home-owner property maintenance

Ø        Increasing social unity and friendliness of neighborhood


Complete Livable Neighborhood Report: Page 343.



Warrick County


Community Importance:


The Warrick County Subcommittee selected “drugs” as their issue for strategic planning purposes, with a special focus on the impact adult behavior has on youth use. It was ranked #1 in the Warrick County Critical Issue Survey.



Dimension of Problem:


Ø       In 1997, there were 84 adults and 49 juveniles arrested for selling and distributing drugs; another 42 arrests on misdemeanor drug charges.

Ø       Estimates of 6% of the population used illicit drug on regular basis, however, among youth ages 12-17 the level rises to 10%, and 16% among 18-25 year olds; 10% of persons over age 65 have a drinking problem and is part of nursing home resident history in 50% of the cases.


Strategic Plan Response:





Warrick County youth develop into productive and healthy citizens through the example of responsible and caring adults




Ø        Increase number of Warrick County adults who are aware that when they use alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, they are setting an example for youth.


Ø        Increase number of Warrick County youth who choose a lifestyle free of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.



(Rank Ordered)


1.        Decrease dropouts/expulsions due to substances

2.        Youths involved in groups and activities

3.        Youth realize consequences of substances

4.        Youth/adults learn healthy coping skills

5.        Youths mature in stable family

6.        Adults realize consequences of substance use



Complete Warrick County Report: Page 435.



Spencer County


Community Importance:


The Spencer County Subcommittee selected “youth at risk” as their area of focus. The issue was ranked #4 on the Spencer County Critical Issue Survey, but was related to many other top ranked issues.


Dimension of Problem:


Ø       There are an estimated 622 youth in Spencer County living in poverty

Ø       There are an estimated 548 Spencer County families with a single head of household

Ø       State-wide estimates indicate that 40% of all sophomores use alcohol on a regular basis, 31% smoke cigarettes, and 21% smoke marijuana


Strategic Plan Response:





Families able to draw on personal, family and community resources to meet their children’s academic, social and personal needs




Ø        Increased number of individuals who graduate from high school and pursue post-secondary education or training


Ø        Increased number of youths and families who live and cope without abusing substances, other people, or themselves



(Rank Ordered)


1.        Increased parenting knowledge and skills

2.        Activities available for all youth

3.        Respect of citizens regardless of class/background

4.        Stable families free from drugs and violence

5.        Individuals with goals and hope for the future

6.        Parents involved with their children

7.        Individuals with sense of belonging and community


Complete Spencer County Report: Page 478.

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