No More Words

Part 6


We decide, after 3 hours of Ranma 1/2, that Miroku and Shippo should go back. Actually, a rather forceful Inuyasha pushes them into the mini shrine, and tries to shove them down the well.

"You have to promise to come back soon!" Shippo pleads

"Don't worry," I say " We'll come in a few days."

"Fine." Miroku prepares to jump "I'll watch over the area, and look for clues to the whereabouts of more Shikon shards. Bye!" He leaps into the opening with Shippo in tow. (( rhymes...))

The last thing we hear is Shippo's fading cry of, "Bye Kagomeeeeeee!"

I stare at the dirt ground for a while, aware that Inuyasha is looking curiously at me.

"Shall we go find Kikyo?" I don't even wait for an answer, but yank him out of the shrine and into the courtyard.

We search the property unsuccessfully, so I use the most efficient method.

"Kikyo!" I begin to shout, "Where are you?!"

I look upwards, and high among the foliage, find Kikyo and Sota sitting on the branches.

"Come on down!" I say loudly "Lets go around town, get some lunch, and check out the archery ranges!"

"Ooooo!" Kikyo makes an excited noise, "Archery!" She scrambles down and hops around eagerly.

"Hey..." Inuyasha breaks in "What about me? I do have ears you know, and my clothed are strange."

"People will think its just another strange teenage fad!" I say

While we weave ourselves through the streets, Kikyo tells me about her meeting with Hojo. Poor guy...he must really think I've forgotten him. Gramps really needs better excuses. No doubt about it.

"Sota tells me you went on a date with him! That must have been so much fun!"

Inuyasha's eye starts to twitch slightly, and I mutter

"Not really..."

At the food stands Inuyasha, Sota, and I have no trouble choosing our meal. Inuyasha gets ramen, Sota gets sushi, and I get oden. Kikyo, on the other hand, is lost between the many choices.

"what to get...what to get..." After what seems a life time, she decides on oden as well.

"You look so appear so happy when you look at your oden!" She laughs, "So it must be good!"

Inuyasha seems intent on savoring his ramen on the way to the archery courts. ((Can you tell i'm hungry?))

We throw out our garbage and for a range and supplies. Kikyo caresses the bow lovingly, and raises it to shoot. bang. Right in the bullseye. Sota whistles, and Inuyasha winces. I think he's remembering the arrow she shot which imprisoned him. Both arrows were perfectly accurate. Kikyo and I take turns shooting. I'm almost as good as her, and it helps when she gives me tips.

"Hey Inuyasha!" I grin evily, "Why don't you take a turn?"

"Feh..." He dismisses the mere idea of him and archery with disdain

"Oooooh pleeeease?"

His eyes narrow slightly, then he sighs "Alright."

Inuyasha roughly handles the bow, and draws back too far. He gives the fallen arrow a death glare before retrieving it again, and fitting it into its proper place. This time the arrow flies somewhere, unfortuantly, that place being the ceiling.

"Argh! It's impossible to handle this stupid contraption!"

"At least you tried Inuyasha!" I say in a comforting way

"I'm not going anywhere until I hit the target!" He says with new found dedication

"Oh dear," Kikyo sighs "This might take a while..."

Inuyasha's ears flicker, but he gives no other signs of hearing her.

Two hours later, a satisfied Inuyasha puts down the bow.

"Lets go." He says contently.


As we enter the main gate at home, I notice that the atmosphere between Inuyasha and Kikyo became lighter . Very good.

We head to the center of the yard, and talk happily about the day.

"What the?!" Inuyasha clenches his teeth and whirls to face the shrine with the well. I know what's the matter, because I can feel it too. Danger...coming closer.

From the darkness of the shrine, a figure takes form. Slowly stepping into the light, miko robes swirling around her body. She raises her face and looks at us. My eyes widen, and I look from the person in front of me, to the person to my side.


The Kikyo beside me stares in horror at the other one. "What are you?"

"Remember when you fell into the well?" the other girl's voice seems mocking, "I was ripped from you when you began to travel between the times. I, your hate, anger and confusion. Due to the fact you were no longer in that era, I was able to take on your body, and force my way here." Her face twists into a look of loathing, "Unlike you though, I still have the same goal: To kill Inuyasha. However now, I can kill you... and our reincarnation as well. Funny how things work out, hmmmm?"

Riiiight. I hate to admit it...but...I'M SO SICK OF THIS STORY! *sob* so there's only one chapter after this. and...i hate the way i'm making this story end. but...i cant think of any other way. i suffer from total anxiety. so sorry.

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