Livable Neighborhood Summary


1.      Neighborhood:  CAZE


2. Date of Meeting:  May 8, 2000


3.  Number of Participants:  5 (Officers & Neighbors)


4.  Facilitator:  Brenda White


5.  Boundaries of Neighborhood:  Omer, Green River, Pollack, Kenmore


6. Residents’ Description of their Neighborhood:


Ø      168 Homes

Ø      No Businesses

Ø      Close to shopping & businesses & medical care

Ø      Only 2 rent houses & 7 duplexes

Ø      Friendly

Ø      Different price ranges

Ø      Wide variety of ages

Ø      Low crime

Ø      Quiet

Ø      Dead end streets

Ø      Big trees

Ø      School

Ø      Some sidewalks


7.  Descriptions of “Ideal Neighborhood”:


Ø      More sidewalks

Ø      Omer Place street repair

Ø      Updating of street lights

Ø      Neighborhood stay clean & manicured

Ø      Trim big trees

Ø      Park in wooded area

Ø      Additional street lights

Ø      No additional rental property

Ø      More organized neighborhood associations


8.  Agreed-Upon Goals:


1.      Maintain Personal Appearance of Neighborhood

2.      Recreational Area

3.      Keep Home Owners as Residents


9.  Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities:




     Neighborhood Objectives:


Ø      Keep up personal property

Ø      Utilize neighbors abilities and skills

Ø      Get educated on who to call—then call


     Neighborhood Institutions Objectives:


Ø      Partnership with Caze and businesses

Ø      Spray for mosquitoes in woods


     City Objectives:


Ø      Street lights

Ø      Enforce zoning codes

Ø      Sidewalk repairs

Ø      Additional sidewalks

Ø      Street repair (Omer Place)


 Goal #2:  Recreational Area


     Neighborhood Objective:


Ø      Get property

Ø      Clean up woods


     Neighborhood Institutions Objectives: 


Ø      Donations


     City Objectives:


Ø      Partnership with neighborhood

Ø      Clean out woods











    Neighborhood Objectives:


Ø      Maintain personal property

Ø      Help seniors keep up property


     Neighborhood Institutions Objectives:


    City Objectives:


Ø      Enforce regulations





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