Written for Steph who has this infatuation with JC in glasses...

�Ok, class,� said Professor Chasez, pushing his glasses back up his nose. �These papers were excellent. Very well written, I must say, with the exception of a few.�

Stephanie groaned as she slid further down in her seat. She had received a C+ on hers. She covered her eyes and tried to ignore the sinking feeling that he was directing that last comment towards her.

She had thought that she was great at creative writing. She had thought that this class was going to be a breeze but the glaring red ink on the paper in front of her told Stephanie otherwise.

She was fresh out of high school, where creative writing had been her forte. She had excelled in it and no one else could touch her talent. In this school, in this class, in this seat, she felt the most inferior person on the planet. Just one look from Professor Chasez could make her writing feel worse than a five year olds and yet, at the same time make her want him more than she had ever wanted anyone in her life.

�Spring break is next week so I�m not going to give you another assignment,� said Professor Chasez. The class erupted into a fit of cheers and catcalls, eliciting a chuckle from him. He waved his hand, �Now get out of here and enjoy your vacation.�

Feet shuffled as people arose from their seats and quickly exited the class; idle chat about the upcoming week, their papers, and what not filled the classroom. Professor Chasez turned is back and begin erasing what was on the chalkboard. Stephanie grabbed her bag and stuffed the blotch on her writing career into it. She hung her head and began making her exit, hoping and praying that he wouldn�t stop her.

�Stephanie,� called out Professor Chasez.

She cringed at the sound of his voice. It was pure sex and made shivers run down her spine, but right now she would give anything to not hear it. She turned around and faced his back, �Yes?�

�I know you�d like to get out of here but I was hoping we could discuss your paper,� his muffled reply came. He set the eraser down and rubbed his hands together to rid of the excess dust and turned around.

�My paper,� Stephanie squeaked when she saw him. His curly hair was slightly tousled, those wire frames perched on the end of his nose, and his blue eyes pierced right through her. Her breath caught in her throat and she didn�t know if it was because of the fear of the criticism he was about to give her or because of the sight of the most sexiest man standing in front of her.

She decided it was both.

�I know,� she mumbled. �The one that�s going to ruin my writing career.�

He raised his eyebrows, �I hardly think that one bad grade on a college freshman paper will keep you from a successful writing career, Stephanie.� He sat down in his chair behind a great oak desk and motioned for her to sit in the first row of the room.

Stephanie sat down and stared at her feet. �Here it comes. I can just here it now. Stephanie, there is no point in pursuing a writing career when you don�t have any talent.�

�Steph, I can call you that, right?� he asked. She nodded her approval and he continued. �You possess an amount of talent unlike any I�ve ever seen before.�

Stephanie snapped her head up when she heard that. �What? Then how�d the hell did I get a C+,� she thought.

He smiled and folded his hands behind his head and leaned back in his chair, propping his feet up on the desk. �You have remarkable talent that was wasted on trivial high school pieces and now that you�re in college a challenge to your talent is more like a war.�

�I don�t understand,� said Stephanie. To be truthful, nothing he had said had registered ever since he had leaned back in his seat. His shirt had risen up a bit and she could see the traces of his happy trail and his abs was increasingly distractive.

�Stephanie?� he asked, pulling her from her thoughts.

She blinked and looked up at him. She flushed a deep red, �I�m sorry, what did you say?�

He chuckled and leaned forward resting his elbows on the desk, making Stephanie�s distraction disappear, �I said that if you wanted, you could come to my place during spring break for a little tutoring. I don�t know if you have plans or not but my offer is open.�

�Tutoring. At his house. Oh holy fuck.� �Um, sure,� she said stumbling over her words. �I don�t have any plans for spring break. I had just planned to hang out in the dorms and putz around.�

Professor Chasez stood up and walked around his desk. Stephanie took that as a sign and stood up as well. He put his hand on the small of her back and gently guided her to the door, �So, I�ll see you in a few days then. Say Friday night?�

Stephanie nodded and smiled up at him, �Sure. Friday night it is, Professor Chasez.�

He scribbled down his address and handed it to her, �Come by any time after 7.�

She took the slip of paper with nimble hands and looked at it briefly before placing it in her pocket. Inside she was a total wreck. Her heart was beating a mile a minute and she was afraid that it was going to jump out of her chest and smack him in the face. She took a deep breath and presented a cool and calm persona, �All right, I�ll be there.�

She turned to leave when she felt a hand on her arm. She turned her head and looked into his eyes. �Big mistake, big big big mistake.�

�Steph, please call me Josh,� he said with a sincere smile. �I�m only 4 years older than you and the whole Professor thing makes me feel like an old man.�

�Old man? Old man my ass. Hot guy who belongs on the cover of GQ, yes.� She nodded, �Okay, Profess- erm I mean Josh.�

He smiled and she exited the classroom. With tingles running up her arm and down her spine from that single touch. A giddy smile was plastered on her face but then it disappeared when she realized what was she had just agreed to do. She was going to be going over his house. She was going to be alone. In. His. House. With. Him.


It had been a few days since Professor Chasez had brought his offer up to Stephanie. She had spent those few days worrying about whether or not she would be able to control herself around him. He was an extremely attractive person and whenever she was around him she couldn�t concentrate on anything else other than wanting to have her way with him.

Now standing here in front of her bathroom mirror on the night of her �study date�, Stephanie was debating whether or not to behave herself. Her green eyes shimmered back at her. Stephanie was around 5�8 in height, medium in size, and had dark blonde almost light brown hair. She wasn�t drop dead gorgeous but she wasn�t an eye sore either. She had that plain beauty and she knew how to accentuate it.

She had chosen her attire carefully, not wanting to under or over dress. Finally after an hour�s debate with herself she had chosen her favorite pair of denim boot cut jeans, a tight but not too tight tank top that showed enough cleavage but left enough to the imagination, and her favorite pair of sneakers. She didn�t look scrubby yet she didn�t look like she was going out to a club. Perfect. She looked absolutely perfect.

She grinned deviously at herself in the mirror as she applied at bit of make up. She had a plan. Well, not really a plan but Steph decided that if the opportunity would present itself, she would find some way to do something with the Professor. Her main goal for the night was to at least kiss those plush and probably soft lips of his. If anything else happened then that was an extra bonus.

Half an hour later, she was standing on the steps to the Professor�s house. She hadn�t had any problems finding the place and had gotten there about five minutes till seven. Her satchel was slung over her should and she was clutching her portfolio to her chest. She was nervous but she wouldn�t let it show. She reached out and pushed the doorbell.

No one answered.

She pushed it again. Again no one answered. Stephanie looked around and saw that a car was in the driveway so that meant that he was home. She looked up when she heard a rumble and saw that the sky overhead was darker than usual and a few drops fell onto her outstretched hand. She looked down at her watch and saw that it was now 6:58. She reached out and knocked hard on the door. Still no one answered.

�Well, he told me to be here,� said Stephanie into the warm night air. She reached down and turned the doorknob. �Not locked. Hrm. Guess, I�ll go take a look.�

She looked around once again and slipped into the tiny house. She found herself in the living room. To the left against a wall was an entertainment center that held a DVD player, VCR, and a sound system. If you went through the living room you would find a small kitchen and a door to the basement.

Stephanie softly closed the door behind her and set her bag onto the couch. She looked around and saw that the house was in fact a bachelor�s house yet it didn�t quite look like one. Stephanie assumed that the pictures on the walls were of family members along with the occasional art piece here and there.

She opened her mouth to call out but stopped when she heard the faint sound of music through the air. She looked to the entertainment center and saw that it was turned off, yet the melody floated through the air. She followed the sound down the small hallway and past the bathroom.

She stopped and peeked into the master bedroom. On one wall was a mahogany dresser with odds and ends on it. Across from the dresser, with a door that led to the closet next to it, there was a king size bed with a rot iron frame. The room was panted dark maroon and the bed looked like it hadn�t been made yet. The comforter was in disarray and the overstuffed pillows were rumpled. Steph took a closer look, �Those aren�t silk sheets, are they?� She shook her head and continued on.

When she reached the other room, the door was slightly closed so she reached out and pushed it a little, allowing herself a better view into the room. What she saw made her hand fly to her mouth as a tiny gasp escaped her mouth.

The Professor was sitting at a shiny, black Baldwin piano. He was hunched over the ivory keys on the small piano bench. He had on a pair of drawstring pajama bottoms that hung extremely low and he wasn�t wearing a shirt. His fingers gracefully slid over the keys eliciting a beautiful melody that Stephanie had never heard of.

�He�s a composer as well,� Stephanie mused to herself.

Josh was so entranced by the music that he was playing that he didn�t even notice her presence in the room. She watched his long, skillful fingers glide across the ivory keys. He closed his eyes and just reveled in the music that he was making. Other than teaching, this was his passion. Music. He had always loved making music but had opted to teach his other passion in life to people. His head lolled back as he got lost in the music.

Stephanie gasped once again when his head fell back. The muscles in his back rippled and a shiver went through her body. He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. Then he did the worst thing in the world. �Dear god why did he have to do that.�

He started singing.

First it started out as a simple hum and then it slowly grew into him softly singing and then into him crooning along to the song. The unknown melody now had words. Beautiful words. Erotic words.

Stephanie gulped and listened closely.

Give me the love I need, Give in to me
Just give me the love I need
Hold me, caress me, Give in to me
Hold me, caress me, Give in to me
Give me the love I need, Give in to me
Just give in to me

His voice was so angelic but the words he sang were that of a man. The sound of his voice sent tingles down her spine and a surge of wetness to the center of her legs. Stephanie shook her head and came out of the daze. If he caught her standing there staring at him like that she�d be done for.

She knocked on the doorframe.

Josh jumped and stopped singing. He looked towards the door, �How�d you get in?�

�I knocked but no one answered,� said Stephanie, �So I just let myself in. You seemed to be um occupied.�

Josh stood up from his piano and stretched causing Stephanie�s eyes to bug out. His abs and chest were well defined and his hipbones just barely peeked out from the drawstring pajama�s that hung extremely low on his hips. He yawned and scratched lazily at his stomach.

�I�m sorry. I sat down at my piano to get a little bit of work done at 4 o�clock and I guess I just got carried away.�

�I-it�s okay,� stammered Stephanie. His half naked body in front of her was too much and set her senses into overdrive.

�Um, just let me go put on a shirt and we can get to work,� he said, brushing past her and going into his room.

Stephanie cleared her throat, �Ok.� She couldn�t help but cock her head to the side and take in the view of his cute ass as it swayed down the hallway. �How I am going to last the night without jumping him?�

Josh silently cursed himself as he disappeared into his room, she had caught him working on the song that was inadvertently about her. He grabbed a white wifebeater and quickly pulled it over his head. He ran his hand through his unruly hair and turned around to see her leaning in the doorway.

He gulped and willed himself not to become hard. Her outfit accented her natural beauty and she looked gorgeous. Her tank top was a bit low cut, which allowed him a perfect view of his slender neck and ample breasts. It took every ounce of willpower not to stride up to her and take her neck right then and there.

�So you, uh, found the place all right, then?� he asked, walking towards the doorway.

She nodded, �Yeah, it�s not a long drive from where I live. I know the area fairly well so it�s all good.�

Josh smiled and led the way back into his living room, �I was going to cook but I got preoccupied as you saw.� Steph nodded and he ducked his head, �If you�re hungry then I can just order take out.�

�Are you hungry?� she asked.

�Yeah, I haven�t had anything for most of the-" his stomach growled and he blushed, �See.�

Steph giggled. �Whadya have a taste for?�

Josh turned and walked into the kitchen, Stephanie following him. He opened a drawer and pulled out several menus, �Pizza, Sushi, Mexican, Chinese-�

�Chinese is good,� interjected Steph. �I mean, if that�s what you want.�

�Oh, I love Chinese,� answered Josh. �I�ll order that then?�

Steph nodded and exited the kitchen and went to the living room. She congratulated herself on how calm she was acting when with each minute passing her desire to ravish him increased. She plopped down on one end of the plush leather couch and opened her bag up while she heard Josh ordering the food.

Josh covered the phone and yelled into the living room, �What do you want?

Steph looked up from her bag, �Whatever you order is fine, sweet and sour chicken, rice, whatever. I�m easy to please.�

Josh�s eyes widened at her last comment and he murmured, �I�d like to see how easy you are to please.�

�What was that,� asked the person on the phone.

Josh cleared his throat, �Oh, nothing. Um, I�ll take an order of sweet and sour chicken, a large thing of rice, some egg rolls, annnddd an order of pork lo mein.�

The person on the other end of the phone confirmed his order and said that it would be there within the next thirty minutes. Josh hung up the phone and stood there.

His mind was completely blank as to what to do next. Sure he had invited her over to help her with her writing but he hadn�t planned on his sexual desire towards her to be this strong. Ever since the beginning of the semester he had always found her attractive. He took a deep breath and smiled. He wasn�t going to deny his desire for her any longer. Fuck his job, he had to have her.

He grabbed a bottle of red wine out of the refrigerator and some wine glasses out of the cupboard and ventured into the living room. Stephanie had already sat down with her legs curled up underneath her and her head was bent while she searched through her bag. Josh�s groin tightened when his eyes ventured south and he saw her cleavage peaking out a bit.

�The food will be here in the next thirty minutes,� he announced, sitting down next to Stephanie. Overhead the storm began to pick up. The rain became harder and every once in a while thunder could be heard. �Sounds like it�s going to be a gusher.�

�Yeah, we need the rain though,� said Steph. Her eyes wandered and she suddenly became nervous. She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt and searched for something to say. �So, you wanna get started?�

�Well, there�s no use in getting amped to work when the food will just interrupt us,� stated Josh. He uncorked the wine bottle and began pouring, �Why don�t we just talk until it gets here and when we�re done eating we can get started.�

Steph nodded and smiled, �All righty.�

Josh set the bottle of wine on the coffee table and offered her a glass. She accepted and they clinked their classes, �Cheers.�

Stephanie watched as he lifted the glass to his lips. It all happened as if it were in slow motion. His plush lips parted, that pink tongue darting out to moisten his bottom lip. His eyes closed as he tilted the glass back and took a drink. His adam�s apple bobbed a bit as he swallowed. He pulled the glass away from his lips and licked the excess wine off.

Stephanie took a drink herself and tried to stifle a groan. It was going to be a loooonnnggg evening.


Steph and Josh sat and made idle chat about anything and everything. They found out that they had much more in common other than their writing abilities. They both liked Sting and found that they even shared the same favorite album. The time went by fast and when the doorbell rang Josh was surprised that it had been a half an hour. He got up and paid the delivery kid and retreated to the kitchen with the bags of food.

�So, what do I owe you?� asked Steph, getting up and following him into the kitchen.

�Huh,� mumbled Josh.

�Owe you, for the food,� repeated Steph. She started unpacking the cartons while Josh got out the plates and silverware.

�Oh, nothing, don�t worry about it,� he answered, turning and setting the plates on the counter.

�Well, I�m sure that I could find other ways to repay you,� she answered boldly, looking him straight in the eye.

Josh�s eyes widened and he opened his mouth to say something when they heard a loud boom and the lights went out.

�Damn,� though Steph. �Power just had to go out now, didn�t it?� �Josh?�

�It�s all right, just a power shortage,� answered Josh into the darkness. �Let me go get a candle or something so we can see. Don�t move.�

Steph nodded even though he couldn�t see her. He quickly exited the kitchen and came back a minute later with a candle lit. The shadows of the flames were reflected in his glasses and Steph knew that she wouldn�t be able to handle it any longer.

Josh stood in front of Steph and brought his hand up to the back of her neck, gently massaging it. �You said something about repaying me?�

Steph nodded and took a step forward. He blew the candle right before he his lips touched hers. His grip on her neck tightened and he pulled her closer to him, wanting to feel as much of her as possible.

Josh groaned and set the candle down next to the food and placed his other hand onto the small of her back, pulling her closer. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, threading her fingers through the curls that she had been wanting to touch from day one. His tongue flicked out to her top lip and he ran it from one side of her mouth to the other, feeling every bump and curve. Steph whimpered and opened her mouth, an invitation that he was gladly to accept.

Steph was slowly becoming dizzy and she gripped onto his shoulders to keep her balance. Thoughts of him being her teacher coursed through her brain but she quickly pushed them aside when he pulled away and began kissing down her jaw.

Josh was intoxicated. Everything about her was driving him crazy. The way little wisps of hair would fall across her face and the scent of her own mixed in with whatever perfume she had on.

Steph moaned when he reached that spot right behind her ear. He took that as a sign and nipped at it, soothing it over with a flick of his tongue. Still working on her neck he guided her until her but hit the counter. The hand that was on the small of her back lashed out and pushed all the food into the sink. A plate fell to the floor and broke but he didn�t care as he lifted Steph up onto the counter.

He pulled his lips away from her neck and crashed them onto hers, this time not waiting for an invitation but quickly plunging his tongue into her mouth. Steph opened her knees and pulled him closer to her, wanting to feel as much of him as possible.

Josh�s fingers gripped at her waist, almost bruising her through the jean material, their tongues battling back and forth for space in each other�s mouths. Steph won over this time and she took the opportunity to memorize each and every crevice, dip, and curve of his mouth. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he started grinding into her slowly, his erection pressing into her lower stomach.

His hands worked their way under her shirt and he hissed into her mouth when his fingers came in contact with her hot skin. They traveled up her back and over her bra strap and then back down, resting at the small of her back. She slowly sucked on his bottom lip, causing him to groan and buck his hips a bit, and pulled away to breathe in some air.

For the second time that night, thoughts of his job and him getting into trouble flooded her mind as his lips and tongue began an attack on her neck. She moaned and threw her head back, giving him more access. �Josh�oh��

�What,� he mumbled against her neck.

�Your job�oh god�� she answered.

�I don�t care about my job,� he exclaimed. He pulled back a bit and looked at her. Her head was thrown back and her mouth was open, lips swollen. Her chest was heaving up and down and little spurts of air were coming from her mouth. He dipped his head back down and licked at her collarbone.

Steph squirmed and wiggled her hips, causing him to bite down onto her neck. He pulled her hips closer to the edge of the counter and ground into her fiercely. She began slowly grinding back against him. �Your job�.oh�.you could get fired.�

Josh pulled back and looked her in the eyes, �Not unless someone tells them. If we don�t say anything them we�re fine.�

Steph nodded. �Good point.�

Josh dipped his head back down to her lips and mumbled, �Thought you�d see it my way.�

Josh stood locked in between Stephanie�s strong legs, pinning her to the counter. Her arms were looped around his neck, holding his head in place at her neck. They had kissed until they were breathless and Josh had retired his swollen, red lips to continue his attack at her neck. Within a few moments he found the spot right behind her ear that made her writhe beneath his hot tongue.

Stephanie moaned and arched her back, pushing her chest into his. She tilted her head to the side, offering more of her neck to him, which he gladly accepted. Josh licked and sucked, nipped and nibbled on that one spot, never moving to another piece of skin, driving her crazy. When he pulled away the patch of skin was red and slightly swollen.

He gulped and inhaled deeply. �I can�t do this.�

Stephanie shook her head and tried to muster up an intelligent thought. �One minute he wants to then the next he doesn�t! ARGH!!� �Um, all right��

�No, no!� said Josh, emphasizing his words by grabbing onto her hips and gripping tightly. �I meant I couldn�t do this here. I mean, I still wanna do this if you do.�

�I definitely want to do this,� answered Steph, leaning forward and confirming her words by capturing his lips in a heated kiss. A few moments later she pulled away and smirked. �I just don�t know about here.�

Josh smiled and ran his hands from her hips to her crossed ankles at the small of his back. He unhooked her ankles and hoisted her up into his arms, making her giggle a bit. He nipped at her neck and started walking out of the kitchen towards his bedroom. On the way down through the living room he stubbed his toe on the entertainment center and cursed under his breath causing Stephanie to giggle.

�You think that�s funny, do you?� he growled in her ear. He grabbed her ear and tugged causing her to gasp. �Don�t worry, you won�t be laughing anytime soon.�

When he reached the bedroom he set her feet back down on the floor gently. She stood there staring up at him, memorizing his features. Lightening struck and the light flashed across his face, illuminating his glowing azure eyes. She gasped at the hunger and lust she saw in then.

Josh licked his lips and cupped Stephanie�s neck in his hands, stepping forward and kissing her. This time he went slow, as if trying to memorize the touch and feel of velvety lips beneath his. He took her bottom lip in between his own and sucked while running his tongue over her top lip.

She ran her hands up his stomach, gathering the wife beater up. He pulled away long enough for her to take his shirt off before returning his lips to hers, this time nipping and pulling at them. She moaned and opened her mouth to his searching tongue and growled when she felt the muscles of his stomach.

She raked her nails over his lower abdomen, making the muscles twitch and him groan into her mouth. She ran her hands up his chest, over his shoulders, and down his back. Josh�s mind was swimming as his senses went into overload. He pulled away gasping for breath and looked down at her.

Her lips were swollen and glistening in the dark. Her deep green eyes, the gold speckles accentuated by the moonlight and lightening flashes. Her hair had come loose from it�s perch atop her head and he reached out to release the rest of it. He pulled and her hair flowed down around her shoulders.

He ran his fingers through her hair, making Steph close her eyes and smile slightly. He pulled her gently by her neck and kissed her again, this time not wasting time to dip his tongue into the dark recesses of her mouth. His other hand ran down from her shoulder to the hem of her shirt where his hand slipped under and began tracing light circles against her stomach.

Josh pulled away and leaned his forehead against hers, breathing deeply. His lips were still close to hers and they brushed against hers when he whispered, �I wanna feel you.�

Steph licked her lips and nodded before reaching down and starting to pull her shirt off when Josh stopped her. He placed his hands over hers and shook his head. She took that as a sign and let her arms drop to her sides. Josh gave a small smile and pulled off her shirt.

Lightening cracked and Stephanie looked up at Josh�s eyes. If it were even possible those deep blue eyes had darkened even more. They reflected what she knew were in her own eyes, lust, need, and want.

He reached behind her and unhooked her bra with nimble fingers and let the garment fall to the ground, forgotten. He ran his hands up her arms across her shoulders and down to her breasts. She shivered at his light touch and gasped when his hands cupped her breasts, weighing them in his palms and squeezing slightly.

�Beautiful,� he murmured softly.

She brought her hands up to his waist to steady her unsure feet and fingered the waistband while Josh went to work on her neck again. He kissed the red spot under her right ear and kissed his way to under her chin. She tipped her head back and he sucked at the spot under her chin for a moment before trailing his kisses down the middle of her throat and down to the dip between her breasts.

His right hand began fondling her left breast while his lips went to her right. His lips took her puckered nipple and he began suckling it. She shifted closer to him, pushing her breasts closer to his lips and hand. His right hand plucked and squeezed her nipple to a hard point with his finger and thumb causing her to moan his name softly.

He pulled his mouth from her nipple and blew over the wet tip lightly, making her shiver. He kissed his way over to the other mound of flesh and ran the tip of his tongue over the hard as a diamond tip his fingers had just been working on. He pulled it into his mouth and suckled lightly, swirling his tongue around the point.

Stephanie moaned her appreciation and tightened her grip around his waist to keep herself steady. He grinned at her reaction before standing to his full height and kissed her while pushing her towards the bed. The back of her knees hit the mattress but he kept her standing upright. He let his tongue glide swiftly through her mouth one last time before pulling away and dropping to his knees.

Stephanie took that opportunity to dig her hands in Josh�s mop of curls that she had been dying to get her hands on. He closed his eyes for a moment and relished her hands massaging his scalp. His teeth pulled in his bottom lip and his eyebrows knitted in concentration as he undid her shoes and socks and helped her out of them one at a time. His hands skimmed up her jean clad legs and he undid the fasten of her belt and her jeans.

Long fingers curled between her heated skin and the jean material and he looked up at her for reassurance. Stephanie�s head was arched back and her eyes were closed. The tug on his hair was enough reassurance for him and he tugged her jeans down fast revealing what appeared to be a black thong. He skimmed his hands up her bare legs and cupped her ass, confirming his suspicion when he felt bare skin.

He stood up and squeezed her buttocks and leaned down to kiss her. She kissed him back forcefully, her tongue now exploring his mouth. The feel of her pliant skin beneath his fingers, her breasts pressed tightly against his chest, and her nails scratching lightly were almost to much for him and when she pulled away he groaned in protest.

�Too many clothes,� Steph said huskily, pulling the waistband of his pj pants and letting them snap against his hips.

Josh nodded in agreement before reaching down and untying the strings to his pants and let them go, pooling at his feet. He stepped out of them and gazed at Stephanie intently.

Her hand caressed bare skin on his waist and she gave him an inquisitive look. He just shrugged in response.

She lowered her eyes to the hand that rested on his shoulder and watched it�s path intently as she ran her hand down his chest, over his tight abs, and into the thatch of browns curls before wrapping her hand around his cock.

He hissed and closed his eyes. She slowly began stroking him, from base to tip and then back again. She squeezed him slightly and he groaned, throwing his head back.

She leaned forward and began licking at his collarbone. She kissed from one side to the other and bit lightly on the dip in the middle. She ran her swollen lips over his shoulder, kissing each freckle and licking at the taunt muscle of his bicep.

She ran her down and back up his cock and ran her finger over the tip, gathering the pre-cum that had immerged from the head. He shivered at the feather light touch and groaned, �Steph��

�Look at me,� she whispered huskily. Josh licked his lips and opened his eyes slowly. He couldn�t see anything at first but when his eyes adjusted to the darkness he saw her raise her finger and spread the milky white substance onto his nipples.

She leaned down and lapped at one nipple and bit at it causing him to gasp. When that one was fully erect under her skillful mouth she began kissing her way to the other. She looked at the stickiness gleaming in the moonlight and licked at the nipple till it was gone. She placed her open mouth over the tightened nub and swirled her tongue around it making him make a pleased noise in the back of his throat.

She replaced her hand around his cock and squeezed causing him to hiss once more. She began stroking him like before but this time stopped to run her thumb over his tip before descending her hand once again, all the while biting and licking at his nipples making sure they stayed erect.

�Oh, god,� he panted. �I�m so close, so close��

She squeezed a quick squeeze and pulled her hand away. Josh�s eyes flew open and he opened his mouth to protest and before he could utter a word, she was on her knees and the silky tip of his cock was engulfed in her mouth.


She wrapped her lips around the tip of his cock and sucked lightly and then with more force. She wrapped her hand around the base of his cock again and began stroking him in time with her mouth. Each time her mouth descended she took more and more of him in her mouth until he was fully engulfed. She increased the suction of her mouth and she faintly heard him moan her name.

Steph licked the underside of his cock and felt him jerk violently. She traced the pulsating vein and he shivered. She could feel him tighten so she increased the speed of her mouth and tightened the suction on his cock.

Josh moaned deep in his throat and bit down on his bottom lip. He threaded his hands through the silky strands of her hair, not pushing but just encouraging her to continue the torture she was bestowing upon him. He began panting uncontrollably and  the tightening of his stomach tightened even more and his knees began to hurt from keeping them locked so tightly.

He closed his eyes tightly and began cursing, �fuckfuckfuckfuck�, as he felt himself hit the back of her throat. He gripped her hair tightly and held her mouth against him and thrust into her mouth a few times. Stephanie just let him do as he pleased and hummed to double the sensation that he was feeling. He thrust once. Twice. Three times and he came and he came hard. Harder than ever.

Steph swallowed everything he had to offer and pulled her mouth off of him. She licked the excess droplets and then licked her lips. She kissed upwards, stopping to bite at his protruding hipbone. When she reached his mouth, he was gasping for breath and struggling to stay upward.

She giggled softly and said, �Why don�t you lay down. It looks like you should.�

He took a gulp of air and replied, �Why don�t you.�

He pushed her gently onto the bed and crawled to straddle her waist. He brought her hands above her head and pinned them to the bed.

Steph raised an eyebrow and looked up at him questioningly, �Silk?�

Josh blushed and buried his face in the crook of her neck. �I like the way it feels against my skin.� She nodded and he nipped at her neck. �But I like the way you feel even better.�

His lips caught her gasp and he kissed her. His lips caressed her softly and slowly, taking his time once again. His tongue darted out and traced a path across her top lip. She moaned and opened up to him but he pulled away. She looked up at him with confusion and he held out his finger. �Be right back.�

Before she could protest he was up and out of the room. Seconds later he returned with the bottle of wine that had been forgotten on the coffee table. He placed the bottle on the nightstand and knelt on the bed. �We can�t let this go to waste, can we?�

He straddled her thighs and leaned over her, his arms holding him up. He leaned down and buried his face in her neck and placed a lingering kiss beneath her ear. �Do you know how long I�ve wanted this?�

�As long as I have,� she shot back.

He kissed down her neck and across her collarbone. �Everyday I would watch you come in and sit down in the front row, right in the center.� He licked at the skin just below her throat and sucked on it lightly, softly nipping at the skin. �And everyday while I was trying to teach you I couldn�t do anything but think about taking you right there, on my desk.�

Stephanie opened her mouth to respond but all that came out was a moan as he took a pert nipple in between his lips and suckled. His hand dipped lower and he began tracing light circles and patterns on her abdomen while his other kept him hovering just above her. His fingers just barely skimmed over her scorching skin. She would barely be able to feel it if it weren�t for her senses going into overdrive.

His lips trailed down her stomach and he murmured soft praises against her body. He nibbled around her navel before letting his tongue dip in and then quickly pull out. His finger trailed across the skin just above her underwear and she thrust upwards in want. He pinned her hips down to the bed and whispered, �Shhh, baby, don�t worry. I�ll take care of you.�

Stephanie groaned in frustration, she didn�t know how much her body would be able to take, as she was sure her skin was about to burst into flames. Josh slid down her body until his face was level with her center and he closed his eyes, inhaling the scent of her arousal. His hands trailed down her stomach, across her hips and to her thighs where he pushed them apart just enough for his head to dip into.

He started at her knees and began lightly kissing upwards. His lips skimmed over her skin, making her shiver at the feather light touch. He kissed around her kneecap and raised her leg up to suckle at the skin behind her knee. Steph�s breath hitched when his lips found a particularly soft patch of skin and he smiled against her, knowing that he had found yet another sensitive spot.

His lips continued their path down the inside of her thigh. Her hands gripped the sheets until her knuckles turned white and she tried to thrust her hips up but his hands kept her hips pinned to the bed.

�Josh, stop teasing me�� she breathed out.

He chuckled against her skin and looked up at her. She was so beautiful, head thrust back, lips wide open, chest heaving up and down. He continued kissing down her thigh while saying, �I�m not teasing, I�m memorizing.�

When he reached the end of her thigh he nuzzled the inside of her thigh with his scruffy cheek. She squirmed and giggled. �That tickles.�

He did it again before nuzzling his nose into the wet spot in the middle of her underwear and inhaled. His brain swirled as he placed a lone kiss on that spot, making her cry out.

She was already so wet but he wanted to make her wait, he wanted her to be completely and utterly at his mercy. He began the torture all over again on the other thigh making her groan with frustration. He didn�t take it as slow but made sure to taste every inch of her skin until he was back at her center.

He pulled away and straddled her waist, just looking down and studying her. Lightening cracked and light flashed across his face, his sapphire eyes practically glowing with mischief. She lay beneath him, pliant and ready to beg him to stop teasing her. He reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the bottle of wine. He took a long drink and leaned down till his lips were barely touching hers.

His eyes burned into hers as he whispered, �Want a taste?� She nodded but he shook his head and said, �Nuh uh, you gotta tell me that you want some.�

She nodded and said softly, �I want some.� And when he smirked she knew that any power that she might have been able to have was gone and that he was in charge.

He caressed her cheek softly with the tips of his fingers and murmured, �Good girl.� He kissed her deeply, his tongue entreating hers to taste his mouth. His mouth was hot and wet but had the faintest coolness from the wine. He pulled away seconds later to her disappointment and held the bottle up, thumb posed over the opening to control the flow and whispered, �Open up.�

She did as she was told and he poured a little bit of wine into her awaiting mouth. She swallowed and licked her lips. �Yummy.�

�There�s more where that came from,� he whispered. She opened up her mouth for more but he shook his head. �My turn.�

Before she knew it he tipped the bottle and a small flow of wine poured down into the middle of her throat. She gasped at the coolness of it against her hot skin as it skimmed down to gather at the dip in her throat. His mouth opened in mock surprise and he said, �How clumsy of me.�

�How clumsy, indeed,� she breathed in response.

He chuckled and whispered, �Let me clean that up for you.�  He dipped down and began lapping at the small pool of red liquid causing her to moan in appreciation. He sucked and licked and lapped until every last drop was gone and she squirming beneath his skillful mouth.

He kissed down a little ways before pulling away and pouring some more down the center of her breasts. His eyes followed the trail of liquid as it burned a path down her stomach to pool at her navel. His mouth followed as his tongue licked until the liquid was gone from her chest.

She had been grasping at the sheets for so long that her fingers had lost some feeling so she let go but when his tongue dipped into her navel she scrambled to grab onto something else and settled for that glorious mop of curls. Josh grinned against her skin and lapped until it was all gone.

He sat up and placed the bottle on the nightstand. He fingered the waistband of her underwear. �Why don�t we get rid of these?�

�God yes,� she answered. She squirmed and the soft material rubbed against her, making her arch up. He chuckled at her eagerness and hooked his fingers underneath the elastic material and pulled them down her legs, finally freeing her of her last confinements. She shivered as the cool air passed over her body.

He grabbed the bottle of wine and slid his body down hers till his face was aligned with her shiny folds. He placed his thumb over the opening and tilted, letting only a few drops fall onto her clit. She jumped at the stab of sensation that coursed through her body and arched up until his other hand pinned her hips down.

�Don�t worry, love,� he whispered. He let a few more drops fall onto the hardened nub. �I�ll make you feel good.�

He tipped the bottle till the rest of the liquid flowed onto her burning center and discarded the bottle onto the nightstand. Without warning he dipped his head and buried his mouth onto her. She yelped and arched her back. He lapped at her, tasting the mixture of her juices with the wine.

�Oh my god,� she panted, gripping his curls tightly.

He ran his tongue over her folds before sucking on them softly, the whiskers on his chin creating a delicious friction. He suckled at her center till she was whimpering beneath him, tingles going through every muscle in her body. He ran his tongue over her clit once, twice, three times till she screamed out when he took it between his swollen lips and sucked hard.

She gripped his curls tightly in between her fingers and moaned loudly. She was so close; she could feel the pressure building in the pit of her stomach and just when she thought he was going to finally give her what she wanted he pulled away. Her eyes shot open in frustration and she cried out.

He slid up and kissed her deeply, letting her taste herself on him. He pulled away and whispered huskily, �Tell me you want me.�

She gasped for breath and said, �I want you.�

He groaned and began grinding his hardness into her thigh. He dipped down and began suckling at her throat and asked, �Do you trust me.�

�Yes,� she panted, thrust up and making him groan as her thigh ground into his throbbing erection.

He kissed her hard before pulling away and whispering, �Turn over.�

Without a question she flipped her body till she was on her hands and knees. She turned her head to see him ripping a small package and watched as he sheathed himself. She spread her knees a bit and leaned all her weight onto her elbows. He scooted till his tip was rubbing against her throbbing center and wrapped an arm around her waist to steady her.

He thrust all the way in making her cry out and push back against him. He groaned and tightening his grip around her waist, holding her steady. He kissed the back of her neck and leaned his head on her shoulder, trying to control his breath. She wiggled her hips and his moan was muffled against her neck.

�Josh, c�mon,� she moaned.

Slowly he began grinding his hips into hers. She was so incredibly tight that he was worried about hurting her but the little movements that her hips kept making convinced him otherwise so he pulled out of her heat just a bit before plunging back in, making both of them moan as sparks shot through their bodies.

She opened her knees a bit more and pushed back against him. They found a rhythm that suited them and began moving together, slowly at first but with increasing speed. Lightening cracked, thunder rolled, and rain beat onto the roof but the only sounds they heard were the soft moans of each other.

�Josh,� she panted. She gripped the sheets tightly and pushed her hips back and moaned loudly as he hit that one spot. �I�m gonna��

He rained kisses over her neck and placed his chin on her shoulder, his lips brushing against her ear as he said huskily, �Come on, sweetie, I�m right there with you.�

He reached his other hand around her waist and ran his fingers over her clit. He stroked her once and then again and her walls clamped around him tightly. She moaned loudly and pushed back against him one last time as her orgasm ripped through her body. As she tightened around him, heat shot through his body and gathered at the pit of his stomach as he came again. They both collapsed onto the bed, gasping for air, bodies shuddering as the coolness of the room swept over their heated bodies.

He slowly pulled out of her and discarded the condom before laying back down and pulling her into his arms and pulling the comforter over the cooling bodies. As their breathing began to return back to normal, she looked up at him and giggled. His glasses were perched on the very edge of his nose and were all fogged up. She reach over and pulled his glasses off and breathed on them and rubbed them with the comforter and placed them back on his nose.


"No problem," she answered. She snuggled in deeper and planted a kiss to his neck before sighing. �So much for working on my paper.�

He planted a kiss on her damp forehead. �That�s okay, we�ll work on it Sunday.�

�But tomorrow�s Saturday, why not work on it then?�

He chuckled and gave her bottom a squeeze. �You figure it out.�
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