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Notre Dame Club of Mohawk Valley

Read the Guestbook

Read the Guestbook of the Notre Dame Club of Mohawk Valley

laura - 05/31/00 17:22:17
My URL:http://web.tiscalinet.it/quondam
My Email:[email protected]
Grad Yr or Subway: nnnnnnnn

the time and the space

Elizabeth Stedman - 05/29/00 13:15:43
My Email:[email protected]
Grad Yr or Subway: 2004

Hello everyone! My name is Liz Stedman, and I will be attending Notre Dame in the fall(8/00). I have wanted to go to Notre Dame since I was four years old, and now I my dreams are finally coming true! This web-site is great! GO IRISH!!

Michael A. Gurdo - 03/04/00 22:35:49
My Email:[email protected]
Grad Yr or Subway: Subway- 1977

Fellow members, The website is great and an asset to all the hard work that everyone's done. Please give my regards to all, including Burdick, Carlson, Karl Cashion and the others. Hoping to get up there this summer....and I'd like to extend an invitation to visit here in Charlotte to all my fellow brothers.

bill gallagher - 02/05/00 01:42:57
My Email:[email protected]
Grad Yr or Subway: subway

great web site,keep up the good work!i just wanted to say hi to guy allegretto,and bill crofton.best wishes,GO IRISH!!!bill gallagher scranton,pa.

Jack Joyce - 08/08/99 15:41:09
My Email:[email protected]
Grad Yr or Subway: Subway

When I lived in NJ, I attended 2 of your great picnics, 95 & 96, where I had the privilege of meeting some find ND men, Lattner, Tripuka, Miller, Groom, Rice, Clements, MCCoy, Longo just to metnion a few, the only thing I miss about the north is the club. Jack Joyce Spring Hill, Fl

turbo - 05/24/99 23:40:25
My Email:[email protected]

your notre dame page is great ,keep up the good work. GO NOTRE DAME

Webmaster NDMV - 05/11/99 19:07:56
My Email:[email protected]

Does anyone know John Mustico's address? I need to return his diskette of digital photos!

NDMV Webmaster - 05/07/99 02:27:25
My URL:http://ndmv.org
My Email:[email protected]

Would you like to leave some comments to be read by those interested in NDMV or Notre Dame, or make your email address available to others? If so, consider entering your comments by signing the Guestbook!

Bob Speidel - 05/06/99 21:18:42
My Email:[email protected]
Grad Yr or Subway: 1970 BS AeroEng

Great Homepage for a small club. Tell the Prime Minister and the rest of the cabinet they are doing a great job. I am envious that I won't be joining you for UND night with Father Ted. I am sure that it will be another shinin star in a long list of speci l UND nights for the MV Club. Please share my e-mail address with all of my old ND friends in the MV.

Dave "howyabeen" Brown - 04/06/99 19:35:46
My Email:[email protected]
Grad Yr or Subway: Subway


Tim O'Connor - 10/14/98 17:24:22
My Email:[email protected]
Grad Yr or Subway: 1971

This site is outstanding. Great job. I'm sending the page on to Timothy Jr.--a freshman in Dillon Hall. Thanks again. Tim O'C in Lowville

Peter Karl III - 09/14/98 20:00:46
Grad Yr or Subway: 1975

Great start!!!!!

NDC of Mohawk Webmaster - 09/03/98 23:02:15
My URL:http://geocities.com/CollegePark/Gym/6002/
My Email:[email protected]

This is a test entry! Be sure to sign in to the guestbook... Your recommendations, criticisms are appreciated.

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