
c/o Devil Sauce Recordings
Dept 20 - 601 Bute Street
Vancouver BC - V6E 3M2 - Canada
TEL (604) 619-4353 / FAX (604) 665-5199


These are some links we've been sent regarding radio shows, 'zines, labels, whatever from around the world. The categories are varied but I should mention that they are run by people making a difference out there!

Specifically I'd like to mention - support the labels that support the music - for me it's labels like -
El Toro, Hullabaloo, Raucous, On the Hill, Hairball 8, Skully, Hepcat, Nervous, Rollin' Rock, Goofin', Fireball - but every scene has 'em, the ones that keep the music from being a secret! Cheers, Johnny

Click here for:

1. A great site for shopping your stuff to record labels
2. More links to on-line labels
3. An excellent source of fanzine addresses

Home of Big John Bates

Every band
from everywhere 



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