This is written for my Mellers. We were all messing around in a chat and someone mentioned dance practice and this idea just flashed in my mind and I decided to write it for her to help rid her mind of the dirty, nasty Justin thoughts. I hope you like it, Mel.

Melisa flicked the tv off and sighed in boredom. The best satellite system and there wasn�t a damn thing on except for some infomercials, stupid reality tv shows, and movies she had already seen playing on the premium channels. She grabbed her empty glass off the coffee table and headed for the kitchen.

She had arrived at the compound after a hard day of work to pick Joey up, only to discover that he had to practice for an additional two hours. The new tour was coming up and the guys had been practicing their old choreography to make sure that their moves were at top shape. Joey, surprisingly, had been quite rusty and had been ordered by their new choreographer to stay and practice so she decided to just stay at the compound and watch a little tv.

Melisa rinsed her glass off and put it in the dishwasher and glanced at the clock. Only half an hour had passed by. When she arrived he had only stopped long enough to plant a sloppy kiss to her cheek and explain that he had to stay before jogging back over to turn the stereo back on and resume his practice. She grabbed an icy bottle of water out of the fridge and made her way up the stairs to the practice room.

When she reached the top of the stairs she heard the faint sound of Digital Getdown playing. She pushed open the door and was blasted with sound as she stepped into the sound proof room. She leaned against the doorframe and watched him practice his dance moves.

Joey stood facing the wall of mirrors, working through the intricate moves that he once knew like the back of his hand. Damn the stupid hiatus and his laziness for making him have to spend so much time going over them numerous times. He knew he knew these moves and the more he screwed up, the more frustrated he got, which made him screw up more. It was an evil circle of pop moves that was sucking him in.

When the music ended, he grabbed his hair and growled out in frustration. He stomped his foot childishly and turned around to walk over and rewind the tape only to jump when he saw Melisa smirking at him from the doorway.

�Jesus fucking Christ!� he breathed, holding his chest. �Warn a guy next time.�

�Sorry, Joe,� she replied, closing the door and walking over. �I thought for sure you would have seen me in the mirror.�

He shook his head and grunted a reply. He grabbed his towel that lay strewn over the stereo and began wiping his face clear of the sweat that had gathered. Melisa watched with interest as the cotton white towel slowly dragged over his face and down his gleaming neck. Once the moistness was gone he threw the towel back over the stereo and grabbed the bottle of water she held out.

He unscrewed the cap and quickly began drinking the water, his head titled back. Melisa�s eyes widened as she watched his adam�s apple bob up and down with every swallow he took. She watched one particular drop slide slowly over his chin and fall down his muscular neck to dissolve into the cotton of his wifebeater. Her gaze rose slowly up his neck to his lips where his tongue darted out and licked slowly over his bottom lip.

Joey looked at Mel curiously and asked, �What?�

Mel shook her head. �Nothing, I just zoned for a bit.�

Joey shook his head and laughed. There was still a good mouthful of water left in the bottle so instead of setting it on the stereo stand he did something Melanie didn�t expect him to do. He raised the bottle over his head and tipped, letting the cool water splash down over his hair and run down his face and neck to soak into his shirt. He set the bottle back down and ran his hands through his hair to spike it back up. He rubbed his eyes clear and dried his hands on his pants.

Melisa just stood there, staring at him, mouth open. She snapped her mouth shut and glared at Joey.

Without another word Joey restarted the music and went back to his spot in the middle of the room in front of the mirrors. He gave Mel one last grin before concentrating on himself as the familiar sounds of �Space Cowboy� flooded out of the large speakers.

Mel walked over to the couch and plopped down and folded her legs beneath her. She reached up and pulled her hair loose from the tight bun that she always wore to work and got comfortable watching Joey. She wanted him to finish as soon as possible so that they could get home and she could get out of her stuffy work clothes, but the way Joey kept moving made her want to do something else�

Joey�s body swept through the song with ease. When it came to the part where they usually rode the bulls onstage, he did a little improv. His hips shook back and forth and he started a little bump and grind bit, causing Mel�s mouth to open slightly. When the end of the break came up he did his own rendition of the funky chicken causing Mel to bust out giggling. Then it was back to work.

Only Mel didn�t see it as work. She sat there, her held tilted to the side, watching Joey�s ass move back and forth to the music. Anytime she tried to look somewhere else he just happened to put a little extra shake in and she was still hooked.

Joey stared at Mel in the mirror instead of concentrating on his moves. This song wasn�t one he had a problem with so he opted to watch her watching him instead. Each time he moved to the left, her eyes would follow. Each time he moved to the right, her head would tilt the other way. He grinned to himself and decided to screw the practice and have a little fun. He had been working hard all day and now he wanted to have a bit of fun with Melisa.

�Space Cowboy� ended and �Digital Getdown� came back on. This had been the one song throughout the whole day that had been giving Joey problems but this time it felt different. He wasn�t concentrating as hard and since he wasn�t as worried, he didn�t screw up as much. He kept his eyes locked firmly on Melisa�s face as she continued to gaze at him. His body flowed through the moves easily as he mouthed the words under his breath.

Melisa�s gaze fixed upon his plush lips as he mumbled along with the song. She fidgeted in her seat as she felt a rush of heat surge to her center. Her breath grew faster with every move of Joey�s liquid hips. He was teasing her, giving her a show, and he knew how it was affecting her by that smirk that showed up in between verses. She had seen him dance to this song before but that had been a group effort. This was a private dance specifically for her, done to drive her insanely mad with want and need.

Joey smiled a secret smile to himself as he saw how he was affecting her. He chuckled lightly when he remembered the infamous stage humping move that he�d have to perform in a few seconds. He licked his lips slowly and fell the floor and rolled his hips, all the while keeping his eyes locked on Melisa�s, watching her gasp and fidget some more in her seat.

Mel watched as Joey fell to the floor, it all happening in slow motion. His hips rolled and he looked directly into her eyes via the mirror and grinned devilishly. She crossed her legs and squeezed her thighs together as a surge of heat coursed to her center. He licked his lips and swiveled his hips one more time before jumping up and going back into the choreography. Mel swallowed thickly and shivered at the mental images that were flying through her brain.

Joey finished off the choreography effortlessly. The cd came to an end and he stood there, trying his hardest to catch his breath. Mel stood up and grabbed a fresh towel and walked toward Joey. She held the towel out toward him and he grabbed it, pulling her close to him. He ripped the towel out of her hand and threw it across the room.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her flush against his body. The heat of his body radiated onto hers and her breath quickened with the aggressiveness that he was showing. Sweat poured off of his face as he leaned in close and whispered, �How�d I look?�

Mel�s gaze was transfixed on his neck as she shuddered at the huskiness of his voice. She bent forward and let her tongue sweep from the hollow in his throat to the tip of his chin, tasting the saltiness of the sweat mixed in with the familiar taste of his skin. Joey groaned and pulled her closer, grinding his hips into hers a little bit, revealing his half hard erection.

Mel licked her lips and looked up. Joey�s eyes were narrowed into slits and he looked down at her with a hooded expression. �Looked good to me.�

Joey dipped his head down and pressed his full lips to hers eagerly, an animalistic growl escaping his lips. Mel�s eyes snapped shut and she pressed against his warm body, her hands trailing lightly over his damp biceps. The tip of her tongue darted out to taste the sweat that had gathered across his upper lip. He moaned in appreciation and opened his mouth, his tongue darting out to mate with hers.

He slid his tongue across hers, making her shiver in his arms. He chuckled lowly into the kiss and tilted his head to the side to gain more access. His tongue swept through her hot mouth skillfully, tickling the roof of her mouth and licking at her teeth before retreating into his own and inviting her to do the same.

�Mmm. You like to watch?� he breathed against her swollen, red lips. He rubbed his swollen lips against her cheek and began kissing across her jaw to her ear. He nibbled on the patch of skin beneath her ear and placed an open mouthed kiss across the redness

Mel gasped and tilted her head to the side. �I like to do a lot of things.�

Joey nodded and kissed her neck. He nipped at it aggressively causing her take a sharp intake of breath. He licked it slowly, soothing the bite. He nibbled up to her ear where he took the lobe in between his teeth and pulled gently. With one swipe of his tongue behind her ear he whispered huskily, �I like to watch too.�

Mel turned and gave him a quizzical look. Joey just twisted his lips up in a side smirk and turned them till they were facing the wall of mirrors. His hands went down to her hips and he palmed them, pulling her back against him, fitting his growing erection into the small of her back.

�Since you got to watch me,� he growled, careful not to lose eye contact with her in the mirror. His tongue darted out and licked a path up the side of her neck where he nibbled on her ear. �It�s only fair that I get to watch you.�

�Well, what do you plan on watching?�

�This,� he replied lowly. The hands that rested on her hips began to gently lead her hips back and forth in an unknown rhythm. He made a pleased noise in the back of his throat as her bottom rubbed across his groin, creating a delicious friction. Mel grinned and pushed back against him, eliciting another groan of approval. His hands tightened their grip on her hips and he stopped her movements. �No, I�m the one in control here.�

His hands trailed from her waist, up her sides as he raised her arms to wrap around his neck. Lightly his fingertips skimmed across the silk material that covered her arms as he trailed his hands back to her hips where he untucked the blouse. His right hand rested on her hip, continuing to guide her hips as his left reached under her blouse, to trace feather light circles across her abdomen.

Mel shivered at the touch and closed her eyes. Joey�s hand stopped and he made a disapproving sound in the back of his throat. �No, keep your eyes open. I want you to watch what I�m doing.�

Mel licked her lips and opened her eyes to see Joey staring intently at her. The hand on her stomach resumed its stroking, and she fought to keep her eyes open as a shudder wracked her body.

Joey trailed his other hand to Mel�s neck where he tipped her head back to rest against his shoulder. He lightly stroked her neck with the tips of his fingers, making her moan lowly in approval. Her eyes started to flutter closed and he stopped his actions causing her eyes to fly open and meet his, a determined smirk set upon his full lips.

�I like watching you,� he whispered, his hot breath grazing over her ear. His hand trailed to the top of her blouse, where he began unbuttoning it agonizingly slow. �I like watching the affects my touching has over you. Watching your face twist up in pleasure.� His hand reached into her blouse and cupped her breast, running his thumb over her hardened nipple causing her to gasp out. �I especially love it when you make those little noises.�

Mel gripped the back of Joey�s neck, gently scratching her nails over the hairline. Her breathing was growing faster as her chest rose and fell underneath his hands. She watched his hand continue its path unbuttoning until her blouse lay open across her chest. She lowered her arms and allowed him to pull her blouse off to reveal her dark blue lace bra.

Joey deposited of her shirt and ripped his wifebeater off quickly and pulled her back against him, bare skin against one another. He pushed her long hair over one shoulder to reveal the back of her shoulders and neck. He placed a hot, wet kiss against the back of her neck causing her head to drop forward and them to lose eye contact for a brief moment.

He kissed across her neck and toward her shoulder, watching the reactions play across her face. Her mouth was open slightly, breath coming out sharply. He cupped her neck and gently pushed her head back to lean on his shoulder. He ran his fingers slowly down her neck toward her chest where he cupped her breast and gently squeezed, weighing the soft flesh in his palm.

�Joe�� moaned Mel. Her eyes were narrowed into slits as they kept his gaze. He just grinned against her shoulder and nibbled a small patch of skin.

His hand continued its path down her stomach to the zipper at the side of her skirt, where he unzipped it slowly. He gently tugged on the waistband, causing it to pool at her ankles. As if on autopilot, Mel stepped out of the skirt and kicked it to the side. She toed off her high heels and kicked them away as well.

Joey groaned as he saw what had been hidden beneath the stuffy business skirt. She was wearing a matching pair of dark blue, lace panties that were connected to her tanned stockings with garters. His hand trailed over the skin that wasn�t covered and fingered the strap of the garter.

�That�s so fucking sexy,� he growled into her ear.

�Glad you like it,� she gasped.

Joey�s eyes left hers as they seared down her voluptuous neck to her lace covered breasts, where her nipples stood out under his gaze. He watched his hand trace light circles across her stomach as his gaze trailed lowered, staring intently at the dark spot of her panties. Mel shivered as she watched his eyes darken and narrow into hooded slits.

He fingered the elastic of her garters and with a flick of his wrist one was unsnapped and then the other. He lowered to his knees, his slick chest sliding down her scorching skin, causing her to shiver. He kissed the small of her back lightly before pulling the stockings down her legs.

�Up,� he commanded gently. She stepped out of the stockings and watched as he tossed them across the room.

Slowly his hands trailed up over her calves, across the back of her knees, and up her thighs. He watched as his feather light caresses caused her to clench and unclench her fists at her sides. He grinned and rose to his full height, towering behind her.

Deftly he unsnapped her bra and watched it fall to the floor, releasing her full breasts to his view. His breath fanned over her neck hotly as he cupped them, weighing them in his large hands. He mouthed the back of her neck as he began kneading the soft mounds of flesh, brushing his thumbs over her pert nipples.

�Joey�� she whispered. He just grinned back at her and ran his hands back down over her stomach to finger the band of her underwear.

�Joey,� she repeated, this time a bit louder. �This isn�t fair��

�Not fair?� he repeated, grinning wolfishly. She nodded and bit her lip as his pointer finger dipped into her underwear and lightly stroked back and forth. He licked his lips and kissed under her ear before saying, �All right then.�

Quickly he turned her to face him and kissed her deeply, her back now facing the wall of mirrors. He turned them around and began walking till she gently hit the wall on the other side of the room, his back now facing the wall of mirrors. His tongue delved into her mouth, savoring her sweet taste. She moaned and pressed back, her tongue sliding against his.

His hands palmed her hips as his lips grazed over her jaw and down her neck. She placed her hands on his waist and looked up and over his shoulders watching the defined muscles in his back flex. She moaned and leaned her head back against the wall, closing her eyes, and concentrating on his glorious mouth paying homage to her neck.

As his tongue trailed down the middle of her breasts, Mel let her hand run to the front of Joey�s pants, cupping the erection she found there. She squeezed and rubbed causing him to moan against her skin. He batted her hand away and began unzipping his pants, running his tongue back up her skin till it reached her ear.

He nipped at her ear possessively and suckled on it before breathing in her ear, �God, I want you.�

Mel stood up on her tiptoes and began kissing his neck, causing his head to loll to the side and a low groan escape his lips. She quickly worked the zipper down his pants and pushed them down, along with his boxers. He grunted in frustration when he couldn�t step out of them due to his shoes.

Mel giggled as she continued to nibble and suck at his neck, creating little red marks. He lifted his feet up and tugged his shoes off and tossed them away. As he began stepping out of his pants and boxers, Mel�s hand ran down his stomach and cupped his thick cock, squeezing gently.

He nearly tripped as he felt her warm hand palming him. Quickly he stepped out of his jeans and pulled her underwear down as she kicked it away. He grabbed the back of her thighs and wrapped her legs around his waist, the tip of his erection rubbing sweetly against her wet core.

�Joey�now,� she whimpered, thrusting her hips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a searing kiss, her tongue quickly claiming his mouth.

He groaned into her mouth and gripped her thighs tightly, keeping her braced against the wall. Slowly he eased himself into her, teasing himself and her almost into a frenzy. When he was fully inside of her, he began grinding slowly, twisting his hips in circles.

Mel broke from the kiss and threw her head back, moaning loudly. She wiggled her hips a little bit and gasped as he thrust up into her. Her nails dug into his shoulders and she looked in the mirror across the room, gasping at what she saw. With every thrust Joey made, his ass would clench and his back, gleaming with perspiration, would flex.

�God you feel so good, Mel,� he groaned against her neck. He kissed blindly at her skin, running his lips down to her chest where he wrapped his lips around a puckered nipple and suckled, swirling the tip of his tongue across the tip.

She wrapped her legs around his waist tighter, locking her ankles at the small of his back, and clenched her walls around him. He bit down on her nipple causing her to hiss, the equal pleasure and pain coursing through her body. His hands gripped her hips, fingers digging into her slick skin roughly.

Mel leaned her forehead against his shoulder, panting as he began to thrust a bit faster, pulling till he was almost completely out of her before delving back into her heat. Justin had nothing on his hips as he twisted and grinded, bringing her close to the brink that she so craved to leap over.

She felt an incredible ball of heat build up in her stomach and she moaned against his slick skin. �Joey�I�m�gonna��

He grunted in reply and sped up the actions of his hips. He thrusted deep into her and he knew by the mewling sounds she made in the back of her throat that she was right on the brink. He gripped her hips almost painfully and moaned her name, nipping at her collarbone.

Mel threw her head back and screamed as she felt the ball of energy in her stomach release and course to her center as she exploded around him. Joey cried out as her walls gripped tightly around him and he released himself inside of her, his juices mixing with hers. Her hips gyrated and pushed as she felt his warmth spread throughout her body.

Her hips slowed to tiny little thrusts as both their bodies came down from the heights of ecstasy. She opened her eyes slowly to see the reflection of his back rise and fall with the deep breaths that he took. His skin was gleamed under the fluorescent lights.

Slowly she unwrapped her trembling legs from around his waist and stood shakily on the floor. Her arms clutched around his neck as she raised her eyes to meet his. His eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled widely at her.

�Best practice I ever had,� he whispered, pressing his forehead to hers. He ran his large hands from her thighs up to her sides, where he rubbed up and down causing her to shiver.

�Glad I could help,� she replied, grinning. �Maybe I should help you practice more often.�

�Oh, that�s a definitely not a maybe,� he chuckled.
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