Database Outline

I. Database
   A. Database - an organized collection of related information
   B. Information and it's usefulness
       1. Unorganized info. is meaningless and difficult to use
       2. Organized info. is easy to use
   C. 2 Types of Databases
       1.  Print databases
            a.  Phonebook
            b.  Addressbook
            c.  Encyclopedia/dictionary
       2.  Electronic/Computerized databases
           a.  SIMS (Student Info. Management System)
           b.  Automated card catalog (Search+)
           c.  CD-ROM encyclopedia (network versions cost as much as hardback but allow more users)
   D. Advantages of Computerized Databases
       1. Can find a specific file quickly
       2. Can alphabetize and sort data faster than most people
       3. Is as accurate as the data that is entered
       4. Can make many different types of reports
   E. Who uses Computerized Databases in the Real World
       1. Stores use them for inventory
       2. Travel Agents to keep track of customer and reservation information
       3. Hospitals use them to keep track of patient information
   F. Parts of a Database
       1. Database File - the whole thing, all of the records put together
       2. Record - all of the information about one item, all of the fields put together
       3. Field - a category of information
       4. Entry - data that is typed into the field
   G. 3 Ways to find information in a database
       1. Sort - arrange data in a particular order
           a. Ascend - alphabetical, A-Z, 1-10
           b. Descend - backwards, Z-A, 10-1
           c. What to tell the computer
               1) Field to sort (where to look)
               2) Order (ascend/descend)
       2. Query/Search - a method  to find specific data that meets certain conditions or criteria
           a. What to tell the computer
               1. Field to compare - where to look
               2. How to compare - <, >, =, <=, =>, contains (words)
                   a) < - less than
                   b) > - greater than
                   c) = - equal to
                   d) <= - less than or equal to; at most
                   e) => - greater than or equal to; at least
                   f) contains - used with words to show that the field should �contain� these characters
               3. Value to compare - word/# that you are looking for
               4. Connector - AND/OR/NOT, words that join  conditions together
                   a). AND - need to meet both criteria, less answers
                   b). OR - only meet one criteria, more answers
       3. Find - (Edit/Find) a way to find information that is unique - only used when search for unique words
   H. Adding a Field
       1. Click in the column to add a field in
       2. Click EDIT, FIELD NAME
       3. Type the new field name
       4. Click OK
       5. Enter the new field information
   I.  Creating & Printing a Report
       2. Type your name as the title
       3. Click ADD ALL or the fields you were told to print
       4. Click OK, OK, OK
       5. Click FILE, PAGE SETUP
       7. Click LANDSCAPE, OK
       8. Print
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