The first attempt at forming a state muzzleloading club was made in 1964. Tom Turnbull of McClusky advertised that a ND State Muzzleloading Shoot would be held in his hay meadow. That year, six fellows saw his ad and showed up to shoot. Unfortunately, he did not keep records of that contest so he could not notify them by letter the next year. Once again in 1965, he advertised for another State Muzzleloading shoot, and he was encouraged by a larger number of participants. In 1966, Jim McCulloch of Bismarck contacted Paul Albrecht of Courtney and they agreed to organize another state shoot for Tom's hay meadow. By this time considerable interest was shown.

In 1967, after much correspondence between Jim McCulloch, Tom Turnbull and Paul Albrecht, a new site for the State Shoot was chosen - the shooting range at Cooperstown. In order to contact as many muzzleloaders as possible across the state, Rosanne Albrecht wrote the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association (NMLRA) for a list of the state members. Each individual on the list was contacted by letter about the State Shoot to be held September 10, 1967. Notices were sent to all major newspapers across the state. That year, there were 18 registered shooters. Jim McCulloch made powder horns as prizes for these matches. The work and most of the expenses for this shoot were donated. After this shoot an organizational meeting was held and the state muzzleloading club was launched.

The first officers of the North Dakota Muzzleloaders were: President - Jim McCulloch, Vice-President - Tom Turnbull and Secretary-Treasurer - Rosanne Albrecht. In addition, three directors were appointed by the executive board: Alan Moe, Harold Erickson, and Charles Stromsodt. Dues were set at $2 and there were 15 members that first year.

The club was chartered with the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association in 1968. The charter members were: Jim McCulloch, Paul Albrecht, Loren Palmer, Tom Turnbull, Charles Stromsodt, Harold Erickson, Ralph Yaeger, Melvin Johnson, Keith Monson, and Louis Daniels. The constitution and by-laws were drawn up and adopted at the 1968 annual meeting.

(Submitted by Rosanne Albrecht, the first Secretary-Treasurer of the North Dakota Muzzleloaders and a former Field Representative for the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association.)

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