The Liberty Dollar. 100% Backed and 100% Redeemable. Click Here to Get it at a Discount and Profit from Inflation.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." -- Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), U.S. Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd U.S. President.  Source: in 1802 in a letter to then Secretary of the Treasury, Albert Gallatin.

Why People and Businesses Should Use the Liberty Dollar

It's superiorThe Liberty Dollar is real money backed by gold and silver, not by debt.  Unlike Federal Reserve Notes, using the Liberty Dollar does not cause our national debt to go up.

It's voluntaryUse of the Liberty Dollar is legal and completely voluntary.  That means your bank might not accept it (though some have), but many other businesses will.  Simply circulate it in your community!

It's good for local communities:  Liberty Dollars that are spent in a community tend to stay in that community.  That helps local economies thrive, even in recession.

It's profitableThe Liberty Dollar allows people to get money at a discount and make profits (like the banks do) by putting money into circulation.  With the Liberty Dollar, the people come first and can make the most in the monetary process.  Anyone can become a Liberty Associate and get the Liberty Dollar at a discount.

It's educationalThe Liberty Dollar teaches people about money.  Everyone benefits, the more people know about money.

It's fairAn explicit contract printed on every certificate tells you exactly what you're getting when you hold the currency.  That's what we should expect from Federal Reserve Notes, but we're not getting it.

It's moral, legal, honest money:  Gold and silver have been used as money worldwide for centuries.  There's a reason:  gold and silver have intrinsic value and are fair to the customer, merchant. and country.


The Liberty Dollar. 100% Backed and 100% Redeemable. Click Here to Get it at a Discount and Profit from Inflation.

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