"Fuck you, Germany!" shouted JC. He took a swig from the bottle of vodka in his hand and winced as the liquid burned down his throat. He swayed slightly and waved his arm around again, a little bit of liquid flying out of the bottle, slurring, "Fuck you!"

Chris stood by the roof door and stared at JC, eyes wide in shock. Never once had he seen JC drink before, let alone drunk off his ass. "C, what the hell are you doing?"

JC turned around and grinned widely. "Chris! Hi, Chrissy Chris." He giggled and took another swig from the bottle.

Chris' eyebrows shot up to his hairline. "Dude, you�re drunk."

JC nodded jerkily and looked at Chris with a look of pure seriousness on his face. �Why, yes, yes I am. Isn�t it great?!�

Chris shook his head and tried not to laugh cause, really, this wasn�t a laughing situation. �C, you should give me the bottle, it looks like you�ve had enough.�

�No!� stated JC indignantly, clutching the bottle close to his chest. �Mine!�

�Josh, c�mon, you�ve had enough. Give me the damn bottle.� Chris took a step closer and reached his hand out to make a grab for the half empty bottle.

JC jerked backward. He quickly lost his footing and fell flat on his ass, tears streaming down his face. �Don�t call me that!�

�Why not, it�s your name.�

�She�she used to call me that,� sniffled JC, taking another long swig and swallowing thickly.

�Who did?� asked Chris softly, as he sat down next to JC.

JC tilted his head back and took another drink. Before he could take another Chris pulled the bottle away. JC whimpered helplessly when he couldn�t reach far enough to grab it back, and pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around his legs. �Nikki did.�

�Girlfriend Nikki?� asked Chris. JC nodded and whipped his nose with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. �Did you two fight or something?�

�More or less,� mumbled JC.

�Wanna talk about it?� offered Chris.

JC shook his head. �No, I�d rather you give me the fucking bottle back.�

Chris shook his head. �S�not gonna happen, man.�

�Chris,� whined JC. �Givvit here.�

�No, she isn�t worth getting yourself drunk off your ass for. Well, that�s already been achieved but no. No more alcohol for you, Mister!�

JC launched himself at Chris and made a grab for the bottle. Chris, despite his looks was quick and wiry, deftly placed a hand on JC�s chest and shoved. JC easily stumbled backwards and landed flat on his back.

�Why ya gotta be so mean to me,� sniffled JC, sitting up.

Chris unscrewed the cap and swallowed the last bit of alcohol the bottle had to offer and set it aside. He scooted next to JC and leaned back against the concrete divider. �I�m sorry if you think I�m being mean to you.�

�She was so mean to me,� whispered JC softly.

Chris put his arm around JC�s shoulders and hugged him close. JC clambered into Chris� lap and curled into a little ball. Chris wrapped his arms around JC and rubbed his back soothingly. �What�d she say to you?�

JC took a shuddering breath. �She�she said that I was a horrible boyfriend for being away all the time and that if I really loved her that I would come home.�

�But you chose to stay instead.�

JC nodded. �She said that if I wanted to go and make myself into a big superstar that I could go and do it without her. Told me she had found another boyfriend that could be there for her when she needed him. Chester somebody. What the hell kind of name is Chester, anyways?� he blurted out, lips curled up in anger. His face softened as he laid his head on Chris� shoulder and he mumbled, �Then she hung up on me.�

�I�m sorry, C, that sucks, it really does, but if she can�t handle it then you don�t need her. You can do better.�

JC huffed and pushed himself out of Chris� lap and struggled to stand up, swaying slightly. He crossed his arms and turned away from Chris. �I do need her! She�she�s the best girlfriend I�ve ever had, the
only girlfriend I�ve ever had. I love her.�

�Josh, if she ditches you when things aren�t even half as bad as they could be then you definitely don�t need her,� stated Chris softly.

JC shivered, the cold air finally registering now that he didn�t have the heat of the alcohol to warm him, and sniffled. �I was gonna marry her, y�know. I have the ring, too, wanna see it?� Before Chris could answer he pulled out a small case and opened it, revealing a band with a small emerald perched atop. He walked over and thrust it into Chris� hands. �I bought it two weeks ago at this tiny little shop when we were in Frankfurt. I was gonna ask her when we got back.�

�Oh god, Jayce, I�m sorry,� whispered Chris. He pushed the top of the case till it closed with a soft plop and stood up.

�Now I�m all alone. Got nobody anymore,� whispered JC. Tears spilled hotly down his cheeks and he blinked to clear his vision. He bit down as hard as he dared to try and keep his bottom lip from trembling.

Chris put a hand on JC�s trembling shoulder. �You�re not alone. The guys are there for you. I�m here for you.�

JC pulled away from Chris as if his hand were made of hot coals, stumbling a little bit. �You don�t care about me. Fuck, you don�t even like me.�

�What makes you think I don�t like you?� challenged Chris. He crossed his arms over his chest, cold from only wearing a thin shirt, and stared pointedly at him.

�You�you�re always calling me a spazz and teasing me about everything. My hair, my lyrics, you�re so mean to me,� murmured JC.

�Josh, I�m only poking fun at you. I do it to the other guys too,� offered Chris. �Hell, I�m always calling Lance albino boy or teasing Justin about his big ass feet. It�s just the way I am.�

�I dun wanna be alone,� whispered JC. He shivered and wrapped his arms tighter around his thin frame.

Chris pulled on the back of JC�s sweatshirt lightly. �C�mon, let�s go back inside.�

JC nodded and turned around, swaying dizzily. He put his arms out and Chris steadied him. �Whoa, dizzy.�

�Yeah, wait till the morning,� snickered Chris. �You�ll never want to drink again.�

Chris wrapped his arm around JC�s waist and guided him to the rooftop door. JC stopped and mumbled, �Oh god.�

�No! Not on my�� JC bent over at the waist and threw up. ��pants�

Chris looked up towards the night sky, face wrinkled in disgust, and patted JC on the back till he stopped. JC whipped his mouth off with the back of his sleeve and looked up at Chris, pale and eyes wide. �I�I�m sorry.�

�No big deal, Jayce,� said Chris curtly, grimacing when he looked down at his pants.

JC grinned sleepily, and drunkenly. �You�re so nice.�
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