The North Davie Media Center houses over 11,000 print and non-print materials, including books, videos, audio tapes, laserdisks, CD ROM reference programs and computer software. The collection supports the school's Accelerated Reader program by providing almost 5,000  Accelerated Reader books and tests.
     Two online catalog search station computers and four research computers with internet access are available to help students and staff locate infomation.      Library materials are checked out and the card catalog is maintained using Follett's Circultation and CatalogPlus. An interactive Smart Board has been installed to use for media and class instruction.
     Students visit the media center every other week with their Language Arts classes to check out books or they may request permission from any classroom teacher as needed. Information and research skills are taught throughout the year.
     In 2001 the library received  $20,000 for books from the North Carolina State Library LSTA Matching Funds Grant. This grant has helped enhance our collection by providing current up to date books for the entire school.

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