No More Words

Part 3

YAY! the evil title of doom is gone! and a new one is upon us! sorry...twas getting on my tender nerves, anyhoo. this is just a wishy-washy Inuyasha/Kagome chapter (wowee...mebe this will be a Inu/Kagome pairing fic...AND...a Kikyo/Kagome friendship one(insert author's overwhelmed sigh here here)

Inuyasha and Kagome are a great couple ^___^ my favourite pair (Sango and Miroku too!) . I know this started as a sort of depressing (to me...) fic, so i think i'm gonna change it and make it a bit more liiight and bouncy ^.^

((Kagome view))

*poke*poke*poke poke*

I groan and put the blankets over my head, in an attempt to shut out the light and my assailant.

"Go away Buyo!"

I swat my hand in the air, until it makes contact with a fuzzy ear. First I yank upwards on it gently, then yank it hard downwards. Someone's head connects roughly with mine, and a very familiar voice cries out...


My eyes snap open, and I sit up quickly, the blankets falling from my head. I let my eyes slowly drop to meet Inuyasha's golden ones. He is sprawled across my legs, with one hand clutching his apparently aching head.

I begin to speak nervously, "Oh...heh...heh...Inuyasha! Imagine seeing you here..."

"What the hell is SHE doing here?!" He points with his other hand to the bed, where an unsuspecting Kikyo is peacefully sleeping.

"Let's go outside and talk." I say quietly

We untangle ourselves from each other, and creep out the shrine courtyard. Judging from the sky, I'd say it was about 8 am. I wonder where Mom and Grandpa are...

"Alright Kagome! Why is Kikyo here?!"

"Well actually, I have no clue." I admit, "Why don't you ask her yourself later on?"

"I might just do that,"

He sighs and continues on,

"You could have told me there was something wrong, you know,"

"Yes, but then you'd go play Mr. High-and-Mighty-Hero again! Besides! I felt like I needed to do this myself!"

Oh my, I feel a tad bit pissed off. I walk ahead of Inuyasha for a bit, and hug myself. The cool morning breeze blows through my pajamas and hair, making my shiver a bit. Still...I feels good to be embraced by the wind.

Two hands rest on my shoulder and I turn to face Inuyasha, who all of a sudden, is very close.


Gad! He has that look on his face again! I smile to myself, because I love that look. It opens up Inuyasha's feelings, and for a while I can tell his emotions.

"Don't run away from me..."

I wasn't doing any running, but it doesn't matter.

Not so long ago, I discovered that I liked it when Inuyasha hugged me. It made me feel safe, secure, and just plain warm inside. Exactly how I feel now. I hug him back, and tuck my head under his chin. Absolutely...I love it when Inuyasha holds me in his arms.

We stay like that a little longer, and draw apart only to sit down against the Old God Tree. I lean my head on his shoulder, and he locks his hand in mine.

"Where's Shippo and Miroku?" I murmur this with heavy eyelids. It feels like I hardly slept at all last night.

He laughs softly, "I had to knock them both over the head to keep them from coming with me."

I grin, picturing the little fox demon and corrupted monk lying flat on their backs, with huge bumps and lumps. Before I close my eyes to a take a nap, I whisper in his ear,

"I'm really glad you came Inu-yasha. I love having you beside me."

He stiffens a bit, but then relaxes. I don't think he's quite used to hearing those words yet. My mind wanders, and I sleep. However, in my sunny dreams, I hear Inuyasha's soft whisper of:

"I love having you by my side, as well."

weeeell...this was hard to write (i can read mushy stuff...but writing is veeeeery hard. at least this was mild mushyness ^_____^ )

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