Secret Nightmares Part 2/7

By: Nectar99

Disclaimer: These characters don't belong to me. They belong to WB and Shoot The Moon Productions.

Rating: PG-13

See chapter 1 for summary and guideline.


4:30 p.m.

Amanda stood frozen in place clutching the door handle, unable to will herself to do anything. Part of her wanted to run away and hide, pretending not to be there. The other part of her wanted nothing more than to jump into the safety and protection of Lee Stetson's arms. Opening her mouth as if to say something, she was unable to emit any sound.

"Amanda, please open the door. Let me help you. All you need to do is trust me," he begged, his voice cracking with emotion. Lee stood in silence for another minute saying a silent prayer that he was reaching her.

Her trembling hand removed the chain slowly and unlocked the deadbolt. One last check indicated that her glasses were still securely in place, adequately hiding her bruises. Opening the door, she saw the one person that had always been there for her. Forcing the corners of her mouth upward, the slight appearance of a smile splayed across her face.

Lee closed the door, never taking his eyes off of her. As he reached out to remove her glasses, he gently grasped her opposing hand in his, giving it a comforting pat. As she tried to say his name in protest he silenced her, shaking his head, "shhh." Lee did his best to stifle the gasp upon inspecting her bruised and battered face. A few deep breaths helped him control the ire and rage that nearly erupted at the thought of her being hurt by some monster.

"Look at me," he insisted, searching desperately to find her eyes. Those expressive eyes could calm him down with just a glance and he knew it. He reached down, placing his thumb under her chin to tilt her head. When he found her eyes, he momentarily had to close his own. One lonely tear was present on her cheek and he couldn't bear the thought of what had actually happened. Reaching out, he pulled her close, wrapping both arms protectively around her body.
She clung to him, finally feeling a sense of safety. Something about his strong protective arms and soothing voice crumbled the dam, and Amanda began weeping uncontrollably.

"Shhh, it's alright. Let it out, I'm right here," he assured her softly while gently stroking her hair. Unwilling to release her, he led her to the bed and sat her down.

"Lee…I…uuuh…huuh…" she tried to get the words out between sobs.

"Shhh, slow down, it's okay, Amanda. I'm not going anywhere," he promised adamantly. He held her against his chest; unaware that he had began a soft rocking motion in an effort to relax her.

Feeling the moisture on his shirt, Amanda lifted her head to speak to him. She winced momentarily, unsure as to what he was actually doing until she felt his thumb tenderly brush the tears from her cheeks. His hands were strong and masculine, yet his touch delicate and tender. Through all of the darkness she had experienced, Amanda was still able to look up and give him a weak smile. In turn, she reached up gently caressing his cheek before placing a kiss there. "Thank you for understanding," she whispered.

"You know that's not even…"

"I know, but I wanted to tell you," she interrupted, insisting that he accept her thanks.

"Okay, I understand," he acknowledged with a slight nod. "Can you tell me about it?" He saw her fighting for the right words and he wanted to make it as easy as possible under the circumstances. Reaching out to stroke her hair, he spoke, "Amanda, please trust me." His tone was deep and full of emotion.

"I do trust you," she murmured, looking deep within his eyes. She could see the hurt in them and the anger he was fighting to keep at bay. "I was attacked Friday night," she began.

"When, where, how, and who was there? Did you get a look at the guy? What did he look like?" He fired off the questions as if interrogating a top Russian official. "Amanda, did he…" suddenly his questions ended at the thought he didn't want to imagine.

Moving apart, Amanda turned to sit Indian style, facing Lee. She took both his hands in hers and began to tell him what she had suffered Friday night. "I went into town Friday evening to pick up my dry cleaning. I used to go to McCaine's on 3rd and Allister, but they went out of business about three months ago. Anyway, I had to go to 14th and Columbus to that new place, Franklin's."

"Amanda, that's a very bad area," Lee pointed out, before he realized how judgmental it sounded. "I wish you would've have called me," he added.

"Lee, I can't depend on you to do everything dangerous for me, even though I do appreciate the offer," she admitted. "Anyway, I picked up my clothes, and was walking to my car. There was no parking on Columbus, so I had to park three streets down from the place. About a block from my car, I thought I heard footsteps behind me. I did just what the agency manual said to do. I proceeded to keep walking, keeping an eye on all the perimeters. I just wasn't near any lights or other people…..I…just"

He noticed her hands begin to tremble. He reached out and took them into his firm grip to help steady both her hands and her nerves. "Take your time. Relax, it's just you and me, Amanda," he soothed. He turned his body, to get closer, positioning her beside him. He placed an arm around her shoulder, encouraging her to lean against him. He took both her hands in his free one, attempting to calm her with his touch.

"I turned to look behind me, and he was there. I couldn't even scream. He…he put his hand over my mouth, very hard, and I…I couldn't move. I kicked his leg, and he fell on his side, taking me with him. Once I was on the ground, he overpowered me. He…he.."

"What?" Lee interrupted. "What did he do?" He fought to remain calm. Lee knew how much she needed him at the moment, and losing his temper wouldn't help the situation.

Amanda realized how extremely difficult it had to be for Lee to sit here and listen to her describe what had happened. She took a deep breath before continuing. "He…he had his hand over my mouth and I tried to scream…but couldn't scream…I couldn't do anything. I…felt his hand tearing at my…clothes," she shuddered at the thought. "He tried to kiss me and I…I didn't know what to do…so I bit him. He went into a rage, pinning me under him. He hit my face repeatedly and I…I had no protection. I really did try to fight, but it was no use. He was kneeling on my hands. I blacked out at some point, but I remember opening my eyes to find him….touching my body. I started shaking and could feel him taking my clothes off. I could smell cigarettes and alcohol…it was hard for me to breathe but I kept screaming no over and over again," she replied shakily, her breath coming in short huffs. " He had a short beard that was rough and scratchy. He tried to kiss me…very hard…I was able to get my knee up to kick him in the groin. When he fell off of me, I jumped up and ran to the car." Amanda took a moment to catch her breath, which was now ragged and shallow. It seemed that she was reliving the ordeal as she told it.

"Okay, okay, that's enough. Try to relax," he comforted her, trying to blink furiously as a tear threatened to escape his eye. When she quieted down, Lee stood up in an attempt to calm himself. Just the thought of another man touching her and forcing kisses on her, made him sick. He shivered at the very thought, quickly turning back around to ensure she hadn't seen him.

"Let me get you something to drink," he offered, looking around the room. The only available drink happened to be water, from the bathroom tap. He handed her the drink, and sat on the edge of the bed. He took her hand in his, drawing lazy circles on the top with his thumb.

"I'll be right back. My phone is in the car and I need to give Billy a call, okay?" He stared at her intently, asking the question, however reassuring her that he'd be right back.

"Okay," she replied softly, giving him a small smile.


Once outside, Lee made a beeline for the car. He initially began dialing, but quickly severed the connection. 'What the hell am I going to tell Billy?' He thought. 'He already warned me…ahhh hell.'

After explaining the entire situation to Billy, Lee was willing to comply with his instructions. Billy gave him the rest of the week off to try to help Amanda and bring the perpetrator to justice.

Lee returned to the room, offering Amanda a change of plans. He suggested moving her things to his apartment for the next few days. At his house, he'd be able to take care of her properly.

Amanda was reluctant to leave, finding some strange comfort in the distance she had put between herself and the incident. Going back to Lee's apartment meant dealing with the situation, and, at first she wasn't sure if she was ready to do that.

7:00 p.m.

Lee's hand rested in the small of her back, leading her from the car. Normally, he fought to keep up with her, but now he could see her reluctance to go with him. He insisted on carrying everything inside, including her handbag. Even with an armload of supplies, he tried to offer her assistance to his apartment.

Once inside the apartment, Lee placed her belongings in his room, by the bed. He turned back around, startled to see her right behind him. "Oh, you scared me."

"I'm sorry. I was just trying to tell you that it's not necessary to put my things in here. Can you put my suitcase out there by the couch?" She asked politely.

Lee stood staring at her, unsure of her meaning. "No, your suitcase will be in here by the bed, Amanda. That's where you're going to sleep," he insisted.

Shaking her head, she replied, "Lee, I can't take your bed. I feel terrible as it is, intruding like this," she admitted softly.

Closing the distance between them, Lee pulled her in for a hug, holding her close. "I'm going to have to insist you take the bed. Please don't argue with me, Amanda. You know your not intruding whatsoever," he whispered against her ear, kissing her on the top of her head.

"Thank you," she replied softly, content to remain in his arms for another few seconds.

Pulling back slightly, Lee looked at her face. "I have some antibiotic ointment in the bathroom. Come with me," he insisted.

After cleansing her cuts, Lee sat her down in the living room. After calling out for Chinese food, he suggested watching some T.V. while waiting for dinner to arrive.

"Have you talked to your Mother?" Lee inquired, unsure if he had overstepped his boundary.

"Yes, she thinks I'm on assignment this week. I spoke to her this morning. Thanks for asking," she replied with a smile. She felt welcome at his apartment, and loved the comfort and protection of his arms. Cuddling closer, she nearly fell asleep with her head lying on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.

After sharing some vegetable lo-mein, with rice on the side, Amanda was ready to go to sleep. Her body was tired and sore, however she didn't want Lee feeling sorry for her, so she tried to hide her discomfort. Amanda sat up gingerly and said, "Lee, I'm bushed. Do you mind if I get some sleep?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize how late it was. Come on, I'll walk you to bed," he offered.

After changing into her pajamas, Amanda emerged from the bathroom, and climbed into bed. She called out for him, telling him that she was decent and he could come in.

Tucking the covers around her body, Lee leaned overtop of her, and placed a kiss on her forehead. "You get some sleep, okay. I'll be right out here," he promised.

Amanda grabbed his hand, holding it tightly. "If you don't mind, could you sit with me until I fall asleep?" She squinted her eyes, unable to directly look at him.

Kneeling beside the king size bed, Lee never relinquished her hand. "Amanda, of course I'll sit with you. I'll be over in the chair, okay?" He smiled warmly, seeking her approval.

"Thank you," she murmured softly.

Lying in his bed, Amanda was trying to get some quality rest. The previous night had been terrible, waking up every time she fell asleep as images of 'the man' flooded her mind. Closing her eyes, Amanda clutched the pillow, welcoming Lee's familiar scent. She took a deep breath, smiling into the pillow, aware that he was only a few feet away. What would she have done without his support? Does he realize how much his trust and tenderness meant to her? Does he have any idea how much she loves him? After several minutes of thrashing about, she finally drifted off to sleep, unaware that Lee had slipped back into the living room.

Twisting and turning, Lee tried several positions, looking for just an inkling of comfort on his couch. Being a tad to tall for it, he was unable to stretch his legs fully. After discovering a comfortable position on his side, he finally closed his eyes. Her scream was loud enough to wake the entire floor. It was filled with fear and terror. Leaping over the back of the couch, Lee ran to his room. He could see her sitting upright, shaking uncontrollably. "Amanda! Amanda!" He called out, trying to get her to snap out of her terrifying nightmare.


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