A Blessed Christmas Event Chapter 2/3


By:  Nectar99


Rating: PG


See chapter 1 for Disclaimer, timeline, and summary.

DEcember 24th, 1988 12:45 p.m.


As I maneuvered the Jeep through downtown D.C., I mentally went over the checklist in my head, reassuring myself that I didn’t forget anything. I packed her suitcase in the trunk, called the Doctor, and told the rest of the family that we would call them when things progressed.  Internally, I was a nervous wreck.  My stomach was doing flip-flops, and I tried to hide my nerves by planting a perm-a-grin across my face.  When I’d steal glances at her out of the corner of my eye, I watched her grip the seat as each contraction came.  I fought the urge to floor it, not wanting to alarm her. 


I pulled into the parking lot of Galilee General Hospital in record time.  After getting cut off by a small brown sedan for a parking spot, I nearly leapt from the Jeep, with all intentions of flashing my badge.  Reality quickly sank in, and I released the door handle to find another parking spot.  Amanda sat beside me, smiling as if reading my thoughts. 


I placed my right hand on her thigh, squeezing it gently.  “How are you doing?”


“I’m hanging in there, Lee.  How are you doing?” She countered, well aware of my emotional state. 


“I’m doing good,” already regretting the statement before it left my lips.  Why I thought I could convincingly lie to Amanda was beyond me.  Maybe deep down, I wanted her to calm me down. 


“Lee, come on now.  This is me you’re talking too.  You’re doing a great job honey, and I know you’re going to be a wonderful father,” she reassured me.


“I love you, Amanda!”  It’s the only phrase that conveyed an ounce of what I was feeling at the moment. 


I helped her inside to the admissions desk.  My hand slapping down on the counter startled the nurse.  “Can I help you?” She inquired not so graciously.


“I’m having a baby…I mean we’re having…. damn it, my wife here is having a baby,” I finally blurted out.  ‘Boy do I sound like a complete idiot,’ I thought to myself.


The nurse stifled a laugh upon looking at my obvious frown.  She then brought us a wheelchair as another contraction began.  Amanda clutched onto the front of my shirt, and I wrapped my arms protectively around her body so she wouldn’t fall.  I found myself breathing through the contraction with her.  After it subsided, I carefully placed her in the wheelchair, and made a beeline for the elevator.  I had to get her to the fourth floor, which seemed liked an eternity once the doors closed. 


When the elevator doors opened, a nurse was waiting for us.  ‘Thank god,’ I told myself.  It was nice to see that we were expected. 


Finally, we were settled into Amanda’s room.  The atmosphere was very warm and inviting.  The walls were decorated in pink and blue, and stenciled with baby blocks along the top trim.  The nurse on duty helped Amanda change into a hospital gown, and climb into the bed. 


“My name is Carol, and I’ll be here until 11:00 p.m.  Dr. McCormick phoned in a little while ago, and informed us that she will be here shortly.  I want to congratulate you now about the twins.  I’m sure you’re both very excited,” she stated.


“We certainly are,” Amanda responded for both of us. 


Carol shook both our hands before speaking again.  “I’m sure you’re well aware of the situation.  The Doctor asked us to do an ultrasound to see what position the babies are in before we go any further.”


We nodded in unison, both well aware that a c-section may be necessary.  I took Amanda’s hand and squeezed it gently, trying to offer any kind of support I could.  I didn’t know what was going on, and I didn’t want her to see how worried I really was, thinking about the possibility of surgery. 


Carol returned a few minutes later, wheeling in a large machine.  She lifted Amanda’s gown, and placed some obviously cold gel on her belly.  She placed a small apparatus attached to a wire on her stomach and rolled it all over Amanda’s abdomen.  After a moment, Carol smiled at the screen viewing one of our babies.  My mouth fell open, as she pointed out the first baby.  She told me that they were too large to see each one, but was happy to report that baby A was in the correct position for a vaginal delivery. 


I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding.  Things were looking better and better, until Amanda had a contraction.  This one was painful. I could see it on her face as she gripped the handles to the bed; she struggled to breathe through that one.  I noticed this contraction was longer than the previous one, making me wonder why any woman would agree to do this more than once in their lives.  I caressed her cheek until her features softened, assuring me that she was okay. 


After that contraction, Carol checked to see how far along Amanda had dilated. She told us that Amanda was two centimeters dilated, and was progressing nicely.  ‘Everything is under control,’ I told myself.  When Carol left the room, I turned to comfort my wife.


“Can I get you anything, or help you out,” I offered, not sure how I could actually be of any service to her now.


Her smile warmed me through and through.  ‘How does she do that, without even trying?’ I asked myself. 


“I just need you here by my side,” she stated, making me an even happier man. 


The next several hours were strenuous on her part.  I found myself breathing through each contraction with her, feeling somewhat exhausted after each one.  Dotty and the boy’s came in periodically to see how everything was going and then they went into the lounge to give us some privacy.  Amanda maintained a happy strong exterior, trying to be brave for all of us.   


DEcember 23rd, 1988 10:12 p.m.


Dr. McCormick stopped in periodically to check on Amanda’s progress.  She was now eight centimeters dilated, and only two more to go.  I had no idea what this meant, but it sure sounded like we were progressing. 


When I turned to glance out the window, I saw a light dusting of snow on the ground.  The flakes were small and steady, as I watched them tumble down beneath the streetlight.  As I admired the sight before me, Amanda’s heavy breathing snapped me back to our present situation.  She mouthed my name groggily, and I immediately went back to her.


“I’m right here, Amanda,” I whispered, while taking her hand in mine.  Her warm brown trusting eyes locked with my own.  I lifted her hand and placed a kiss upon her palm.


I took turns dabbing a cool cloth on her forehead, and feeding her ice chips.  She looked so exhausted, her hair sweat soaked, and her body trembling.  If I could have taken the pain away from Amanda, I would have happily traded places with her.  I would rather go through any torturous situation as opposed to watching her suffer, and I didn’t see how I was of any comfort to her.  She smiled in between contractions, squeezing my hand for emphasis.  I smiled back, trying to encourage her to keep going. The contractions were nearly on top of one another, and I called for the nurse.  “Can she have something for the pain?” I asked, thinking more about myself at the time.  I couldn’t stand to see her like this, and I wanted to take it away.


“Of course she can, if she wants it.  Would you like something for the pain, Mrs. Stetson?” Carol asked, wiping her forehead with the cloth.


“No, I’m trying to do this without medication,” Amanda gasped, nodding her head for emphasis.


“Okay, well just let me know if it’s too much.  I’ll be happy to get you something for the discomfort,” Carol offered.


‘Discomfort?  I hope she’s kidding.  Amanda looks as if she’s being tortured, in severe pain,’ I thought to myself.  Guilt overcame me when I thought about myself in Amanda’s position.  I didn’t think I’d ever be able to go through anything like this, and survive.


“How are you doing, baby?” I whispered, while rubbing a cube of ice over her dry lips.


She nodded, not able to speak as the next contraction caused her to grip my hand very tightly.  I could only imagine how terrible the pain had to be.  I’ve seen Amanda go through a lot of painful events, but nothing compared to the torture I felt she was suffering at the present time.  Beads of perspiration covered her face, and her hair was completely soaked. 


At approximately 10:45 p.m., Doctor McCormick confirmed that it was now time to push.  I heard Amanda let out an exhausted sigh of relief, and I interlocked our hands together.  This was short lived, because Carol handed me some scrubs and instructed me to get changed.  Reluctant to leave Amanda’s side, Carol informed me that she would be working a double shift, and wouldn’t leave her side while I was gone.


I quickly changed, and ran into the lounge to tell the family we were almost there.  Dotty pulled me in for a hug and whispered in my ear, “I’m so proud of you, Lee.” 


I was so elated that I kissed her cheek, and my tears wet her face.  “Thank you Mom.”


I gave Phillip and Jamie a high five and ran back into the delivery room.  When I entered the room, Dr. McCormick grinned and asked, “Are you ready to have these babies?”






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