Justin sighed. He hooked a hand under the hem of his wifebeater and brought it up to wipe at the line of the sweat that had gathered on his forehead.

He and Chris had been in the gym down in his basement for only an hour and he was already ready to quit. Normally he could go for two or three hours at a time without so much as blinking but right now he wanted to get out and go. Somewhere else. He loved Chris, really he did, but Chris was starting to get on his damn nerves

He smiled softly.

It was ironic, really, because normally he was the whiny one and Chris was the one teasing or telling him to �shut the fuck up before I knock you into next week�. He admitted it, too. He whined worse than a five-year-old child. But at the moment Chris was taking the cake.

It was a known fact that Chris had bad knees. It wasn�t for being old, even though the guys teased him that it was, but it was a hereditary problem. The family on his father�s side had a history of bad knee joints and unfortunately Chris inherited them. It wasn�t as bad as it could be and he was only stuck wearing braces and icing his knees after every concert since the NSA tour.

That all changed three weeks ago.

Chris had been playing an impromptu game of football with a bunch of his friends, and had taken a hard tackle to the ground. His knee had twisted and the last fragments of muscle tore leaving him screaming with pain. They had rushed him to the hospital where he was given some morphine to dull the pain, and then told that they couldn�t really do anything other than surgery.

Chris refused adamantly until his mother and the other four guys were there with him. Phone calls were made and they were all there that night so that he could have surgery the next morning.

It went off without a hitch and Chris was on his way to a quick recovery. With physical therapy and some time off, he�d be able to dance during the next tour, although not as hard as before. But it was better than having to quit altogether.

Justin, being the dutiful boyfriend that he was and the only one able to stay in a room longer than ten minutes with a grumpy Chris, had volunteered to stay and help him during his therapy sessions. Chris wasn�t much of a gym person and Justin hoped that if he were there to help keep his nerves in check that Chris wouldn�t go through trainers.


�Chris, you don�t have much more to do,� admonished Greg, the second trainer. The first one had immediately quit after Chris chucked a water bottle at his head.

Chris frowned and let out a small grunt as he pushed up on the weights with his feet. His hands gripped the handles at the bottom of his seat and he grimaced as a sharp stab of pain went through every nerve ending leading to his left knee. He let out a small yelp of pain and stopped.

�Chris, c�mon, man, you can do it,� encouraged Greg, only succeeding in sounding extremely annoying and way too perky for Chris� liking.

Chris glared at Greg, and growled through gritted teeth, �It. Hurts.�

�Of course it hurts. If you had stretched everyday like I told you to then it wouldn�t hurt as much,� he chastised, and then proceeded to lecture Chris.

Chris narrowed his eyes and gripped the handles harder to stop himself from strangling him. He shot a pitiful look at Justin in hopes that he�d get rid of him.

�Greg, aren�t you supposed to be at your sister�s house right about now?�

Greg looked at the clock on the wall and cursed. �I don�t really want to end this until you finish your set, Chris.�

�Don�t worry, I�ll make him do it.� Grinned Justin. Chris glared at him and Justin gave him a knowing look and a quick wink.

Greg looked between them for a moment before standing up. �All right. I�ll be back on Thursday. Chris, don�t forget to do your stretches.�

Chris scowled and promptly flipped him off when his back was turn. When the door to the basement closed, Chris made a move to get up but Justin stopped him.

�Justin, you weren�t actually serious about making me finish, were you?� whined Chris.

Justin smirked. �C�mon, baby, just a few more and then you can do some bench presses or something.�

Chris let out a small whiny sound and began finishing his set of leg exercises without any more complaints. He pushed his legs up one last time with a shuddering breath and let them fall off the machine, panting for breath. Justin handed him a bottle of water, kissed him sloppily, chastely, and murmured against his lips, �Good job.�

Chris grabbed his outstretched hand. When Justin pulled, the muscles in his sweat slicked arms flexed and gleamed in the dull light, and Chris felt a rush of heat scorch to his groin. He was already half-hard from seeing Justin in shorts and a wifebeater but the fact that Greg was being Mr. Personality in his ear for the past hour had prevented him from becoming anymore aroused. He stood up, favoring his left leg, and took a long drink of the ice cold water.

Justin put a hand on Chris� neck and let his long fingers massage softly, kneading the skin. Using both hands, he pushed his thumbs into the nape of Chris� neck and worked the knots out. Justin leaned forward and lapped at the droplets of sweat that gathered at the hairline causing Chris to let out a soft moan, his eyes drifting closed.

Justin tapped Chris on the butt. �C�mon, s�time to do some bench presses.�

Chris groaned and looked pointedly at him over his shoulder. �You�re such a cocktease.�

Justin grinned cheekily and nudged Chris in the small of his back over to the bench press. Chris hobbled over and plopped onto the bench. He took one last drink before lying down and positioning himself under the bar.

Justin stood there, fascinated. Chris� legs were open, straddling the bench, and if he tilted his head just right he could see up one of the legs of Chris� shorts. His hair was matted to his forehead despite the sweatband, and his mouth was swollen and red from biting down on it whenever he felt a twinge of pain coming on. Justin�s eyes glazed over and he felt his cock grow heavy as he watched Chris� arms flex to push up on the bar.

Chris snuck a peak at Justin staring at him and abruptly stopped. He lifted himself up and leaned his elbows back against the bar. He grinned snarkily at how the roles were reversed. Normally he�d be the one staring at Justin with a heady, dark look. He was used to being the pursuer, but it felt good to be on the receiving end, to be the pursued.

He licked his lips slowly, grinning at the inhale of breath Justin took, and asked, �Is it time to do something else?�

Justin blinked slowly and sat down on the bench between Chris� legs, holding onto his thighs. He ran his hands up and down Chris� thighs, ruffling the curly hair and then pushing it back down, until his fingertips dipped into the bottoms of Chris� shorts before skating back down. He gripped the bar on either side of Chris� elbows and leaned forward leisurely until he and Chris were nose to nose.

He leaned down and licked the whorl of Chris� ear, reveling in the small gasp, and breathed, �You wanna do somethin� else?�

Chris pushed his hips up against Justin�s, biting his lip when he felt hardness press back down against him, and asked, �What do you think?�

�Mmm,� hummed Justin, �what do I think?� He bit down lightly against Chris� ear and licked the sweat off of his neck, salty and warm on his tongue. He braced his body on one arm and let his other hand skate down Chris� body till he cupped the erection that was tenting in his shorts.

Chris closed his eyes and tilted his head back, biting his bottom lip to repress the moan building in the back of his throat. Blood pounded in tune with Justin�s breathing in his ear, and he couldn�t feel the throbbing in his knee anymore, just the pulsing under Justin�s hand. Justin moved his hand over his erection, palming and rubbing softly, and he moaned.

Justin laughed softly, just barely a rasp in Chris� ear, and whispered, �I think we ought to take care of this.� His lips wrapped around the pulse point and sucked fiercely causing Chris to groan and push his hips up into Justin�s now motionless hand. Justin flicked his tongue out over the reddened flesh and scrapped his teeth over the offending spot.

Chris� breathing became ragged and he clenched and unclenched his hands. He ached to touch Justin but the only thing keeping him from falling off the bench was the bar he was leaning back against. He was trapped. Completely at Justin�s mercy, something that he didn�t let happen often.

Justin pulled Chris forward and stripped him of his shirt. Chris took the opportunity to wrap his arms around Justin�s waist. One hand working its way up under the flimsy material of Justin�s shirt while the other snuck its way into his shorts to squeeze the soft curve of flesh.

Justin bent his head and sucked softly on the hollow of Chris� throat, nibbling the soft skin there. He planted small, open mouthed kisses up Chris� throat until he suckled on the lobe of his ear. His tongue worked his way through and under the piercings, cooling the flesh with his tongue before breathing hotly on it.

�Shit,� panted Chris, his head thrown back and tilted to the side to give Justin more access. Justin ran a hand down Chris� chest, thumbing a nipple until it puckered, and down to the waistband of Chris� shorts, fingers dancing lightly between elastic and skin, causing Chris� eyes to flutter closed and a tiny gasp to escape his mouth.

Chris twisted and took Justin�s bottom lip between his, sucking softly, nibbling on the tender skin. Justin groaned, twisted his free hand into Chris� hair, and pulled him forward, licking at the seam of his lips. Chris moaned, his short nails scratching softly down Justin�s back, and flicked his tongue out. He grinned when Justin made a pleased noise in the back of his throat.

Their lips slid together, eventually opening for the kiss to become more intimate. Tongues, hot and slick, glided together slowly, rubbing and massaging one another. Justin tilted his head and deepened the kiss, his tongue probing deeper to taste the warm crevices of Chris� mouth. Chris groaned and pushed back, wanting a taste.

Justin pulled away and shoved Chris, who reluctantly pulled his hands from under Justin�s shirt and leaned back against the bar. His mouth was red and full, his eyes so dark they looked black, and his chest rose and fell with every shuddering breath he took.

Justin scooted back on the bench till his mouth hovered over the tent in Chris� shorts. He licked the side of Chris� cock and breathed over the damp material. Chris mewled and tried to thrust his hips but Justin anchored them down with an arm over his stomach. Justin turned and rubbed his cheek over the bulge, nipping at the air above it.

�Fuck,� Chris panted, �quit teasin�.�

Justin grinned and tugged Chris� shorts down his thighs, freeing his straining erection. He ran his hands up Chris� thighs, thumbs stopping to rub tiny circles on the soft skin of his balls, before wrapping a hand around his shaft. He bent down and sucked on the skin where thigh and hip met as his hand began, achingly slow, moving over Chris� cock.

His lips trailed down until his nose was buried in the kinky hair at Chris� groin where he inhaled, reveling in the muskiness of Chris� scent. He could smell the soap Chris must have used earlier that morning mixed together with sweat and his brain swam. Tentatively, he flicked his tongue out and slowly licked from base to tip.

Chris threw his head back and moaned. He stretched his arms out and gripped the bar to give himself a tiny bit of leverage to thrust towards the heat of Justin�s mouth, but Justin placed a hand on his stomach and eased his hips down. He made a frustrated noise in the back of his throat and leaned back against the bar.

From this angle, he had the perfect view of Justin�s mouth, pink and full, hovering over his cock. Steel, blue eyes locked with his as a pink tongue darted out to lap at the pre cum that had gathered at the tip. Suddenly, being trapped like this wasn�t quite so bad.

Justin wrapped his lips around the tip of Chris� cock and sucked lightly, increasing the suction when Chris moaned softly. He swirled his tongue around the tip before dipping his mouth to take more of Chris� shaft in his mouth. He rubbed the flat of his tongue on the underside of Chris� cock as his head bobbed, taking more and more until his nose brushed against the dark hair curling at the base of Chris� cock.

�Oh god,� panted Chris.

Justin�s eyes never left his and he let out a litany of curses when he felt Justin�s throat flex and swallow. Justin pulled his mouth off his cock, pausing just to blow a breath of cold air over the tip, before engulfing him again. Chris let out a garble string of words before crying out and coming hard.

Justin swallowed all Chris had to offer and pulled back to catch the last few droplets on his tongue. A shaky hand came down and pulled him up by his shoulders and a moment later Chris� mouth fused together with his own, tongue pushing insistently. Chris� hand stole its way inside of his shorts, wrapped around his achingly hard cock, and jerked him off until he came with a soft cry, warmth spreading in his shorts.

Justin lay half strewn across Chris, his forehead against his chest, panting. He looked up at Chris and grinned wickedly. �How�s your knee feel?�

�What knee?� breathed Chris, grinning sleepily. Justin laughed and kissed him on the stomach before getting up to grab a towel to clean himself off.
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