Guestbook Archives
3/10/00 - 3/16/00

Aunt Eileen - 03/16/00 04:53:30
My Email:[email protected]

Lauren Update: Lauren is in the hospital today beginning her second round of chemo. When I arrived she was patiently awaiting her grilled cheese sandwich and fries (which didn't look all that appealing when they arrived, but Lauren didn't seem to mind) La ren was in a great mood tonight, feeling good. We had one small incident occur when Lauren stepped on the tube that is feeding the chemo and kinda pulled it out. Mommy was out of the room so Lauren and I called the nurses, who came right away and hooked er back up. Lauren was cracking me up because she immediately sat down knowing what she had done, put her hands on her cheeks and continually repeated, "Oh No, Oh My Goodness" It was quite funny. Lauren is so good about getting her blood pressure and temp rature taken now. She tells them which leg to check her BP on and lifts her arm up for the thermometer. When their finished she says "whoo hooo, all done". When I said good night I'm going home Lauren said "me too!" I wish I could have taken you Lauren! fter day one of round two, so far so good. By the way for all of you out there, tomorrow, Thursday 3/16, is Incredible Kid Day. It's the third Thursday of March every year. The purpose of Incredible Kid Day is to remind adults to tell their children, gran children, nieces/nephews, etc., how much they mean to them by writing a letter to them. It doesn't matter if their too young to read. You can always read your letters to them or save them and give them to the kids when their older. So Adults, get out your pens and write those letters to your incredible kids. You'll feel good for doing it and your children will thank you for it. If you'd like further info about Incredible Kid Day, which was started by the Campfire Boys and Girls Organization, you can go to Lauren and Timmy I think you're both INCREDIBLE. O.K. your incredible too Bill & Deb. After all your somebodys kids too! I'll see you guys tomorrow. Oh by the way Aunt Nean's birthday is on Friday (3/17) She's our Italian Leprechaun. Afte all, everyone's Irish on St. Patrick's Day.

Sherman - 03/16/00 02:45:10
My Email:[email protected]

All, from Aunt Nean... (hope you don't mind me posting it).... Hi Guys, I just wanted to let everyone know that Lauren's test results from Monday were all ok. The tumor has not grown any and may have even shrunk a tiny tiny bit. They were checking her because she was complaining of back pain. The kidney scan was normal as ell. I would have wrote this in the journal, but for some reason I am having computer problems and I can not get into geocities to update the site. I know most of you check the journal, and would be wondering if why it isn't updated. Lauren is back in the hospital all settled in for her second round of Chemo and is in good spirits. She came by work yesterday (I have no kids in class on Tuesdays) and ate lunch with my friend Jane and I. She was happy and playing with all of the toys nd just having a blast. She looks good....she looks real good. Again I am sorry about the length between is either my computer acting up or it is geocities that is having server problems. Not sure which one. Please do me a favor and pass this email onto people you do not see above...I do not have every ne's email addresses.....Thanks a Bunch Neaner :o) Thanks Nean for the journal updates and again for this site. And Lauren, Deb, Timmy and Bill, God bless. All my love, Sherman and kids

Margi - 03/16/00 01:40:31

Hello Lauren!! How are you doing tonight? I'm not sure if you are in the hospital for round 2, but if you are I know you will be brave. We are having a thunderstorm right now and it's still winter!!! Be good to your nurses and Drs. and take their blood pr ssure as often as they take yours!! Sweet dreams, Lauren!! Love, Margi

Nadine, Rich & Matthew - 03/15/00 22:27:30
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Lauren....Heard you are walking; what wonderful news!! I bet you are here, there and everywhere!!! We have been thinking of you alot this week and hope things have been o.k. for you. We will soon be sending you cookies to munch on and what do you thin we will be putting in them??...right you are...M&Ms!! Enjoy them and share with Tim as I know you will..Love & Prayers always..Nadine, Rich & Matty.

Margi - 03/14/00 22:52:42

Hi Lauren!! Well, I didn't write to you yesterday and I am so sorry! Well, Ivy had a great walk in the park today! She nearly caught up to the 3 squirrels that live in the pines. She ran so fast chasing them that she kicked up lots of dust. And now she i so tired, she is asleep on her "throne!" I hope Aunt Nean can get a picture of you dressed up in your feathers--hope she showed you how to waltz around and through that boa around you shoulders!! Pleasant dreams!! Love, Margi

Jane - 03/14/00 21:37:08
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Lauren, Thanks for coming with Mommy and having lunch with Aunt Nean and I today! That was good pizza! You looked so pretty all dressed up in the feather boa and hats, I'm glad you let us take your picture like that so we can hang them up in our clas room- the kids are going to like looking at those pictures. Oh, and thank you for singing Rain, Rain, Go Away and the Monkey Song for me- you're a really good singer. I hope everything goes well in the hospital this week so you can come and have lunch w th us again real soon. Love, Jane

maryellen - 03/14/00 21:11:24
My Email:[email protected]

Hello everyone! Again today I was compelled to send all my love and prayers. The greatest gift we are given is the unconditional love of family and friends. It is so apparent that you are well loved. Miracles happen everyday and Laurens incredible spirit s proof. We hold you all close in our hearts.

cara osborn - 03/14/00 18:32:39
My Email:[email protected]

hey lauren whats up. its cara. i've been reading about you and i'm so happy that you can walk again. well i'm at school and everyone here wishes you luck. even ashley.

Sherman` - 03/13/00 03:22:31
My Email:[email protected]

Lauren, good luck with the tests this week. I'm sure the docs and nurses will be good to their favorite little patient. Tell mommy and daddy that everyone is here for you and them, thoughts and prayers and love. Take care angel, Sherman

maria testa - 03/13/00 03:03:32
My Email:[email protected]

Hi, Lauren, We saw your grandparents yesterday and am we are so glad that we did. We know, after speaking with both of them, that everything is going to all right for you. They love you very much and are praying very hard for you. We will be praying for you too,as well as for your parents,and your aunt, and your grandparents so they ill continue to help you get better faster. Hope to meet you soon. Love, to your parents and to you. Maria and Vinny

Margi - 03/13/00 02:41:41

Hello Lauren!! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and hope your tests are easy for you. You are so brave, little one, a wonderful example of courage for all of us. Sleep well, Lauren! God Bless! Love, Margi

melanie lance - 03/13/00 02:27:44
My Email:[email protected]

Hey everyone! I think you have a terrific family. With all the love and support you have I know you'll do okay. We are sending lots of love and energy your way as you prepare for round two. It's great to see all of the support you have online too!! We'll eep praying for you all.

Aunt Eileen - 03/13/00 01:14:57
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Lauren & Timmy:) We had fun visiting with you over the weekend. Too bad it rained most of the time. It would have been better if we could have spent more time outside. Thanks for helping me feed the fish Lauren. I think they have enough food to last t em till May or June. Timmy, sorry we couldn't hit the ball around as much as you would have liked, but Lauren kept trying to get in the pond with the fish. Thanks for being a great big brother and taking such good care of your sister. Maybe you can visit or the weekend by yourself someday soon. We'll go to the park and have some fun. Bill and Deb, I'll see you on Wednesday. Good luck with the tests tomorrow. I love you guys!!!

Aggie - 03/12/00 14:33:23
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Lauren...I am so happy to hear that you are doing so well. Congratulations on "no more therapy!" WOW! :o) .....Love, Aggie

grandma - 03/12/00 02:46:36
My Email:[email protected]

Well Lauren grandma and grandpa got to visit with some old friends who we don't get to see very often. They all are praying for you and read your web page often. So many people praying for you is really a miracle, one I am sure God hears. I promised every ne a big party when all this is over and you are well again. See you Monday morning.Sleep well

Margi - 03/12/00 01:53:48

Hi Lauren! Hope you're having a great time with your Grandma & Grandpa! How wonderful that you have so many people to love you! Next week will be another busy one for you so I'll be saying extra prayers that your hospital stay will fly by so you can get ack home quickly!! Night, night, sweet Lauren!! Love, Margi

Charlie - 03/11/00 08:19:28
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Lauren!! I was looking for your Aunt's update and then noticed your Daddy's post below...WOW!! Keep up the great stuff! I'm proud of you. We know you can do it ....(after all, the whole Internet's rootin' for you!)

maria testa - 03/11/00 03:26:34
My Email:[email protected]

Hi, Lauren. Teri Ann and Ro White have just helped me get through my computer hangups. I've finally found the page! We are all praying for you and will continue to pray for you until you stop needing us. Thank you and your family for keeping us informed and for including us in your life. Together there is so much more strength. Love to the whole family. We love you and with you, everyday, and especially at 12 noon. Love, Maria, Rosemary and Teri Ann.

Margi - 03/11/00 03:16:23

Hi Lauren!! Sounds like you have graduated from Therapy School!! Way to go, I'm so happy that you are walking so well now. We had a little snow this morning so winter came back in Michigan. I hope you had another good day!! Good night, sweet Lauren!! L ve, Margi

melanie - 03/11/00 03:14:29
My Email:[email protected]

Hey Lauren! my thoughts and prayers have always been with you and now they're in cyberspace too! Keep that sunny smile of yours and keep on fighting! There is a lot of love surrounding you!

Sherman - 03/10/00 23:22:26
My Email:[email protected]

Lauren, great present you gave your dad *smile*. It was 80 degrees here two days ago and we expect 6-9 inches of snow tomorrow. Gotta love the weather. Tell mommy I miss talking to her on ICQ, but she definitely has her priorities straight. I know you and Timmy mean more than the world to her, as it should be. And I don't have to tell you how lucky you and Timmy are to have such fantastic parents, and even a few friends around the world you've never even heard of. What an amazing network. Take care nd keep getting better. Love ya darlin, Sherman & kids

Daddy - 03/10/00 16:06:42

Lauren, You gave me a great birthday present today. The Physical Therapist said that you were doing fine and that she didn't need to see you again. Thank-you for doing so great. Love, Daddy


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