ND 4monkey (9:18:19 PM): long time no talk
ND 4monkey (9:18:24 PM): are you avioding me?
evil mierda (9:18:33 PM): Hey!
evil mierda (9:18:40 PM): No, why would I be avoiding you? lol
ND 4monkey (9:18:43 PM): hay is for horses
evil mierda (9:19:11 PM): Yeah well... How've ya been?!!
ND 4monkey (9:19:30 PM): good
ND 4monkey (9:19:33 PM): you?
evil mierda (9:20:21 PM): Been doin alright, been workin and tryin to kick my Mom out of my place. lol
ND 4monkey (9:20:40 PM): she is still living there?
evil mierda (9:20:50 PM): Unfortunately.
ND 4monkey (9:20:55 PM): lol
evil mierda (9:21:05 PM): lol She's movin out this week though! HARAHARA!
ND 4monkey (9:21:15 PM): lol
evil mierda (9:21:47 PM): Wow... I haven't talked to ya since that one night we went out in my Moms bronco that kept dying!! That was hiklarious!
ND 4monkey (9:22:42 PM): lol
ND 4monkey (9:22:48 PM): yes this is true
ND 4monkey (9:22:56 PM): you havent seen my new car
evil mierda (9:23:03 PM): You bought a car??
ND 4monkey (9:23:18 PM): yeah
evil mierda (9:23:25 PM): What'd ya buy?
ND 4monkey (9:23:26 PM): a 2003 maibu (chevy)
evil mierda (9:23:39 PM): daaaaaamn! When did ya buy that?
ND 4monkey (9:23:46 PM): jan
evil mierda (9:23:59 PM): sweet!
ND 4monkey (9:24:12 PM): yup, i like it, maybe I'll keep it
evil mierda (9:24:17 PM): Now ya can really cruise around!
evil mierda (9:24:21 PM): Hell yeah you better keep it!
evil mierda (9:25:08 PM): So are ya buyin it or leasin it?
ND 4monkey (9:25:15 PM): bought it
ND 4monkey (9:25:26 PM): now i just have to pay off the loans
evil mierda (9:25:47 PM): Ho wmuch?
ND 4monkey (9:26:04 PM): with the extended warranty, just under 19
evil mierda (9:26:26 PM): That's not bad...
evil mierda (9:26:32 PM): Lucky bastard... lol
ND 4monkey (9:27:16 PM): I am a bastard now?
ND 4monkey (9:27:19 PM): wow
ND 4monkey (9:27:30 PM): see if I IM you ever again
evil mierda (9:27:34 PM): No... you're not a bastard... you're a lucky bastard!
evil mierda (9:27:50 PM): Fine... see how ya are! lol
evil mierda (9:28:26 PM): How's school goin for ya?
ND 4monkey (9:29:24 PM): good
evil mierda (9:29:45 PM): When do ya graduate?
ND 4monkey (9:30:06 PM): may
evil mierda (9:30:56 PM): cool... cool... Hows cafe goin? Been meaning to stop in... haven't had the time lately.
ND 4monkey (9:31:14 PM): its going
evil mierda (9:31:51 PM): How ya thinkin that I'm avoidin ya? huh? huh?
ND 4monkey (9:32:04 PM): hmmm
evil mierda (9:32:30 PM): ?
ND 4monkey (9:32:50 PM): nothing
evil mierda (9:33:20 PM): Hey... do ya have my number?
ND 4monkey (9:36:50 PM): nope
evil mierda (9:37:21 PM): See how ya are... what kind of friend are you?! lol
ND 4monkey (9:37:43 PM): whoa
ND 4monkey (9:37:50 PM): whats my number? hmm???
ND 4monkey (9:37:55 PM): yeah thought so
evil mierda (9:38:05 PM): woah woah woah... hold on there...
evil mierda (9:38:13 PM): I have your number! Now what! lol
ND 4monkey (9:38:54 PM): what is it?
evil mierda (9:38:58 PM): I might not freakin know it by heart, but dammit I have it in my walet! So there...
evil mierda (9:39:13 PM): Ok... 631-4873
evil mierda (9:39:25 PM): See... and what's my number...? huh? lol
ND 4monkey (9:39:33 PM): wow, enough time to look it up online
evil mierda (9:40:28 PM): alright now... but just so you can write it down and lose it yet again... 674-0667
evil mierda (9:42:14 PM): hows ur sister likin nd?
ND 4monkey (9:42:16 PM): 3 am calls ok?
evil mierda (9:42:32 PM): yea.. go for it... but for real dont call me when ur drunk
evil mierda (9:42:45 PM): ur freakin crazy when ur drunk! lol
ND 4monkey (9:43:47 PM): fair enough
evil mierda (9:45:09 PM): What days do ya work at cafe da shit? lol
ND 4monkey (9:45:22 PM): tues thurs
ND 4monkey (9:45:26 PM): 11-1
evil mierda (9:46:18 PM): brb
ND 4monkey (9:46:25 PM): ok
evil mierda (9:50:37 PM): Well.. maybe I'll pop in and say hey
evil mierda (9:50:46 PM): did ya hear about mary jos husband? got in a car reck?
ND 4monkey (9:50:57 PM): yeah
evil mierda (9:52:28 PM): so why have u been avoiding me?
ND 4monkey (9:52:39 PM): no you have been avioding me
evil mierda (9:53:13 PM): no no no... as I recall... I E-Mailed you like 2 weeks ago to see how you were doing... and ya never wrote me back... lol
ND 4monkey (9:53:37 PM): it would help if my email actually worked half the time
evil mierda (9:54:10 PM): well... well... yanno what... u suck! lol
ND 4monkey (9:55:14 PM): i see how it is
evil mierda (9:56:09 PM): rite lol dude guess what! I had my car broken into!
ND 4monkey (9:56:52 PM): I know
ND 4monkey (9:56:54 PM): it was me
ND 4monkey (9:57:02 PM): thanks for the new radio
ND 4monkey (9:57:04 PM): and the dice
ND 4monkey (9:57:06 PM): lol
evil mierda (9:57:21 PM): woah
evil mierda (9:57:41 PM): how the fuck did ya know what they took? lol
ND 4monkey (9:57:56 PM): its not very hard
ND 4monkey (9:58:10 PM): thats what uassually gets stolen
evil mierda (9:58:25 PM): I was pissed when the took my dice!
evil mierda (9:58:25 PM): lol
evil mierda (9:58:47 PM): Broke my window too! But its ok...
evil mierda (9:59:30 PM): Well... since ya took my sony explode... I can get it back since now I know what ya drive! lol
ND 4monkey (9:59:41 PM): lol
evil mierda (10:00:48 PM): first ya lose my number... dont email me back.. then bust into my car... what kinda friend are ya? lol
ND 4monkey (10:01:12 PM): cant you take a hint
ND 4monkey (10:01:13 PM): lol
evil mierda (10:01:26 PM): dude i'll just have emira put some nasty shit in ur drink next time ur in cafe... some nasty shit... maybe green peppers...
evil mierda (10:02:00 PM): Hmm guess not.. you said what? 2003 malibu? lol
ND 4monkey (10:02:14 PM): lol
evil mierda (10:02:23 PM): It's all good lol
evil mierda (10:02:39 PM): So, whats been new with ya?
ND 4monkey (10:03:03 PM): nothing at all
ND 4monkey (10:03:14 PM): I have a psycholoical exam coming up
evil mierda (10:03:49 PM): Whens that?
ND 4monkey (10:04:31 PM): the end of march
ND 4monkey (10:04:39 PM): they want to try to get inside my head
evil mierda (10:05:19 PM): Riiiite... well... feel sorry for them! lol You're not right! lol
ND 4monkey (10:06:01 PM): I feel sorry for them too
ND 4monkey (10:06:10 PM): havent decided if I want to play sane or insane
ND 4monkey (10:06:22 PM): or if I just want to fuck with thier heads
evil mierda (10:07:22 PM): Gavent decided to play sane or insane... dude ur already insane...
ND 4monkey (10:07:43 PM): i know that, you know that, but they dont know that
evil mierda (10:07:47 PM): tell em some shit like after u got ur car you went out and dug up bodies or somethin!
evil mierda (10:07:52 PM): No they gotta know that
ND 4monkey (10:08:06 PM): lol
evil mierda (10:08:12 PM): I mean come on... people that come in that u make a caesar wrap no that!
ND 4monkey (10:08:28 PM): true
evil mierda (10:09:13 PM): tell them ur gonna blow up the main building.. there ya go..
ND 4monkey (10:09:19 PM): lol
evil mierda (10:09:32 PM): Shit it's alreadygone down once! Why not again!
ND 4monkey (10:10:01 PM): i was thinking of doing it two or three times actualy
evil mierda (10:10:44 PM): lemme help... then we can do the dining hall afterwards... some freaky people are there!
ND 4monkey (10:10:57 PM): yeah there are
ND 4monkey (10:11:06 PM): I met a whole bunch of them during jpw
evil mierda (10:11:20 PM): Did ya work jpw?
ND 4monkey (10:11:33 PM): yup
ND 4monkey (10:11:39 PM): good money, crappy wok
ND 4monkey (10:11:41 PM): work
evil mierda (10:11:43 PM): in the dining hall? lol
evil mierda (10:11:47 PM): What kinda work did ya have to do?
ND 4monkey (10:11:52 PM): catering
evil mierda (10:12:08 PM): I did that once or twice... crappys right! I had run though
evil mierda (10:12:18 PM): I worked with 3 black people that were as funny as hell
ND 4monkey (10:12:27 PM): lol
evil mierda (10:12:54 PM): Like I worked all day on a Saturday when I was at cafe... and this one black girl was all yellin at one of the managers and was like "Look bitch! I'm goin home!" And bitchin her out! I was like woah!
ND 4monkey (10:13:16 PM): lol
evil mierda (10:13:33 PM): And the catering managers suck! They like chew ya out if ya put the wrong plate down! lol
evil mierda (10:13:45 PM): "Dammit! This is the 7 inch plate! not the 6!"
evil mierda (10:14:02 PM): Looks the same to me! Shit they can eat off the damn table for all I care!
ND 4monkey (10:14:05 PM): ha you think thats bad?
ND 4monkey (10:14:17 PM): they bitched us out if the water jug was on the wrong side of the table
evil mierda (10:14:27 PM): Are you for real!
ND 4monkey (10:14:57 PM): as if the fucking thing is staying in one spot anyway
ND 4monkey (10:15:07 PM): the first time someone uses it it will be moved
evil mierda (10:15:13 PM): Thats what I say!
evil mierda (10:15:35 PM): Dude for real though... I did an event for Father Maloy at south dining hall
evil mierda (10:15:55 PM): I had his uncles table or one of his relatives... those priests can fuckin drink!
ND 4monkey (10:17:02 PM): yeah they can
evil mierda (10:17:23 PM): Then I got yelled at cuz i was servin em! I was like "look, when ya turn your back, i'll be drinkin the shit anyway!"
ND 4monkey (10:17:25 PM): ever wonder why most AA groups meet in churches?
evil mierda (10:17:32 PM): huh?
ND 4monkey (10:17:47 PM): AA- alcoholics anounymous
evil mierda (10:18:04 PM): sorry huh went to the wrong im...
evil mierda (10:18:51 PM): Yeah catering kinda sucks there... everybodys all stressin out lol they get all bent out of shape!
evil mierda (10:19:09 PM): They were trippin on me and it was like "Dude, Kristi is havin me work here! Ok... I'm freakin new!"
evil mierda (10:21:24 PM): hey... is kristi lookin for any extra help?
ND 4monkey (10:21:48 PM): yeah
ND 4monkey (10:21:59 PM): apparently mark quit last week
evil mierda (10:22:15 PM): People have a habit of quitin there lol
evil mierda (10:22:20 PM): Which one was he?
ND 4monkey (10:22:30 PM): replaced mickey
evil mierda (10:22:38 PM): Whoever he was lol
evil mierda (10:22:56 PM): Dude my Mom would be so pissed if I went back for a few days lol
ND 4monkey (10:23:12 PM): lol
evil mierda (10:24:29 PM): So what are ya doin after u graduate in may?
ND 4monkey (10:24:48 PM): killing myself
ND 4monkey (10:24:59 PM): i think it would be an interesting experience
evil mierda (10:25:12 PM): Well here... how bout this... you stay in the main building and I'll blow it up!
ND 4monkey (10:25:18 PM): actually, going into the Air Force
evil mierda (10:25:19 PM): Sweet ass way to go man!
ND 4monkey (10:25:26 PM): as soon as they tell me where I am going
evil mierda (10:25:33 PM): Where do ya wanna go?
ND 4monkey (10:26:32 PM): dont care really
ND 4monkey (10:26:36 PM): prehaps Irag
ND 4monkey (10:26:38 PM): Iraq
evil mierda (10:26:50 PM): dont go there lol
ND 4monkey (10:27:39 PM): lol
evil mierda (10:27:48 PM): really hot... and the women are really hairy and have unibrows
ND 4monkey (10:28:39 PM): lol
evil mierda (10:29:10 PM): take your razor lol
ND 4monkey (10:29:18 PM): ha
evil mierda (10:31:08 PM): im freakin bored
ND 4monkey (10:31:22 PM): same here
evil mierda (10:31:55 PM): well take ur new car and go somewhere... I mean according to ur uncle ur to know every place in s. bend
ND 4monkey (10:32:29 PM): lol
ND 4monkey (10:32:41 PM): hell yeah
evil mierda (10:33:07 PM): plus ur 21... so buy some beer... and bring it over cuz I havent had one in awhile!
ND 4monkey (10:33:41 PM): lol
ND 4monkey (10:33:48 PM): i think your mom wouldnt like it
evil mierda (10:34:33 PM): And I care....? lol She bought a bottle of brandy last week... the bottles gone and she had one glass lol
ND 4monkey (10:34:47 PM): lol
evil mierda (10:35:26 PM): dude that party i went to at ur house... she goes "Well, did ya drink?" And I was like "Well, yeah!"
ND 4monkey (10:35:46 PM): lol
evil mierda (10:36:07 PM): She was for real pissed at you!
evil mierda (10:36:10 PM): just messin she wasnt lol
ND 4monkey (10:37:04 PM): all well
ND 4monkey (10:37:13 PM): nothing she could do about it
evil mierda (10:37:23 PM): yea... she knows Id do it anyway
ND 4monkey (10:37:24 PM): what did she expect
evil mierda (10:37:35 PM): yea well
evil mierda (10:38:03 PM): asumin ya went and saw two towers?
ND 4monkey (10:38:57 PM): yup
evil mierda (10:39:14 PM): good movie? i havent seen it yet
ND 4monkey (10:39:22 PM): they think I am tring to pull somethiung over their eyes
evil mierda (10:39:39 PM): huh? lol
ND 4monkey (10:39:39 PM): now i am screwing up the IM windows
evil mierda (10:39:59 PM): pull what over whose eyes? lol
ND 4monkey (10:40:28 PM): wrong window
evil mierda (10:40:33 PM): k
evil mierda (10:40:46 PM): I can let ya go... if ur busy dude
ND 4monkey (10:41:03 PM): no
ND 4monkey (10:41:07 PM): I have all the time in the world
ND 4monkey (10:41:09 PM): I am god
evil mierda (10:41:36 PM): Hmmm which means ya can do miracles... make me 21 and stock me up with beer god!
ND 4monkey (10:42:04 PM): sorry, I try to reserve miracles for more helpless cases
evil mierda (10:42:24 PM): I didnt think God did miracles on himself...
evil mierda (10:42:25 PM): but ok
evil mierda (10:42:35 PM): lol
ND 4monkey (10:42:42 PM): wow
ND 4monkey (10:42:47 PM): i see how it is
evil mierda (10:42:52 PM): just messin... lol
ND 4monkey (10:43:58 PM): http://www.collegehumor.com/?image_id=9678&return =pictures
evil mierda (10:45:48 PM): LMAO! Puttin ur pictures on the internet are ya?
ND 4monkey (10:46:05 PM): racial profiling starts earl ... great headline
evil mierda (10:46:29 PM): yea
evil mierda (10:46:56 PM): workin tomorrow?
ND 4monkey (10:47:15 PM): maybe
ND 4monkey (10:47:22 PM): we are on break
ND 4monkey (10:47:31 PM): so kristi doesnt know what I am doing
evil mierda (10:47:39 PM): oh yea thats right...
evil mierda (10:47:48 PM): Well I can call her and tell her ur doin nothin if ya want
evil mierda (10:47:51 PM): 631-4889?
evil mierda (10:48:01 PM): I think I'll do that tomorrow so she can call ya in
evil mierda (10:48:21 PM): cuz ur the shit at caesar wraps
evil mierda (10:48:28 PM): lol
ND 4monkey (10:48:32 PM): lo
ND 4monkey (10:48:33 PM): l
evil mierda (10:49:19 PM): Dude did she ever tell u about the homeless guy that wanted me to put his walet in his back pant piocket?
evil mierda (10:49:23 PM): pocket*
ND 4monkey (10:49:40 PM): what?
evil mierda (10:50:03 PM): This one homeless dude came in one morning for coffee...
evil mierda (10:50:08 PM): black guy that smelled right...
evil mierda (10:50:32 PM): So he goes up to the register and it was me, kristi and my Mom standin there right, this was in October...
evil mierda (10:50:51 PM): So the guy gets out his walet and pays for his coffee, then couldnt reach for his pocket to put it back...
evil mierda (10:50:59 PM): so he turns to me and asks me if Id put it in for him!
ND 4monkey (10:51:03 PM): lol
evil mierda (10:51:23 PM): My Moms busts out laughin... so do I... we walk to the back.. and Krisiti is stuck up there!
evil mierda (10:51:34 PM): And she's tryin to be real professional and shit...
evil mierda (10:51:43 PM): that was hilarious! good ol cafe....
evil mierda (10:52:35 PM): So yanno... if ya ever have a dude that stinks and wants u to put his walet in his pocket... try not to laugh! lol
ND 4monkey (10:53:14 PM): ill try'
evil mierda (10:53:22 PM): lol
evil mierda (10:54:36 PM): Well.. if ur not workin tomorrow... I wont pop in.. cuz if I do im stuck talkin to emira and half the time I dunno what shes sayin... just nodd and smile
ND 4monkey (10:55:29 PM): lol
evil mierda (10:56:42 PM): do u ever go into gippers..?
ND 4monkey (10:56:57 PM): nope
evil mierda (10:57:16 PM): even know what im talkin bout mr. sbendgeography lol
ND 4monkey (10:58:24 PM): nope?
evil mierda (10:59:04 PM): gippers in a nd bar (well kinda) at the holidy inn up in roseland. up towards taco bell and belmont
ND 4monkey (10:59:43 PM): nope never went
evil mierda (10:59:51 PM): was just wonderin
evil mierda (11:00:21 PM): why are u stayin here for spring break?
ND 4monkey (11:00:39 PM): I am going to VA
ND 4monkey (11:00:44 PM): possible
evil mierda (11:00:53 PM): whats in va?
ND 4monkey (11:01:02 PM): friends
evil mierda (11:01:10 PM): ahh thats cool
ND 4monkey (11:01:46 PM): yup
ND 4monkey (11:02:19 PM): g2g
ND 4monkey (11:02:23 PM): talk to you soon
evil mierda (11:02:31 PM): yup.. later... call me sometime dude
ND 4monkey (11:02:36 PM): alright
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