Blast from the Past!
    Here is a album page of pictures of the past. Most are pics of friends and family from years ago. Hope you get a chuckle out of them! I sure do!
Gordy, Steve, and Donny..."The Caseheads!"
"Miller beer class trip, 1982" Brad, Terry, Gordy at Samuelson's cabin.
Gina & Pete, at Senior Skip Day, '82.
At "The Outdoor."
Keith about to take the school "elevator!"
Senior Prom 1982
Pete, lovin' life at age 3.
"Dear Linda, Basic Training is..."
Ron Klein, "Uncle Fester", 1982
Clintster! You ready to ski!
Clint & Lance after a good ski day at Bridger Bowl, Montana
Clint in his own little dance contest!
Paul coaching the US Bobsled Team, Pete, Cindy, Peter, Brenda & Shawn
Brian, Pete & Craig, making history by disabling a B-52 Bomber so it will never fly again. (SALT Treaty Compliance) Pete skiing the top of Lone Mountain,
             Big Sky, Montana
Pete & Clint at Bridger Bowl, Montana
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Pete says, "Life's too short...point them downhill!"
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