Winter is  probably my favorite time of the year. Not only is Christmas in winter but so is SNOW!! I am like a kid when it comes to snow. I just love it. Now don't get me wrong, I don't like to shovel it or anything like that but here in Arkansas it snows so rarely that when it does, it is an event for my family. I can still remember what it was like growing up, before cable TV or satellites, when you would get up to go to school and look out the window and find snow. It was so great.
Some of my other favorite things are found in winter. I love warm snuggly blankets, big sweaters,hot chocolate, and chili. My ideal  way to spend an afternoon would be curled up under a big blanket with a good book. This rarely happens, but I can still dream.
Did you know that snow is even mentioned several times in the Bible? My favorite snow passage is Job 38:22 where God is talking with Job and ask him if he has entered the storehouses of the snow.
Just as each season has its own purpose , winter is a time of sleep. I believe that since the trees have lost their leaves and the flowers have lost their bloom, God sends us snow to beautify our world. There is something that is so pure, and so bright about a land blanketed in snow that is sometimes breath taking to me.
Winter is also a time of more family togatherness.Two years ago, here in Arkansas we had the worst ice storm that our state has ever seen. Some people in our area  were without electrical power for 3 weeks. Personally we were out for 11 days. But the thing that most people commented on, both now and then, was not how hard things were but how much they enjoyed their families. Time was spent playing board games and just talking.It's amazing how much you can still  learn about  the people who you are closest to without all the intrusions of our everyday life. No work, school, phone, TV, computer,stores,video games, and everything else that normally fills our days. And guess what? We all survived and came out of it all the better for having experienced it. Now please don't think that I ever want anything like to happen again, because I don't. Unfortunately, lives were lost.The power crews worked around the clock to restore the downed lines and there were accidents. Which reminds me, every time you hear of a power outage of this nature on the news, take time out to pray for the safety of the workers who will be struggling to fix the problems.I'm sure they will appreciate it.
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