Some Guy, Jen Beckett, and Beth at my  20th Birthday Party My Friend Karen and I lounging about around Halloween 99'
My Friend Amy and I wtih Pink Hair for Halloween 99'
My Friend Chandra  at my 20th Birthday Party
My Friend Beth and Prom Date for '98
My Best Friend in the whole wide world; Kim, some say we're married, cause we always argue over the trivialest things or have the stupidest fights, but I love her none the less :) and me at Lindenwood Park.
Another Pic of my Best Friend Kim. Don't let that fake attempt at a smile fool ya, she isn't as innocent as she looks.
Amy and I being weird and easily entertaining ourselves in front of Joerg's WebCam
Former Friend Tara and I before Prom 00' at Lindenwood Park
Amy and I doing a little "Dirty Dancing"
My cat Mystic (aka Horny and Hyper Cat), as a kitten. Isn't she cute?
Amy and I again at my apartment  singing our own version of Bon Jovi's Bed of Roses.
(We now do Parties, School Functions and Most Church Events, LOL)
Sorry for all the Pics on One Page. I'll be splitting the pics up into another page, when I get a chance next, so it doesn't take forever to load.
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