Nedim Kemer


Landscape Architecture



The project required siting and designing a research laboratory and accommodations for five researchers on the very fragile Long Beach Sand Dune Conservation Park in New Jersey. We were to design a structure that will promote dune restoration through wind manipulation while being environmentally benign and self-sufficient in a disturbed site.

I began my design process by building a wind tunnel with a sand model of this particular site. I then explored the perfect aerodynamic form for my building that generates the dune restoration in the wind and sand tunnel.

After observing the successful dune restoration in the model, I proceeded to the final design stage to create an architecturally functional, aesthetically gratifying and environmentally unobtrusive laboratory building.

The roof structure is specially designed at a specific angle related to the equinox to minimize direct sunlight during the summer and maximize it during the winter. This will provide natural cooling and heating for the respective seasons. Solar panels are placed on the southerly exposed wing. A wind spoiler with special openings under it will provide natural ventilation throughout the building. It will also contribute to dune restoration and prevent sand deposition on the roof. The design process was finalized with the fundamental interior design solutions.

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