"Reflections of... The Sojourner"
John Powell S.J.

There is an old Christian tradition that God sends each person into this world with a special message to deliver, with a special song to sing for others, with a special act of love to bestow. No on else can speak my message, or sing my song, or offer my act of love. These have been entrusted only to me. According to this tradition, the Message may be spoken, the song sung, the act of love delivered only to a few, or to all the people in a small town, or to all the people in a large city, or even to all the people in the whole world. It all depends on God�s unique plan for each unique person. so from my heart I want to say this to you:  Please believe that you have an important message to deliver, you have a beautiful song to sing, and a unique act of love to warm this world and to brighten its darkness. And when the final history of this world is written, your message, your song, and your love will be recorded gratefully and forever.
Lou Ortiz � 2002

Life can�t give me Joy or Peace,
It�s up to me to will it.
Life gives only time and space,
It�s up to me to fill it.
On the last day, will the Lord say
I�m pleased with what you�ve done with it.
Because we are so much alike
Lou Ortiz �2002

Because we are so much alike,
It�s easy to comprehend the
Rushing thoughts that bind us,
Availing without end.

Because we are so much alike,
I always have to stop and pray
As Jesus wants my attention,
I can�t go on this way.

Because we are so much alike,
I had to write to and say
That in a world that won�t understand,
In our Lord, we�ll find the way.

Because we�re so much alike�
And yet so very different.
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