Livable Neighborhood Summary


1.      Neighborhood:  A.C.T.


2. Date of Meeting: May 30, 2000


3.  Number of Participants:  12


4.  Facilitator:  Catherine Hill


5.  Boundaries of Neighborhood:  Pollack, Weinbach, Lodge & I64


6.  Residents’ Description of their Neighborhood:


Ø      Improving

Ø      Togetherness

Ø      More people care

Ø      More participation

Ø      People care about children


7.      Descriptions of “Ideal Neighborhood”:


Ø      Job training center

Ø      Bus for activities

Ø      Block parties

Ø      Police Substation

Ø      Movie theater with stage

Ø      Community gatherings

Ø      Day care center

Ø      Library with computer lab

Ø      More drug programs

Ø      More activities for kids

Ø      Gym

Ø      Picnic tables

Ø      Outdoor built in grills

Ø      Bikes & bike trails

Ø      Park that is usable

Ø      Fitness Area

Ø      Playground equipment

Ø      Benches

Ø      Occupied houses cleaned up

Ø      Neighborhood watch

Ø      Town homes

Ø      Lots of landscaping

Ø      Direct Housing

Ø      Fire escapes

Ø      Clean streets

Ø      Better lighting

Ø      More bus stop buildings

Ø      Ramps for disabled

Ø      Porches on your apartments

Ø      Drug store

Ø      Dental clinic

Ø      Restaurant

Ø      Mobile library

Ø      Delivery service

Ø      Ice cream stand

Ø      Concession stands

Ø      Beauty & barber shops

Ø      Doctor’s office

Ø      More businesses


8.      Agreed-Upon Goals:


1.  Create a Neighborhood Community Center (13)

2.      Improve Parks (3)

3.      New and Improved Housing Infrastructure and Landscaping (3)


4.  Develop a “City Center”


9.      Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities:




     Neighborhood Objectives:


Ø      Raise money

Ø      Attend Parks Department meetings

Ø      Bring petition

Ø      Attend city-council building

Ø      Create and build partnerships

Ø      Partnership with a developer

Ø      Site the area where you want a center

Ø      Talk to the community


     Neighborhood Institutions Objectives:


Ø      Sign a letter of support

Ø      Donate money

Ø      Fund raisers

Ø      Help kids have a voice

Ø      Help kids be a part of the planning

Ø      Churches speak about it

Ø      Job trainers supported and run by businesses


     City Objectives:


Ø      Help write grant applications

Ø      Police support

Ø      Head start could operate day care center

Ø      City could designate some park monies

Ø      City could provide staff  “Habitat style” donations


     Other Resource Objectives:  


Ø      Public library can organize library

Ø      Family Resource Center & St Mary’s provide services with building


























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