It takes a very special kind of person to give up their own comfortable life here, and to go into different countries, live in some of the worst conditions imaginable, and sometimes risk their lives, to spread the gospel.Please remember to hold these people up daily in prayer.
Never in the history of our  world has the need to reach the lost for Christ been so urgent.While we can't all become missionaries, I thank the Lord for those who are working in this "field of harvest."
You can do your part by sharing the gospel with someone today.
HealthCare Ministries-Reaching the lost by extending the Lord's healing touch to those who are ill, HealthCare Ministries partners with missionaries and churches in health care evangelism, touching the whole person, body, mind and spirit through compassionate medical care, health education, prayer and the ministry of the word.
Teen Challenge International- Helping people overcome life controlling problems through Jesus Christ. They have 125 centers in 73 countries.
BGMC (Boys and Girls Missionary Crusade)-Teaching children about missionaries and equiping missionaries worldwide with the supplies they need.
Light For The Lost- Spreading the word through literature that is shipped worldwide.
Assemblies of God Home Missions-
Teen Challenge-Helping people overcome life contolling problems through Jesus Christ.They have 168 centers in US.
Chi Alpha Missions-Intoducing college students to Jesus on over 200 campus
MAPS (Mission America Placement Service-Cooridants lay people to various needs of service in the US and its territories.
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