
"No matter what changes take place in the world, or in me, nothing ever seems to disturb the face of spring."  --E.B. White

"More than half a century has passed; and yet each spring, when I wander into the primrose wood, I see the pale yellow blooms and smell their sweetest scent; for a moment I am seven years old again."  --Gertrude Jekyll

"I grow my own vegetables for two reasons:  The quality of the crops I can produce myself, and the quality of the time I spend doing it."
--Barbara Damrosch

"A weed is a plant that is not only in the wrong place, but intends to stay." -- Sara Stein

"The whippoorwills had begun and fireflies winked and drifted among the trees beyond the road." --William Faulkner

"Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn." --Eliszabeth Lawrence

"Autumn...makes a double demand.  It asks that we prepare for the future--that we be wise in the ways of garnering and keeping.  But it also asks that we learn to let go--to acknowledge the beauty of sparseness."--Bonaro W. Overstreet

"To see a hillside white with dogwood bloom is to know a particular ecstasy of beauty, but to walk the gray winter woods and find the buds which will resurrect that beauty in another May is to partake in continuity." --Hal Borland

"I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure in the landscape....Something waits beneath it; the whole story doesn't show." --Andrew Wyeth
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