"Can you tell me why you don't want to sleep?"

Tess Miller looked across her desk into a pair of whiskey-colored eyes. They looked back at her, widened with fear. Tess had a lot of celebrity clients, but most of them were able to shake off whatever had brought them there like a dog shakes water out of it's fur. This one was going to be different though.

The man sat hunched in the chair, as if he was trying to make himself smaller. He was fidgety and looked like he wanted to jump up and run. He had checked himself into her facility the day before, claiming he was afraid to fall asleep. He had even resorted to physical harm to keep himself awake. Yes, he was going to be a tough one.

"I can't." His voice was soft, but rang ominously loud in the small room. He licked his lips, rubbing his hands up and down his thighs. It looked like he was trying to rub something off of his hands, but there was nothing there. He took a shaky breath and when he spoke, she could hear the terror in his voice. "I can't go to sleep. If I go to sleep he'll be there...waiting....I just....I can't!"

The urgency in his words surprised Tess, but the only gesture showing that was the slight raise of her eyebrows. Tess was intrigued now. "Who will be there? Who's waiting for you, Chris?" He just shook his head, looking down at his hands. Tess prodded him further. "You don't have to be afraid here, Chris. No one can hurt you here."

She was afraid that he wasn't going to answer at first. Just as she opened her mouth to push again, he spoke, mumbling a name that she didn't quite catch. She asked him to repeat himself and it looked like it hurt him physically to say it. "Justin," he whispered, "Justin's there."

"You mean your friend, Justin?" Now this was something she wasn't expecting to hear. He nodded and she frowned slightly. "Can you tell me why you'd be scared of him?"

"He wants to kill me."

"How do you know that?"

"He told me."

"When did he tell you that?"

"About two months ago." Chris was getting even more agitated at this point. His leg was bouncing non-stop and his eyes flicked across the room, never staying in one place for long. With one last glance at the door, he sighed heavily and began to speak.
He told her about a prank he'd played on Justin. It was harmless, nothing that he wouldn't normally do, but this time Justin was really angry. So angry in fact that he had told Chris not to fall asleep. Chris hadn't taken him seriously until that night.

He'd fallen asleep in his bunk, on the bus. They shared one while Joey, Lance and JC shared the other. Sometime in the night he'd woken up, sure that he'd heard something. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he looked to his left and saw two orbs of blue, icy cold, staring at him in the blackness. Justin had said one thing before closing the curtain.

"Don't fall asleep, Chris. You never know when you won't wake up."

Now, Chris wasn't one for freaking out easily or not being able to take a joke. Hell, they'd done some pretty rotten things to each other, but this time...he knew Justin wasn't playing. From then on, he hadn't been able to sleep except when he knew other people were around. Quick catnaps in the quiet room before the show and when everyone went out for the night.

It had come to the point where he couldn't do it anymore. Justin never acted any different where the other guys could see. He was always smiling and joking around, but Chris would always catch the edge to his voice or the meaningful look in the lingering stares.
JC had walked in on him one night at the last hotel they were in. Chris was trying to keep himself awake again. It was getting to be more and more difficult so he'd resorted to burning his hand with a lighter and talking to himself. JC had freaked and called the rest of the guys.

They'd noticed him acting strangely, but he wouldn't talk to any of them. How could he tell them that he was terrified that if he fell asleep, Justin would kill him? They'd laugh at him and then Justin would probably sneak back later and kill him while he was awake.
By the time he finished talking, Tess could see the angst and hurt tearing through him. She comforted him quietly before letting him go back to his room. Making some notes on his papers, she looked up when one of the nurses knocked on the door.

"There are some people here to see you about Mr. Kirkpatrick."

"Send them in."

Tess watched as four men crammed themselves into her small office. They all looked at her hopefully, wanting to know that their friend would be okay.

"What's wrong with him?" The deep voice coming out of the young man on the left made her raise her eyebrows. That must be Lance. Chris had mentioned that Lance was the bass of the group.

"Well, he's afraid to fall asleep."

"What...Why?" The tall one with the shoulder length curly hair frowned and she knew that this one could only be JC.

"It seems as if someone has threatened him. This person told him that, if he fell asleep, they would kill him. They must have been pretty convincing because I don't see Mr. Kirkpatrick as being someone who would be that gullible."

"Can you tell us who threatened him?" The one named Joey was frowning, his face filled with concern for his friend.

"No, he doesn't want anyone to know."

The men started protesting, but Tess refused to tell them. Chris had practically begged her not to and she couldn't betray his trust. She assured them that their friend would be very well taken care of. They asked her a few more questions before leaving, albeit grudgingly. Tess was just starting to gather up her paperwork when a low voice startled her.

"You know," Justin said, "Chris overreacts a lot."

"Does he." It was a statement, not a question. Tess eyed the young man standing on the other side of the room. His head was bowed, but she could still see his ice blue eyes...calculating and cold. "I'm inclined to think that in this case.... he�s telling the truth."

"Really." Justin's smile was cocky and he looked at her as if he were placating a small child. Tess was beginning to feel uncomfortable under his unwavering stare, but she hardened herself and looked at him directly.

"Why'd you do it," she asked. "Why'd you do something like that to him?"

Justin shrugged and looked away for the first time. He stood there, in thought, for so long that Tess thought he'd forgotten all about her. She nearly jumped out of her skin when he spoke again. "Do you really think that he's so innocent in all this?" Not even waiting for a reply, Justin strode angrily toward her desk and leaned down, his face so close she could feel the warmth of his breath on her skin. "You have no idea what you're up against, Ms. Miller. No idea."

"I...I'm not quite sure what you mean."

"Let's just say that Chris has done this before." Tess was sure that the look on her face showed her confusion. "You see him as the victim here, but I assure you that he is anything but. This is a game he likes to play...just a game. Last time it was JC who was the one he named. The time before, it was Lance. Now it's me. Next time it'll probably be Joey. It's always the same story...he's pulled some stupid prank and one of us is pissed and threatens him.... sound familiar?"


"I'm going to give you a little piece of advice." Justin moved away from the desk, toward the door and he looked back at her, his hand on the doorknob. "Play along with him, but don't get too caught up in it. He's a slick little shit and he'll have you eating out of his hand...if he hasn't already. He's a very gifted actor and he'd be able to convince you the sky was green if he wanted to."

With that, Justin opened the door and slipped out. He closed it behind him and smiled to himself. He knew that Ms. Miller was probably sitting inside wondering whether or not to believe him. He knew she would though. They always did. He'd been doing this to Chris on and off for a couple of years now and he was amused at how Chris fell for it every time.

It was kind of funny the control you could have over someone. He couldn't do this with Joey. Joey was too happy and easy-going. JC was too wrapped up in his thoughts and way too skittish. He'd probably end up really fucking him up if he tried it. Lance was too logical. He thought things through and just didn't seem to phase easily.

But Chris...

Chris was perfect. Chris was the type of person that he could have fun with and he did. So much fun. As Justin caught up with the other guys who were talking in hushed tones about whether Chris would be okay or not, Justin played the part of the concerned friend to a tee. Thinking about Chris locked away in that small room, scared of him.... Justin had a difficult time not bursting into giggles right then and there.

The little fucker would get his due this time. After what he'd done...he'd get what he deserved. And maybe the next time Chris wouldn't fight him so much. Maybe the next time Chris would listen to him. Maybe the next time...just maybe, Chris would quit being such a fucking pussy and play the game the right way.

As they all left the 'hospital', Justin squinted at the brightness of the sun. He hoped Chris would behave next time. This was getting to be a damn inconvenience. Chris tried to get away from him from time to time by doing this, but he always came back.... eventually. He always came back and as Justin got into the car, he smiled again. When Chris came back, he would be waiting for him...and they could begin the game again.
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