Amy looked around the room, sighing when she realized they probably wouldn't be able to sneak out early. She watched Joey as he worked the crowd, still amazed at his knack for brightening up people's faces when he was near. Of course, she felt the same way, but she was biased.

She brought her glass up to her lips, letting the wine coat the inside of her mouth before soothing it's way down her throat. She licked her bottom lip, tasting a stray droplet and set her glass down on the table beside her. Just as she started to scan the room again, a pair of muscular arms encircled her waist, pulling her flush against a warm body.

"Do you have any idea how unbelievably sexy you are?"

The hushed words made her smile. He was always saying stuff like that to her and no matter what mood she was in, it made her feel sexy anyway. She leaned her head back against his chest, letting her eyes close for a moment while she enjoyed his embrace. She shivered slightly when she felt his lips press against her neck.

"Would you like it if I kissed you here?"

She murmured a reply and he kissed her neck, his lips warm and moist against her flesh. His arms tightened around her and she pressed herself into him. If only they could just leave. She wanted nothing more than to go home and get out of this damn dress and snuggle with her Joey.

"Would you like it if I nipped a little?"

Amy started when his teeth grazed the spot just below her ear. To anyone else it would just look as if he was whispering in her ear, but she could already feel a blush staining her cheeks. She tried to turn in his arms, but he held her in place, his thumbs tracing patterns on her arms.

"Would you like it if I slid my hand down," Amy sucked in a breath as his hand trailed down her arm, fluttering over her stomach before settling on her hip, gripping firmly. "and slipped it underneath your"

"Joey," she hissed, "What do you think you're doing?"

His low chuckle rumbled in her ear and Amy felt her body tighten. She would kill him if he started this here. They still had to get through the presentation and short reception. He couldn't start this. But he did.

"Would you moan, baby, if I undressed you slowly, tasting every inch that I uncovered?"

"Stop it." She ground out those words while trying to keep a smile on her face. The heat that started in her cheeks was slowly making it's way down her body, engulfing it in a fiery rush. She pulled away from him, turning to find him looking at her, his head cocked to the side and the beginnings of a smile on his lips.

"Just think about it Amy," he said, inching closer, "Would you?"

"Joey, please..." Amy's hands were flat against his chest. She could feel the firmness underneath the tuxedo that he wore and she swallowed reflexively. Instead of replying, Joey's eyes fixed on a point above her shoulder and he waved, his smile brightening.

One minute he was filling her head with images that made her shudder with longing and the next, he was schmoozing with another celebrity, slapping backs and shaking hands. Amy shook her head, wondering how he was able to do that.

Her eyes followed him as he made his rounds and she picked up the wine that she'd forgotten earlier, sipping from it again. She made her way around the room, stopping and chatting with people along the way. If she had to be here, she might as well mingle a bit.

Half an hour later, they were seated at a small table, the presentation getting underway. It was achingly dull, but it was for a benefit for and upcoming charity event and Amy tried her best to pay attention. It wasn't all that easy with Joey sitting so close to her, his hand constantly stroking her arm or running down her side as it slipped down underneath the table to caress her thigh.

"Would you whimper if I licked you here?"

His hand slid up, her dress rising a few inches. Amy's hand covered his as she glared at him. He smiled back at her, his eyes crinkling at the edges and he squeezed her thigh. His hand slid further and his finger traced along the outline of her panties, making her jerk and tighten her hold on his hand.

"What about there," he murmured, leaning closer, "What noise, I wonder, would you make if I licked you there?"

"Joey..." The warning in her voice was blatently ignored as Joey pressed further, his finger now flicking softly over her now damp panties. She sucked in a breath, biting her lip to keep from moaning. What the fuck did he think he was doing?

Joey's body settled closer to hers and as the speaker talked about the upcoming event and how this was going to benefit something or other. Amy didn't know, she couldn't concentrate on what he said. Joey's finger had somehow found it's way inside her panties and she let out a stifled groan when it came into contact with her.

"Tell me, Amy," he whispered, his voice hoarse now, "Would you grab at me, pulling me in closer if I licked you here?"

"Fuck," she hissed, "Stop.....please....Joey."

"....or would you gasp out my name, your hips thrusting into each and every stroke."

His finger flicked across her clit with each word, as if trying to get his point across. Amy had to close her eyes, her fingers digging into his hand to keep herself from whimpering aloud. He was killing her. Her whole body was on fire now, each flame licking at her suddenly too-tight skin.

"Would you..." He leaned closer, his eyes having darkened till they looked like two black orbs, glittering against the white surrounding them. Joey stared at her, his tongue snaking out to wet his bottom lip. She couldn't force herself to look away. She was mesmerized by the shine on his full lip, wanting to run her own tongue over that same spot. His finger pushed it's way inside her and she clenched her legs together, involuntarily tightening herself around it. "Would you scream for me if I fucked you right now?"

"Oh....god...yes." Amy choked out the words, her breath coming in short, forceful puffs. His finger continued to stroke her and her legs started to shake, trembling with anticipation. Before he could bring her to the brink, he pulled away. Amy caught herself before she could beg him to keep going. Her clouded gaze connected with his and she watched as he brought his finger to his lips.

Amy's hands clenched into fists as his lips parted, his finger sliding between them. He sucked gently, his eyes demanding that she watch. Amy couldn't tear her eyes away from his lips wrapped around his finger and her body tingled, knowing what that mouth felt like. After what seemed an eternity, he released his finger, smacking his lips slightly.

"Would you like a taste?"

Before she could reply, Joey captured her lips with his, his tongue forcing it's way inside. Tasting herself, mingled with wine and that flavor that was undeniably Joey, Amy moaned into his mouth, wanting more. He broke the kiss, his breathing slightly raspy now and pressed his lips to her again, almost chastely this time before sitting back and turning his attention back to the speaker.

Amy stared at Joey, her mind racing. She tried to listen to the man standing at the front of the room, but her attention was elsewhere. For instance, it was on how good Joey looked in his tux, the tailored clothes hugging him, showing off his form. It was on his lips and how they could elicit such mind-altering sensations, though they were still and silent now. It was on the way she had tasted herself upon his lips, never realizing how goddamn sexy that could be.

When they brought the presentation to a close, Amy tried to get them out of there as soon as possible. She smiled and nodded and chatted lightly, but Joey noticed that she seemed to be pulling him through the crowd, only stopping long enough so they weren't rude.

The ride home was quiet. Every nerve ending in Amy's body seemed to be on full alert. Every brush of her dress against her skin made her want to rip it off and press herself against Joey's naked flesh. She didn't care that he was amused by the way she was acting, she just wanted him. Now. They pulled into the driveway and got out of the car, walking up to the door.

When they entered the house, Joey closed the door behind them and was slammed back against it as Amy yanked his head down, closing her lips over his. His arms snaked around her, pulling her tightly against him, fitting her against his body.

His mouth moved over hers, devouring it...loving it. Impatient noises were coming from Amy's mouth, but she was completely unaware as she tugged his jacket off of his arms and then tore his shirt open. Buttons flew, bouncing off the wall, making pinging sounds as they hit the floor. Neither one of them noticed.

Joey's hands came around to cup her jaw and he drank from her mouth, sipping at it like he sipped at the wine earlier in the evening. He walked her backward, his mouth never leaving hers, until they were in the living room. Their hands tore at clothing, not caring or noticing when material ripped apart and fell fluttering to the floor.

He backed Amy up until they reached the couch and he slowly laid her back, his body stretching across hers. His lips traveled over her jaw and down her neck, wanting to taste everything at once. Amy moaned, her throat vibrating with it's low purr.

When he reached her breasts, he feasted on them, taking the nipples hungrily into his mouth. Amy arched her back, pushing herself up to him. Her hands grasped at him, tangling in his hair and pulling sharply. His breath hissed out between clenched teeth and he growled, thrusting his hips, pushing her down into the couch.

"Would you beg for it baby?" Joey's hand cupped Amy's center as he ground out the words. The heel of his hand pressed firmly against her swollen nub sending prickly sparks throughout her body. She moaned and he moved his hips again, grunting when she thrust hers up against him. "Would you beg for it? Would you beg for me to make you cum? Would you.....oh fuck baby, would you scream my name...."

"Joey..." Amy clenched her fingers in his hair, roughly, stopping him mid-sentence. "Would you JUST...FUCK...ME." His eyes closed and he grunted harshly as he thrust into her in one smooth stroke. Immediately finding the rhythm, he moved his hips, hers matching the driving cadence. Amy's head fell back, exposing her throat and he lowered his mouth to dine on it as he plunged into her.

Amy's fingers dug into his shoulder, feeling the muscles work beneath his skin. A thin sheen of sweat glazed his body and he buried his head in her neck, his thrusts coming faster now. Tiny explosions were spreading through Amy's body and she gripped him even harder, driving toward release.

Joey raised up and settled his hands on her hips, pulling her to him, making each thrust deeper than the one before. She reached behind her, grabbing at the cushions, hearing nothing but the slap of sweaty, fevered skin and hoarse, shuddering breaths. His tempo increased again and her control was lost.

White light pierced the space behind her eyelids, trapping her in it's blinding visage. Her body jerked and spasmed as the orgasm coarsed through her. Joey's body lurched once...twice...and settled into a series of small shudders. His name tumbled from her lips, seeming to hang there before disipating into the air. When their breathing returned to normal and the vice that had taken over their bodies let up Joey raised his head, looking at Amy with what seemed to be awe.

"Jesus you do that again?"
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